Chapter 958 Human Will


As blood burst out on Adam's face, and he seemed to be falling backwards because he couldn't bear the terrifying force, the breathless silence of the entire venue was suddenly broken.

"Beautiful... a beautiful blow!!! Master Zeus's punch hit hard! Adam seems to be... falling!!" Heimdall explained excitedly.

Not only him, but all the gods breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene, and then cheered with great excitement.

On the other hand, the human side suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Zeus's punch seemed to have finally shattered the 'hope' barrier formed by the condensed will of countless people, once again plunging mankind into despair.

Because anyone could see that Adam was in an extremely bad state at the moment.

The pair of eyes that were originally more powerful than any other person or even a god, were now bloodshot and had even lost focus.

There is no doubt that Adam's "divine vision" was abolished, and not only that, he also lost his sight.

In a battle against a powerful being like Zeus, losing something as important as your eyesight doesn't require anyone to think about the consequences.

There is no hope.

This is what all humans are thinking at the moment.

And the next actions of Zeus made this idea take root in human hearts.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

Zeus did not show any mercy, and the fist he waved did not stop at all, falling like a violent storm on the defenseless Adam.

Before Adam could fall down, he was stagnated in mid-air because of this furious wave-like combo.

"Ah!" Heimdall explained this scene excitedly, "Combo, combo, combo, combo!!!! Master Zeus launched a furious wave of combos, driving Adam! The human fighters were completely cornered! Is Adam about to fall like this!?"

"Oh no! No! He didn't fall! But... defense?"

That's right, just when everyone was feeling desperate, only the father of mankind himself had not given up.


Adam landed on instinct and stepped hard on the ground, then stood firm and put his hands in front of him in a defensive posture.

This is the first time since he came on the field that he has been so passively defensive, and his whole body is like a sandbag, blindly facing Zeus's seemingly endless attack.

Anyone can see that continuing this way is not the answer.

Failure seems to have become a foregone conclusion.

However, even if this round is lost, it is not unacceptable to the human side.

After all, they had already won one.

After all, Adam was facing the King of Gods.

"Sister...sister! Let Adam admit defeat quickly!?"

Gray watched this scene and quickly shouted to Brünnhilde, "Adam has tried his best just to defend himself! And his eyes... I'm afraid he can't see anything anymore! There is no chance of winning if this continues. ! If you die in battle, even Sister Reggie Leif will be wiped out in ashes!!"

Yes, not only this Valkyrie, this is the common thought of all humans at this moment.

They did not want to see their father continue to sacrifice his life for a duel with no chance of winning.

"Ah wow..." Eve couldn't bear to continue reading, "Dear... that's enough! Stop..."

The same goes for children.

"That's enough! Father! You can fall down!"

"You bastard! Stop trying to be brave! Give up now! You stupid dad!!"


"The winner has been decided!!"

"Who's going to stop them!?"

Countless people cried and roared.

Despair spreads among all mankind.

However, this despair did not seem to affect Adam, who was already in the dark and could not see anything.

He could only hear the cries of his wife and children.

"Ah...making your wife and children cry is not what a man should do..."

Feeling the overwhelming attack coming from ahead, Adam sighed in his heart.

You want to ask why under such an offensive, there is still room for emotion?

That's because the pain has already been numbed.

"I'm sorry, Eve...I'm lovely children."

As Adam sighed, a smile that shouldn't appear seemed to appear on his face that was distorted by the fist.

"Maybe I won't be able to go back."

When such an idea came to mind, Adam's hand that clenched his fist became firmer and stronger.

At this moment, the father of mankind finally cut off all his escape routes and only thought about winning.

That's right, unlike Lu Bu who appeared on the stage before, and unlike Brünnhilde and other Valkyries, Adam did not have the consciousness to risk his life in order to fight against the gods until the last moment.

After all, he had too many things to remember.

But at this moment, it was these things that he remembered that made him have to cut off distracting thoughts and risk his life to fight.

"Miss Reggie Leif, are you willing to die with me?"

"I have realized this a long time ago, Mr. Adam."

In the conversation deep in the soul, Reggie Leif’s tone was extremely firm.

It should be said that she has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Because Adam had not had this kind of awareness before, her will and Adam's were not completely unified.

"very good."

Hearing this, Adam smiled.

"Then... let this old man see the will of mankind!"

While thinking this, Adam stretched out his hand and shook it tightly.


There was the sound of muscles tensing.

It was Adam who stretched out his hand and grasped Zeus's scalp tightly.

"caught you."


Zeus was slightly startled when he saw this, with a look of horror on his face, "You guy..."

He didn't expect that in the face of such a fierce offensive, the human in front of him could maintain consciousness with such a fragile human body and think of countermeasures! ?

The gods were no less horrified than Zeus himself when seeing this scene.

Of course they can understand what this simple action means.

This human being can no longer see, but as long as he catches the opponent, sight is not needed at all!

They saw the bright smile on Adam's face and thought this human was crazy.

Because this human being seems to be planning to fight the King of Gods! ?

The next moment, the sound of boxing came as expected.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang——

It was more violent and crisp than any time before.

Because this time, both sides no longer made any unnecessary moves. They grabbed each other's forehead to prevent the other party from escaping or dodging, and then punched the other party with their strongest strength!


Blood splattered in the overlapping roars.

Without any skills, both sides poured their full strength into each other without mercy.

The endurance battle that the gods and humans thought was over seems to have started again.

