
Fierce metal sounds continued to ring out.

The gods and humans watched in amazement as the suddenly rising figure changed its previous despicable methods and fought with Hercules like crazy.

He used the street lamp transformed by the artifact in his hand as a spear, and for a moment it was indistinguishable from Hercules in front of him.

Rubbles were flying wherever the two of them passed, and the figure's fighting style was extremely violent. Not only the street lamp in his hand, but also the flying gravel was his assistance. When the street lamp was swung in his hand, it would also send fragments flying all over the sky. Stones kept falling towards Hercules.

Falling into a human does seem to have an impact on Hercules, not in terms of combat power, but in terms of flesh and blood, even if he is hit by ordinary gravel, he will still be injured.

This is probably what this weird existence calls 'fairness'.

At this moment, this is no longer a duel between gods and humans, but a fight between pure humans!

"That's... this guy's posture has changed again! It seems like he has changed from female to male again?"

Heimdall noticed that the ferocious face covered with blood seemed to have changed, and that Elizabeth's figure had become stronger during the battle. He was very surprised.

"What kind of monster is this guy!? Is gender such a convenient thing for humans?"

"of course not……"

The human audience complained speechlessly.

However, they also admitted that as Heimdall said, the guy representing their human side at this moment was not a human at all, but a monster.

Horrible and disgusting monsters.

"Who is he incarnating this time?" Gray asked Brünnhilde doubtfully.

The battle in the field was extremely fierce at this moment, so the being who represented the 'evil of mankind' naturally did not stop to introduce himself. I am afraid that even Hercules, his opponent, was completely unable to figure out the opponent's intentions. identity.

Not only the identity has changed, but also the way of fighting has completely changed.

It should be said that when Hercules faced this 'evil of mankind', he was equivalent to facing all the legendary people in the world who frightened mankind! It is impossible to get familiar with the opponent's attack pattern from the beginning.

"How do I know this..."

Brünnhilde also looked helpless.

There are countless villains spread in human legends. How could she know the identity of each other just by their appearance? Many of these guys are not even Heroic Spirits and are not qualified to enter the Hall of Valor at all.

"No, I think you can still find it if you look through the information..."

Xuan Hao didn't know when he came to the stands.

He seemed quite interested in this duel.

After all, the candidate in front of me should be the most special one so far.

"Did you see the fangs on that crazy face? It's also a vampire... the range should be much smaller, right?"

"This...he...is...the legendary vampire count!?"

When Brünnhilde heard about vampires, she seemed to think of something, and a look of surprise appeared on her face, "Dracula!!"

"No... that's just a character in a novel. His real name should be Vlad III, right?" Xuan Hao corrected lightly.

"Well...it's true...but no matter which name it is, it's a name that makes people's hair stand on end..."

Brünnhilde's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

The reputation of this king who once dominated Romania is astonishing.

The man's popularity rivaled even Hercules' influence in Greece and King Arthur's influence in England.

Of course, unlike the other two people's Guangzhengwei image, the Romanian king has only been handed down a cruel description of him.

It turns out that this king is actually a human being. Even if he appears here to fight for humanity, he should probably be a human being.

But it is a pity that the person present at this moment is not the original deity, but the incarnation of 'human evil'.

Therefore, the Romanian king who appeared at this moment was probably influenced by human maliciousness and turned into a vampire.

The source of this malice... is absurd, probably like Jack the Ripper, originating from novels created by humans.

Although it is not completely fabricated, human beings' fear of these cruel guys has indeed been spread and passed down through such horror novels as a carrier.

In "Dracula" written by Bram Stoker, he was a Romanian and became famous as a vampire.

Originally, 'Dracula' means 'son of the dragon', which can be said to have nothing to do with vampires. The reason why it became synonymous with vampires can only be attributed to the actions of Vlad III. It was indeed because it was too bloody.

For the Romanian king who impaled 20,000 Turkish soldiers, even figures such as Mehmed II, who destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire, could not help but use this language to describe his cruelty - "I am not afraid of anyone. But the devil is another person." It’s the same thing.”

That's right, Jack the Ripper, the murderer, has no concept at all in terms of the number of murders or the degree of cruelty in front of him. This person spread in human legends is like a demon in the hearts of humans. exist!

"Is it creepy..."

Listening to Brünnhilde's description, Xuan Hao sighed undeniably, "It seems that you have been a god for too long, and you seem to have forgotten what kind of creature human beings are?"

"Um...how do you say this?" Brynhildr was confused.

"Just like this 'Evil of Humanity' is full of lies... Most of human history is fabricated history. When looking at history, it is best to always remain skeptical."

Xuan Hao said calmly, "It is true that some people say that the Romanian king is a cruel and ruthless tyrant, but what about the Romanians who are being protected? Is it possible that you want a king who steps on the battlefield to remain silent against the enemy? Merciful?

Of course, this is just what he said...but after all, most of the human legends have negative comments about him...

So should we trust the few or the many? "

"This..." Brünnhilde couldn't answer for a while.

"Right? No one knows the truth, so there is no way to answer it." Xuan Hao spread his hands helplessly, "Presumably even if the King of Romania comes in person, he can only face such 'facts' and is powerless, and maybe even It will really become distorted by the 'facts' that everyone believes. What's more... this guy exists under the influence of humans..."

