Chapter 977 ‘Self’

"I really miss...the self that once hated the gods."

Hercules sighed softly.

But he still didn't seem to be shaken, and his eyes even became firmer because he saw his past self.

Because he is already different from the past.

People will grow.

At this moment, Hercules has long since transformed into a man who always stands firm in his 'justice' and is a great hero with a firm and unyielding will.

"But it's useless."

He looked at the figure in front of him with a smile and said, "Even if the situation is reversed at this moment, and I am a human and you are a god, you still--cannot let me fall."

"I told you...if I can make you fall, you have to try to find out!!!"

With the sound of rage, Alcides launched a charge.

Faced with such a violent charge, Hercules stood unmoved, just staring at Alcides with his firm eyes. Perhaps because of losing his divinity, the strength in his body His aura became extremely restrained in comparison, but his strong body was still as tall and majestic.

Finally, Hercules moved.

The mace in his hand once again transformed into the shape of a lion. The lion opened its huge mouth and let out a silent roar while countless gravel and dust rolled on the ground.

The next moment, the barrier formed by dust and gravel was instantly broken, and it was Alcides who came.


Hercules stamped his feet on the ground, as if preparing to fix his body in place.

That's right, he didn't even think about dodging. He gathered his momentum just to receive the impact of Alcides in front of him.

No one knows why he does this, but they feel that this style is really like the style of this upright hero. No matter what kind of enemy he faces, he will only choose to face the enemy head-on.

In comparison, the style of the 'human evil' opposite him was clearly inferior.

But after all, this is a life-or-death duel, and victory is everything. Heracles' actions at this moment seem a bit stupid. As long as he is not running away, dodging attacks is not a shameful thing in battle.

Seeing Hercules' actions at this moment, the gods couldn't help but sweat for him.

Although this man kept saying that he would not be defeated by the opponent, in fact, Hercules had already suffered serious injuries before he fell into human form. Now that he has become a human being and carries such injuries in a human body, it will only Weaker.

On the other hand, the human opposite who had temporarily stolen the power of the gods by unknown means became increasingly powerful.

Under the circumstances, they were worried that Heracles would lose like this.

However, they soon discovered that their worries were completely unnecessary.

Hercules' body seemed as unshakable as his will.


Brünnhilde and Gray in the stands couldn't help but feel shocked watching this scene.

The situation at this moment looked inexplicably familiar to them.

That's right, isn't this the scene in the previous scenes where humans relied on their unswerving will to fight against the gods? It's just that this scene seems to be completely reversed.

For a moment, the two women couldn't help but look at Xuan Hao beside them.

They doubted that this guy would switch sides, right?

"What are you watching me do? I said from the beginning that I will not interfere in this duel."

Xuan Hao seemed to understand the thoughts of the two Valkyries and replied angrily.

"You didn't take action... Then this is..."

"There is no doubt that this was Hercules' own will."

Xuan Hao explained calmly, "You don't really think that the scene at this moment is an upside-down showdown between gods and humans, do you?"

"Isn't it...?" Gray was a little confused.

"Wrong." Xuan Hao shook his head slightly, "Although he temporarily possesses the body of a god, Alcides is only transformed by human will after all, and his heart is always the human heart. On the contrary, even if his divine power is deprived of his power, he becomes a human again. Human beings, the fact that Heracles has been elevated to god will not change, and his will has already surpassed that of humans."

"I seem to understand..."

Brünnhilde seemed to finally understand the truth, "The duel in the arena of Valhalla in the heavenly world is actually a collision between two souls, which determines the physical gap between humans and gods. It is also the power of the soul. In other words, it is 'will determines matter'! The 'instant birth and death' you used on human warriors before is actually a means of forcibly upgrading human will to rival the will of God. , as long as you have such a will, theoretically even a human body can match the body in a short period of time."

"You also said that this is just a theory." Xuan Hao nodded, then shook his head slightly, "In fact, it is not that simple... Although the scene at the moment does look similar, Hercules cannot really do it." He is just holding on with his will."

This is a matter of course. After all, the 'instant birth and death' contains his use of the power of 'destruction and creation'. If Hercules can really reproduce this power with his own will, then what will happen to this world? Doesn’t every god have a will that can rival the power of law? If this were to happen, this duel would have been meaningless from the beginning, and the human side would have no chance of winning.

"Hold Hercules is really at a disadvantage?" Gray asked in confusion after hearing this.

In fact, she doesn't know who to support now.

From a human perspective, she wanted to support her brother Hercules, but from a standpoint, she could only be happy that 'human evil' had the upper hand.

" that possible? I can't see it at all..."

That's right, at least except for Xuan Hao, at this moment, neither the gods nor humans can see that Hercules is at a disadvantage.

This man faced the oncoming Alcides without any dodge. In less than a thousandth of a second, the two men passed each other. No one could tell the outcome of this attack.

Because after crossing each other, both of them had hideous scars on their bodies, and blood was gushing out from them!

"How can it be?"

Alcides knelt on one knee, looking back with a little confusion in his eyes.

He couldn't understand why he was the only one who suffered heavy injuries and fell to his knees, but the god who had fallen into human form in front of him seemed to be completely unaffected by the injury and could still turn around and show him an unwavering smile. .

"Still...can't you understand?"

Hercules' tone and breath didn't even change at all.

