A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

956. Without him, the card draw is crooked

"Who is the strongest martial artist in China?"

"'No, there is no strongest, only stronger! Martial arts are never-ending, and constant transcendence is the goal of those of us who pursue martial arts!" This powerful martial artist from the Eastern Continent replied.

In the field, Heimdall pretended to be deep and asked himself, "Perhaps this is the humility of being a strong man? In the eyes of this man, what is powerful is not himself, but the legacy he has inherited for thousands of years. Martial arts! Although every move and style he uses is not self-invented, he has honed the martial arts passed down by his ancestors to the extreme. He is called a 'god' by people! Rather than saying that he challenges the gods, it is better to say...he Is it to represent the martial arts that has been passed down for thousands of years to ask the gods - 'Have we arrived at the divine realm'!?"

Listening to such impassioned explanations, countless warriors from China in the stands were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

Yes, this is the martial arts they long for.

Constantly surpassing, constantly pursuing, and never stopping, this is still the case today.

Perhaps, they should be grateful to these gods who abandoned them, because if not, how would they have the chance to prove that the martial arts they pursue has reached the realm of gods or even surpassed gods! ?

"That's right, this man standing on the field with high spirits is the man who wants to ask the gods with the spear in his hand - Li Shuwen, the sharp punch and the magic gun!!"

"Oh oh oh——"

After Heimdall introduced the identity of the person in front of him, the stands of the human camp were filled with people.

Um... wait... high-spirited?

Is this used to describe an old man? ?

Gray in the stands looked at the figure standing upright holding a spear, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"This... this, this, this... who is this!? Where is Mr. Li Shuwen!? How come he has become so young!?"

What made her extremely puzzled was that it seemed that the 'record' and the person were inconsistent again.

However, completely opposite to the previous Sasaki Kojiro, Li Shuwen who appeared on stage at this moment was not the old man who defeated Sasaki Kojiro at that time, but a young man in his prime! !

"Is this Mr. Li in his prime? When he defeated Mr. Kojiro...how much water did he put in?" Gray asked Brünnhilde with a confused look on his face.


In response, Brünnhilde just smiled evilly and did not give any explanation.

Of course things are not that simple.

Keep reading, she believes that soon both gods and humans will be shocked by this great martial artist.

"I disagree..."

Of course, there are also counterarguments.

"Chinese martial arts, can a young and energetic boy master it thoroughly?"

Among the swordsman camp from the island country, a young man asked to himself, "I heard that Mr. Sasaki Kojiro was supposed to fight in this battle! I don't care whether Mr. Sasaki Kojiro is qualified for this, why should he? Can such a young man be qualified to represent Chinese Martial Arts?"

This young man’s name is Miyamoto Iori. No one may have heard of his name, but his surname is well-known in the island country and even in China. Yes, he is the one known as the Sword Master in the island country. The adopted son of Miyamoto Musashi.

"My father, Miyamoto Musashi, is clearly the best person to represent humanity in this battle! Don't you think so?"

"Hmm... what you said is absolutely true... but... what do you mean by one sentence?" Sasaki Kojiro on the side chuckled, "Is it 'Don't bully young people who are poor' or 'Don't judge a book by its appearance'."

Although he didn't quite know what happened to Li Shuwen, but after all, this was the man who defeated him. Now he would return to such a young appearance to fight. Maybe it was because this man's strength was more terrifying when he was young?

Maybe this is what is called genius.

This made Sasaki Kojiro feel even more ashamed.

Did it turn out that this martial arts master from the land of China was already so powerful when he was young? But I can't even defeat the other party's old age. These hundreds of years have really trained me like a dog.

"Mr. Musashi, what do you think?"


Miyamoto Musashi looked silently at the smiling Sasaki Kojiro.

It was also the first time that he saw Sasaki Kojiro's old appearance. Although he had defeated Sasaki Kojiro before, it was when the opponent was young, and it was a narrow victory.

After that battle, Sasaki Kojiro naturally died. After all, the duel between them was a life and death duel. Killing the opponent with all your strength is the highest respect of a swordsman.