As he spoke, he looked at the figure fighting with Hercules in the field with a slightly pitiful look.

This is probably the most innocent existence in the world.

He has done nothing but exists because of the will of mankind. Unfortunately, most of this will is twisted, which is why He showed such an appearance.

This is probably the most confused existence in the world.

He has been defined as "evil" since his birth, but in fact, he himself probably cannot even understand what "evil" is. He is only "evil" because he is the incarnation of human evil itself.

"Humanity's great hero... If you are really a 'hero', you should be aware of this, right?"

Finally, Xuan Hao set his sights on Hercules, who faced Vlad III's attack with an expressionless face.

Hercules hopes to see proof from humans that humans are qualified to survive. However, fate cruelly makes him face the evil of humans. This seems to be another trial for him.

A trial that was far more serious than the twelve trials he had experienced.

He believed in justice, which meant that evil must be denied.

At this moment, denying evil means denying human existence itself.

"What will you choose?"

"I see……"

What surprised Xuan Hao was that Hercules did not seem to be confused about the choice in front of him as he expected.

This God of Justice seems to be 'just' at all times.

The justice in Hercules' heart never wavered: "It's so... pitiful and pitiful!"

As he sighed, anger appeared on his face again.

However, the anger at this moment was different from the pure anger displayed before being provoked. It contained some different tangled emotions.

And this emotion was keenly captured by Vlad III on the opposite side.

He is the incarnation of human will, and emotions are also manifestations of human will. At this moment, because of what he personally caused, Hercules, who was originally a god, has fallen into a human form. Since he is a human, he can naturally feel the other person. will.

In a sense, this can be used as a 'mind reading skill'. Being able to read the opponent's mind in battle will give you an absolute advantage.

That's how it should be.

However, the emotions revealed by Heracles at this moment made him extremely confused, "Are you... pitying me? Even if I am so 'extremely evil'? It's really... an admirable noble character. But, On the battlefield, does such kindness seem a bit hypocritical?"

"No...you're mistaken."

Heracles replied calmly, "That is not what I am angry about, what I am sad about, and what I regret."


The artifacts in the hands of the two collided again. After a fierce argument, the meaningless confrontation with no winner seemed to have come to an end for the time being, and the two of them pulled away in unison.

"so what?"

Vlad asked with interest.

As he spoke, His voice changed again.

"Who is it this time?" Looking at the figure in front of him, Hercules asked calmly.

"Just now it was 'Vlad III', now it's 'Nero'." Nero replied with a contemptuous smile, "How about it? They are all frightening and notorious names, right?"

"indeed so……"

Hercules replied unequivocally, without any change in the expression on his face.

"So... do you want to try? Can you beat me?"

"Of course! That's what I'm about to do!"

As he spoke, Nero launched another attack on Hercules.

However, just like before, all his attacks were received by Hercules without exception.

Although as the battle went on, Hercules suffered more and more wounds, but what puzzled him was...it seemed that no matter how injured he was, the 'great hero' in front of him never showed signs of decline. The existence is ordinary and cannot affect the opponent's battle at all.

"what on earth is it?"

For a moment, Nero began to feel confused.

As he spoke, his voice changed again.

"Are we going to change people again?"

Looking at the 'evil of mankind' Hercules who seemed to be planning to transform into someone else again asked calmly, "How sad...haven't you figured it out yet?"


Nero's transformation stopped.

He looked at Hercules with doubtful eyes, as if waiting for an explanation.

The 'great hero' in front of him was indeed an existence that surprised him. His unswerving will did not waver even when he fell from a god to a human. Why could this man be so determined?

"I will not fall."

Thus answered Hercules.

"My justice will not waver. No matter how much you change your posture, as long as you hold that 'evil', you will never be able to defeat me."

"Really? Are you really...confident?"

Hearing this, Nero smiled contemptuously.

Is this what is called a ‘hero’?

Sure enough, he has a good way of speaking such righteous and awe-inspiring lies!


"Whether I can make you fall or not, you'll have to try and find out!!"

For some reason, 'Nero' felt sincerely angry when faced with Heracles's attitude.

As he spoke, the aura on His body changed again.


And this change was a change that even the gods were horrified by.

"This...this aura is...god?"

That's right, the gods actually felt the divine aura from the 'human evil' in front of them!

"Don't pretend to be so righteous, Hercules... No, Alcides!"

The man glared at Hercules in front of him and roared sullenly.

"You're just a human, stop pretending to be noble! I know you best, after all - I am you!!"

Yes, the 'evil of mankind' at this moment has been transformed into Hercules himself through the blood of God that he had swallowed before, but it seems to be different. He is Hercules, but he does not seem to be Hercules as a god. Les, but the half-human, half-god, the illegitimate son of a god and a human who harbors hatred for the gods—Alcides.

"What on earth...is this situation!?"

Heimdall, who was commentating, almost dropped the horn in his hand.

He no longer knew how to explain this battle.

Gods fell to humans, and humans... were elevated to gods? No...it seems to be just a demigod...

But the current situation seems to be that Hercules wants to fight against himself?

"I see...has it become 'me' this time?"

However, what surprised Alcides was that even when faced with a figure that was exactly the same as himself, the expression on Hercules' face did not change.

He just sighed softly, as if recalling the past.

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