Click... click... click...

As the muscles agitated, frightening and strange sounds continued to sound.

This strange sound made the gods and humans feel frightened.

This is the sound of Zeus' muscles that have been compressed to the limit and are making a mournful sound because too much energy has been pressed into them.

Hearing such a sound, even Adam, who had been very relaxed until now, could not help but instinctively put on a defensive posture at this moment.

Instinct told Adam that compared with the previous battle, if he faced the enemy with such a casual attitude, he would only be in doom and gloom.

Sure enough, the next moment, Zeus moved.

As the fists were pumped, the sound of popping sounds like firecrackers kept going off.

It was the terrible sound made when the muscles that were compressed to the extreme moved.

At this moment, Zeus, who was in Atuo's beard state, used an extremely simple and pure attack method. He only concentrated the energy concentrated in his own muscles into his waving arms, and finally released it through his fists.

A simple and pure blow at full speed, a pure punch with extreme violence.

Although it is so simple and pure, it is the most powerful punch.

From Xuan Hao's point of view, it feels like he can defeat all laws with one force.

And Zeus himself named this punch - the Right Fist of the True God!


At the moment when Zeus shook his fist, the time and space in Adam's eyes seemed to be still, there was no sound, and everything was silent.

Because the speed of his punch was so fast, except that his eyes with ‘God’s Vision’ could see the punch clearly, the punch seemed not to be affected by time, space, sound or even anything around him.

Yes, although this punch is extremely powerful and fast, Adam's 'God's Vision' can still be seen. As long as it can be seen, it means - it can be imitated!

Almost at the same moment, Adam also started to move.


Blood lines flashed on his cheeks, which were caused by Zeus' fist whizzing past with extreme violence.

Adam was injured for the first time since taking the stage. It should be said that Zeus's attack worked for the first time.

Facing Zeus's all-out attack, even Adam with a bug-like ability like God's Vision seemed to be unable to keep up with the speed. Even though he could clearly see the trajectory of the attack, his body was gradually unable to keep up with Zeus. Actions.

But this was just the beginning, and in this exchange of blows, he still had the upper hand!


Imitating the 'True God's Right Fist', Adam's fist hit Zeus's face mercilessly again.

"How...even...even Lord Zeus's full blow can be copied by Adam's God's Vision!?" Looking at this scene, Heimdall was stunned, "Huh? Oops!? But Lord Zeus seems to be the same as It was different before, I didn’t care at all if the other person imitated my actions!”

That's right, this time Zeus did not become passive because Adam imitated his own abilities. Even if he was hit by the copied punch, his powerful body still did not stop moving.

Left fist, the true left fist of God!



Left and right, left and right...

Keep throwing punches.

Like an emotionless machine, Zeus ignored Adam's imitated fists and swung his fists toward Adam faster and faster.

In the end, under the attack of punch after punch like a violent storm, Adam was finally unable to dodge and could only rely on his physical body to resist Zeus's fist!


Seeing the increasingly fierce collision, both the gods and humans were stunned.

There is actually someone in this world who can go head-to-head with Zeus who has entered the state of Atuo's beard...a human being! ?

Punch after punch.


One person and one god stood still on the spot like wooden stakes, and the ground cracked under the terrifying force. They clenched their fists and faced each other, and then they continued to move as if endlessly.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

There was a dense crashing sound like a rainstorm falling, accompanied by blood spraying throughout the Valhalla Arena.

Different from the joy that Lu Bu and Thor felt before, who were eager to fight, the two just exchanged words in silence. The only change was probably that their faces became ferocious and twisted under the punches.

Wave after wave of spreading waves centered on this person and god and moved towards the surroundings.

There seems to be a delicate balance between them. As long as this balance is not broken, this kind of confrontation will continue endlessly.

When the gods saw this scene, their foreheads were covered with beads of sweat.

Because Adam is different from the previous Lu Bu, this guy didn't even understand the legendary realm of 'immortality', and actually managed to compete with Zeus who had entered the state of Atuo with his human body!

How incredible this is! ?

Yes, Adam at this moment did not even use his last trump card - instantaneous birth and death.

This means that even if Zeus is so powerful in his final form at this moment, he still has a way out for himself.

There is no other way. After all, there is a beautiful wife and lovely children waiting for him to return victoriously. How can he risk his life with a bad old man here?

However, Adam seemed to have overestimated his own limits and underestimated the power of Zeus as a god.

Human power will eventually be exhausted, and God may be, but after all, it is much higher than the limit of human beings.

As time went by, something started to happen on Adam's side.

His eyes, which possessed the power of 'God's Vision', began to become bloodshot, veins popped up around his eyes, and blood began to flow from his nostrils unconsciously.

"Nosebleed!? What's going on!?"

Noticing such details, Gray clenched his hands in the stands, feeling a bad premonition.

"I'm afraid it's...overloaded..."

Brünnhilde had cold sweat on her forehead and a stern look on her face.

"Zeus's performance so far has been too relaxed. To us, it looks like he is throwing an ordinary punch, so that we almost forgot that in fact, every punch he throws at this moment is something that should be unavoidable. A special move! In other words, Adam has been maintaining the 'God's Vision' state from the moment Zeus took action, and has been forcibly turning on the 'God's Vision' to deal with every punch like this!! Ability should not belong to humans in the first place! And how can he use it without restrictions in a human body without any burden? "

"That is to say..." Gray seemed to understand what her sister wanted to express when she heard this. "If he continues like this, Adam...will collapse due to 'overload' sooner or later!?"

"Yes, both Adam and Mr. Zeus are already on the verge of ultimate collapse~" On the other side, on the side of the gods, Loki was shaking two goblets filled with red wine in his hands, with great interest. Smiling.