But this time, no one could predict the outcome.

Even Hermes, who knew Zeus best, couldn't help but sweat.

Unknowingly, the entire Valhalla Arena became silent, and nothing could be heard except the sound of the physical collision of one person and one god.

Both the gods and humans were almost suffocated in this deathly silence.


They could only hear the cracking sound caused by the friction of bones and flesh on both sides in the field. This sound made the gods' hairs stand on end, but it made the humans seem to see hope again.

They seemed to see a majestic figure, slowly, piece by piece, picking up the broken hopes on the ground, and then pieced them together into a thick wall.

Yes, that's what the smiling Adam is doing right now.

Using himself as the cornerstone, he plans to once again build a wall of hope for mankind.

"Don't cry, my wife, my children... The only thing that human beings can defeat is the will of God. This will cannot be shaken at any time!!"

Adam's iron fist seems to have engraved this sound into the hearts of every human being at this moment.

Everyone held back tears and looked solemn.

They swore that they would always remember their father's teachings and would not let the barrier that their father worked so hard to build collapse again!

"How can it be!?"

As if they felt the will of mankind once again condensed, the eyes of the gods were full of disbelief.

For the first time, they began to worry, worry about Zeus, no... worry about whether they, as gods, could resist such a will.

But the next moment, such doubts were dispelled.

Because of a burst of laughter.

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho -"

A slightly tired but energetic laughter came from Zeus's mouth.

Hearing such laughter, the gods recovered from the shock and recalled the identity of the person in front of them.

He is Zeus, the King of Gods and the Father of the Universe!

"Not bad, boy..."

Zeus continued to pump his fists while teasing the young face in front of him with a bright smile on his face.

He knew that Adam could hear his own words.

"You are the first guy who can make me feel so happy, even too much, and a little tired, old man... You are really an amazing man..."

"Really?" Adam responded with a smile, "In this case, do you want to admit defeat? Grandpa?"

"How can it be……"

As he answered, a war-filled smile appeared on Zeus's face.

This smile made the few gods from ancient times seem to see the tyrant in his heyday.

That's right, at this moment, the aura on Zeus's body was the same as that of his whole body.

He got really serious, really prepared, and went all out.

Just as Hermes, who knew him well, thought, in the previous battle, Zeus had been letting off steam from the very beginning.

In order to experience the feeling of being separated for hundreds of millions of years, he deliberately did not dodge the attack of the human in front of him. The purpose was to injure himself, weaken himself, and narrow the gap between the two sides.

And the final result seemed to be even more wonderful than he imagined.

Defeating humans with the body of a god is not something worthy of praise.

Even if he wins, he will never regain the face that belongs to God.

And... Zeus was also a pure warrior before becoming the king of the gods.

What does a warrior pursue?

A long lost battle?

That's true, but not quite.

The answer is actually very simple.

Of course - fight and conquer! ! !

Not because of any external factors, but because of a complete victory!

That’s right, it’s now!

Zeus looked at Adam in front of him, his eyes shining.

Because he saw the other party's powerful soul and will that even the body could not conceal.

This is what you...this is what you humans rely on to fight against the gods, right! ?

very good.

Then let me crush it completely!

Yes, in the eyes of Zeus, completely crushing human will is the real victory he desires at this moment.

'Human will is enough to defeat gods', what he wants to crush is this belief itself! !

"Come on, little human being, let me see your will!"

Zeus shook his fists with a cruel smile on his face.

"Ah...of course I will..."

Adam responded with a bright smile, "You have to pick it up, you stinky old man!!"

For a moment, time and space seemed to be completely still.

All the creatures in the Valhalla Arena knew that the next blow from this man and one god would determine the outcome. may not just be the outcome of this battle that is decided.

At this moment, Brünnhilde clenched her fists tightly, her palms full of sweat.

She understood that the lecherous old man in front of her wanted to take this opportunity to completely defeat the will of all mankind.

Although this stinky old man seems inconspicuous on the surface, he is indeed a terrifying existence in every aspect.

The other party saw through at a glance the key to human beings being able to fight against gods.

In the next blow, if Adam loses...then the most serious consequence is likely to be that the entire human group falls into complete despair.

"Don't worry."

A calm voice sounded behind Brünnhilde.


She couldn't help but tremble all over.

Only then did he realize that a hand was already on his shoulder.

"It''s you..."

Brünnhilde turned around and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the person clearly.

Naturally, there can be no other person besides Xuan Hao.

"What do you mean by peace of mind..." she asked doubtfully.

"Observe your surroundings carefully, Valkyrie. The battle is exciting, but what you should pay more attention to is what you can get from this battle." Xuan Hao reminded lightly, "I may be able to grant short-term 'immortality' to humans. But the true meaning of immortality needs to be understood by themselves..."



Brünnhilde turned her head and looked around in confusion, and was slightly surprised to realize that she seemed to be worrying too much.

Her eyes were always on Adam and Zeus, and she actually ignored the humans around her.

Regardless of victory or defeat in this battle, mankind cannot despair.

At this moment, all the humans present had only firm gazes in their eyes.

They stared at Adam's back in the field, their faces full of pride.

Because these humans seem to have obtained the most precious things from Adam and their father.

That is what their father wanted to convey with his own flesh and blood, and with himself as the cornerstone. This is exactly what Xuan Hao said as the 'immortal true meaning'.

Human will - unshakable! !


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