However, when they met again now, Miyamoto Musashi found that he seemed to be completely unable to see through the old man in front of him.

"What do I think... I want to ask... did you voluntarily give up your spot to this guy?" He frowned slightly and looked at Sasaki Kojiro and asked.

"Ah hahaha... Of course... Otherwise, who would want to miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to confront a god?" Sasaki Kojiro scratched his head awkwardly and replied with a smile.

"Is it true..."

Miyamoto Musashi sighed, and gently stretched out his hand to rub his adopted son's head, "Stop making noise, Iori, and watch until the end... This young martial artist from China is not something that our short-sighted eyes can see through. of."

Yes, he couldn't see through it at all.

Because in his opinion, Li Shuwen at this moment was completely impossible to be Sasaki Kojiro's opponent.

However, Sasaki Kojiro was willing to give up his place. There must be something fishy in this.

It seems that such doubts can only be witnessed in a duel.

In fact, not only on the island country, but also among the martial arts masters on China's own side, there were a few strong men who frowned slightly and looked at the high-spirited Li Shuwen, feeling confused.

"It is indeed a domineering and sharp spear...but can such a spear really defeat the gods?" Among the crowd, an old man wearing a Taoist robe and an immortal spirit asked with a slight frown.

"Zhenzhen Zhang is indeed worried about a problem, but...maybe our descendants really have that kind of genius?" The woman also wearing a Taoist robe chuckled, "In this case, we can only say that our martial arts successors have talents. .”

"Hahaha, I can't say for sure..." Zhang Sanfeng relaxed his brows and laughed.

"Xian'er, do you see any knowledge in this young man?" At this time, a beautiful woman asked the woman in Taoist robes doubtfully.

The two seemed to be about the same age, but they were so close to each other for some reason.

"Mom, long time no see." Guo Xiang smiled and saluted the beautiful woman behind her, "Is father here too?"

Guo Xiang actually didn't have much opinion about the so-called gods who abandoned human beings. After all, she was a cultivator, and she was already a speck of dust in history at this moment.

It doesn't matter much to her what happens next.

However, being able to see my deceased parents here is indeed the so-called ‘Twilight of the Gods’.

"Haha, your father... Seeing that this young boy can actually fight on behalf of mankind, he shouted that it would be better to let Guo'er fight. Guo'er and Long'er are comforting him now." Huang Rong giggled and walked towards not far away. Pointed.

Under the wingspan of a large eagle, a young couple was smiling and comforting a middle-aged man in armor.

"By the way, you haven't answered my question yet, Xiang'er." Huang Rong narrowed her eyes slightly and continued to ask.

"Even Master Zhang can't figure it out, so what can I do?"

Guo Xiang shook his head slightly and smiled helplessly.

"I don't know much about the martial arts inheritance of later generations. How about asking the old Heavenly Master?"

As she spoke, she smiled and threw the pot in her hand to another old man standing aside who looked like a fairy.

"Ahem..." Longhushan Master Zhang Zhiwei, who was playing games on a tablet at the side, seemed to have choked on his saliva because of the sudden pot. He coughed twice and smiled awkwardly, "Daozhang Guo, you I’m a senior, I can’t afford to be called ‘Old Heavenly Master’…”

"But as for your question..."

As he spoke, he squinted his eyes and looked at the old man in the field carefully, "To be honest, I don't know this old man very well, but...according to the settings in the game, his gun has an 'instant death' effect. Well, and 'Divinity' is a debuff, so it seems that there is no chance of winning~"


Guo Xiang and others were confused, "What are you talking about?"

"Uh? I'm talking about this, look."

Zhang Zhiwei turned the tablet to everyone. There was a game called FGO on it. He also specially brought up the panel of the heroic spirit Li Shuwen to show it to everyone, but everyone was still confused.

You have to ask why, because the introductions on the tablet are all in simplified Chinese.