He looked directly into Alcides' eyes with a gaze that Alcides could not understand, stepped forward slowly, raised the artifact in his hand, and slowly pointed it at Alcides.

"I said, no matter what you become, you can't make me fall! After all - how could I lose to a guy who doesn't even have his own will!?"


Alcides was slightly startled when he heard this.

At this moment, Hercules' sharp words were like sharp blades that seemed to completely break through his seemingly indestructible defense.

Yes, this is the most fatal weakness of this 'human evil'.

Everything about Him was given by humans, and He didn’t even know what He was.

Perhaps the ultimate malice is indeed enough to devour the gods, but unfortunately, the opponent he meets is a being with a firm will like Hercules.

Hercules' will is so strong that even the malice of all mankind cannot shake it. On the contrary, the will of "human evil" that has no will of its own is the easiest to shake.

Although terrifying, it is extremely unstable.

And Hercules obviously grasped this flaw accurately.

"What do you think of Hercules has the upper hand, right?" Gray asked doubtfully as he looked at the scene in front of him.


Xuan Hao shook his head slightly with regret, "You haven't seen the essence of the whole thing clearly... Indeed, if we talk about the chance of victory, now is probably Hercules' only chance, after all, facing the wavering 'human malice' , as long as it is completely destroyed with thunderous means, victory is naturally within sight. But the question is... do you think Hercules is ready to destroy the opponent?"


Brünnhilde shook her head sadly after hearing this.

Even she herself felt despicable.

This duel was a showdown without any suspense from the beginning.

Because brother Hercules is such a great hero.

Like Adam, the father of mankind, he loved mankind deeply.

Even a sinner with a long history of crimes will probably give the other person a chance for redemption.

What's more... the so-called 'human evil' is just the 'evil consequences' produced by human beings.

"Don't be sad, just be proud of him."

Xuan Hao patted Brünnhilde on the shoulder comfortingly, "Although I don't like these gods very much, this man is very good. If you ask me, this is what a 'god' looks like in the human mind, right?"

After saying that, Xuan Hao looked at the ring quietly, preparing to witness the next great moment.

This man named Hercules reminded him of a saying - humans, like dragons, are just children of the world from the beginning.

In a sense, isn't this the case for humans and gods?

"Kid, if you want to knock me down... just stand up again!"

Hercules roared in an almost roaring tone at Alcides, who was stunned in front of him, "Use your own will to defeat me openly! Instead of being manipulated by the so-called 'malice'!"

"My... own will?"

Alcides seemed even more confused after hearing this.

He doesn't even know what he is, so where does he get his will?

"Yes, of your own will."

However, Heracles was still aggressive, "Who are you? No - what kind of 'person' do you want to be!?"

"Who am I?"

The expression on Alcides's face gradually turned ferocious. He covered his head with his hands, as if he was in great pain when faced with such a question, "What kind of person do you want... to be...!?"


For a moment, as if the data in the computer were garbled, the body shape of the 'Evil of Humanity' became distorted, and its appearance was constantly changing and erratic as he struggled.


A painful roar mixed with countless overlapping sounds came from His mouth.

His changes seem endless and will never stop unless... He can find the answer that truly belongs to him among the many 'personalities'.

Looking at the scene in front of them, neither the gods nor humans understood what happened.

Only Xuan Hao knows that it is Hercules who is helping the 'evil of mankind' to find 'self'.

The purpose of the 'Evil of Humanity' stepping into this arena is to prevent the destruction of mankind and buy enough time to find the true 'self', and now, this wish seems to have been realized.


Looking at his figure that could never stabilize, Xuan Hao sighed helplessly.

Although Hercules wanted to help this confused being find himself, he was still too anxious after all.

The journey of finding yourself is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

It's just that Hercules didn't have time to wait for the other person to slowly find himself.

After all, this battle will end sooner or later, and the outcome, as Brunhilde said, has already been determined.

"What a pity..."

Looking at the ferocious and twisted figure in front of him, Hercules smiled bitterly and sighed, "It seems... I have no chance to witness it. But..."

Having said this, he raised his head and looked in the direction of Xuanhao in the stands: "The ending is up to you to witness, a human being who comes from nowhere. Let's see if that is the 'justice' I firmly believe in."

After saying that, Hercules once again looked at the evil of mankind in front of him, took a stance to fight against it, raised the artifact in his hand, and said calmly: "Looking for yourself is indeed a bumpy journey, don't be anxious, child. Just start from the very beginning. Let’s start simply! Do you—want to knock me down?”


A roar came upon me.

Hearing the sound, Heralex smiled: "Very good, then come on, remember your mood at the moment, at least I can be sure that it is your will to step into this arena and defeat me!"


Confusion came with the howling wind.

I saw a figure shrouded in dark shadows coming to Hercules.

No one can clearly see the face of this figure, or it may have no face at all, or it may look like anything.

Hercules once again crossed paths with this figure.


Blood bloomed on Heralex's chest.


Brünnhilde and Gray were horrified, and Gray couldn't help but close her eyes.

But he was soon stopped by Brünnhilde.

"Open up! This is Brother Hercules's decision. We must... witness it until the end!"

In the field, Hercules' chest had been hollowed out, and his heart was beating in the hands of a humanoid shadow not far behind him.

But what puzzled the gods and humans was that Hercules actually had a faint smile on his face at this moment.


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