"That is to say...will the situation of Master Zeus be as bad as this human being if this continues?" The two crows on Odin's shoulders were extremely surprised when they heard this.

"Yeah, it's not good for you~" Loki smiled with interest, as if he was extremely curious about who would collapse first, Adam or Zeus. It should be said that he was just having fun, not like other gods at all. They generally care about who wins and who loses.

"Did you see it? The old man's body has begun to be unable to suppress the terrifying power in his muscles and has begun to become distorted~"


Hearing this, the gods looked towards Zeus. Sure enough, the terrifying figure waving his fists, the muscles on his body were constantly stirring and twisting in strange postures at this moment. It seems that because the power in it is too huge, this energy was originally forcibly suppressed by Zeus in his body in a rough way, but now, as Zeus's physical energy continues to be consumed, his body has begun to be unable to restrain this power.

"Zeus...Lord Zeus!? My...muscles feel like they are about to explode!!"

Hearing this, Loki chuckled and nodded: "Yes, that kind of compressed state cannot be maintained forever even when the old man was in his prime, and now that he is older, it is even more difficult to support it. Counting the time... it has almost reached the limit. Oh~ that is to say...for example, which container of wine will overflow first? The current situation is such an endurance competition~"

As he spoke, he looked at the goblet in his hand for a signal. At this moment, the two goblets in his hand seemed like Adam and Zeus on the verge of collapse. They were completely full. As long as a little pressure was applied, the liquid in them would The balance will be broken and overflow from the cup, that is, it will collapse.

The two goblets swayed slightly with Loki's hands, just like Zeus and Adam who were fighting at the moment, constantly swaying in the impact of the explosion.

The two figures looked like they were dancing in the storm. For a moment, both the gods and humans were amazed at the beauty of this duel.

Yes, it can only be described as beautiful.

This is the ultimate aesthetic of violence.

Neither Zeus nor Adam had any intention of retreating when faced with the opponent's fist.

This battle seems to have no distinction between humans and gods at this moment. This man, a god, risks his life and wholeheartedly swings his fists. He is only made of iron fists intertwined with each other. It is extremely dangerous and at the same time, it is too beautiful to let everyone know. Gods and humans couldn't help but stand up from the audience in awe.


"Yes, brother Ares."

"Is the so-called 'battle' so beautiful?" Even Ares, the God of War, has never seen such a shocking battle scene since he was born.

The battle between the King of Gods and the Father of Mankind is no longer just a clash of powers, it is the intertwining of two beliefs.

Zeus was guarding his pride as a god, while Adam fought out of 'love'.

For the sake of their respective beliefs, neither side can retreat. It is precisely because of this that such a wonderful duel was created.

At this moment, both Zeus and Adam have already exceeded their own limits.

"Yes, what he said is absolutely true..." Even Hermes could only sigh with emotion when faced with Ares' doubts, "It's really... inexplicably reminiscent of the old man when he was young..."

Yes, he seemed to see Zeus restored to his prime at this moment.

No, it doesn't 'seem' but it is true that Zeus is beginning to regain the feeling of his youth in this seemingly endless duel.

In his opinion, although this battle is exciting, the outcome has been decided.

Because the collapse of mankind is only a matter of time, and for this king of gods, after exceeding the limit, is it really a collapse?

Maybe it looks like this to people who don't know him well.

But as the son of Zeus, Hermes, who knew Zeus best, knew very well how terrifying the King of the Gods was.

This is a being who has reached the top of the Olympus gods with his fists.

How could it really be so unbearable?

In fact, he knew better than anyone else that Lord Zeus had been releasing water from the beginning.

He had never dodged an attack from this human.

Just for the long-lost happy battle for hundreds of millions of years!

In terms of fighting spirit, the fighting spirit that Master Zeus has suppressed for hundreds of millions of years at this moment may be more terrifying than the combination of God Thor and Lu Bu in the last duel.

And this fighting spirit will eventually be condensed into those iron fists!

That's right, at this moment, Zeus's eyes seemed to be shining in his swaying figure, drawing a crazy trajectory in the void.

He became more and more excited.

The speed and power of the fists continue to increase.

And such a fist is almost at the limit of what 'Shenxushi' can imitate!

"Sister...sister...I...I seem to have a bad feeling..."

Gray seemed to feel something, and said tremblingly towards Brünnhilde.


Brünnhilde was silent.

Faced with such a scene, who would have a good premonition?

At this moment, both gods and humans are silently looking forward to one thing in their hearts.

That is the opponent that the fighter they support faces must fall quickly!

At this moment, the exchange of blows between the two people was like a taut string, making every creature in the Valhalla Arena tense.

The taut strings finally break.

Whether it's the tight strings or the wine in the goblet, breaking or overflowing only requires a subtle influence.

Like most things that happen in this world, it only takes a small amount of outside influence to go from a mental breakdown to the outbreak of a war.

To put it simply, it can be regarded as the ‘trigger’ or ‘the straw that breaks the camel’s back’.

At this moment, what broke the balance between Adam and Zeus was also something trivial.

In the time and space where the two of them collided beyond time, which seemed to be still, at a certain moment, a drop of blood splashed onto Adam's eyeballs, which were concentrating on imitating Zeus's movements.

At this moment, the balance was finally broken.

At this moment, it seemed that defeat was certain.

Adam's vision completely collapsed at this moment. Without this ability, it would be impossible for him to continue to deal with the thunderous attack of Zeus in Atuo's beard-shaking state.

The reason for all this was actually mentioned by Xuan Hao from the beginning.


Compared to gods, human bodies are ultimately too fragile.

This resulted in the collapse of Adam destined to precede Zeus.

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