"Uh hahaha... In short, since this senior is qualified to play, then there is a reason for him to play. Why do we people have to speculate so hard? Just listen to God's will." Seeing the seniors in front of me with black lines on their heads. , Zhang Zhiwei smiled awkwardly, relaxing the atmosphere.

"Ahem...You are right, the most important thing for a cultivator is to be calm." Zhang Sanfeng coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment of not understanding.

"But do we just listen to 'God's will'?" Huang Rong disagreed with this statement. "What we are facing now are the so-called 'gods'. Isn't God's will all their will?"

"Mother, you are wrong." Guo Xiang, who was on the side, smiled lightly when she heard this.

"Yes, Senior Huang." Zhang Zhiwei also stroked his beard and chuckled, "We have never said that these guys are our 'God's Will'. Speaking of which... have you seen this world and all the Chinese people?" god?"


Huang Rong was slightly startled when she heard this and looked towards the side where the gods were.

After looking around several times, I really didn’t see it.

Not to mention those familiar immortals, I didn't even see the land.

"That being said, it's indeed strange."

"Nothing surprising."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and shook his head slightly, but his eyes suddenly brightened, "Just like I don't care about the outcome of this duel, the immortals probably don't care either. After all... who said that the survival of the world is determined by these guys? Is that what you say?"

"I see……"

Huang Rong was a little shocked when she heard this.

No wonder just from the atmosphere, we can tell that the atmosphere on their side is completely different from the island country's indignation against the gods. Whether it is Zhang Sanfeng, her daughter Guo Xiang, or Zhang Zhiwei who came from later generations, fundamentally speaking, they have actually separated. Having reached the realm of a warrior, one can be regarded as a Taoist who has embarked on the path to immortality.

In the eyes of these cultivators, the Western gods in front of them seem not to be feared.

If you want to ask why, because none of the Chinese immortals have shown up yet, is it because they are afraid of these Western gods? Of course it's impossible.

The answer can only be to disdain the so-called "Twilight of the Gods", because after all, these guys have not even benefited from ordinary humans.

"Speaking of which, I'm really looking forward to these guys jumping over the wall..."

Zhang Zhiwei put down the tablet in his hand as he spoke.

Without him, the card drawing is crooked.

At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei had veins popping up on his forehead, and he seemed to be in a very unhappy mood, "Speaking of which, I haven't had any contact with anyone for decades since I've been living on Longhu Mountain. I wonder if these so-called gods can take over my Five Thunder Methods." ?”

"Don't get excited, little guy." Zhang Sanfeng looked confused when he heard this.

Are all young people today so angry?

Although they are also looking forward to the scene where these Western gods can't afford to lose, they will jump over the wall and make a mess regardless of the rules. In that case, they old antiques may be able to stretch their muscles for a long time.

After all, aren’t they practicing to become immortals? Although I was not able to be ranked in the Immortal Class due to some reasons, I still wanted to verify the results of my practice.

After all, every one of them here is an invincible being in the world. When they were alive, they really never met such an opponent who could verify their strength during their strongest period. It can only be said that they are invincible from high places.

Maybe these so-called gods are good test subjects?


Considering that most of the audience here do not have the strength to fight against these so-called gods, it is better to just think about it.

While everyone was chatting, the atmosphere in the ring began to become tense.

Facing the momentum of Poseidon, the god of the sea, which was like the raging waves of the sea, Li Shuwen did not give in. Standing upright with a spear in his hand, his whole figure seemed to be one with the spear, and his spear was sharp and pointed into the sky.

"This...what's going on with this human being?"

Ares, the god of war, could not help but swallow his saliva as he felt the momentum spreading through the air like a knife.

That's right, the aura released by Poseidon seemed to be riddled with holes by the aura of this human being for a while, and for a while it was almost uncontrollable.

This human clearly doesn't look like much, and he feels like he can win at all, but why is his aura so sharp?

"Yeah, it's really amazing."

Hermes on the side was also somewhat emotional.

"Is this the so-called inheritance of thousands of years? It seems that human beings are not useless, at least when it comes to studying martial arts..."

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