Men are absolute magicians, but they are also absolute bastards.

This Holy Grail War is false. The essence of this Holy Grail War is actually just a fake of the ceremony held by the Eastern Island Country.

Although the man had already known this in his heart, he didn't care at all.

"Boring. No matter if it's imitation or not, as long as the result is the same, it's not a problem."

If he were a noble magician, he would probably not rely on the system established by others, but would rely on his own efforts like the three families who created the Holy Grail War. However, the man chose the easiest way - to use ready-made rituals to achieve his long-cherished wish.

However, this is a reasonable idea, at least in the eyes of men, this is just standing on the shoulders of giants, and it is not a shameful thing.

From the beginning, he took this false Holy Grail War seriously and was more motivated than anyone else.

In other words, he entered the city with determination from the beginning.

When he first heard about the Holy Grail War, the man dismissed it as a rumor. However, the news from Langal shocked the entire association, and the waves it caused reached his ears through countless magicians.

This forced him to begin to believe that the 'universal wishing machine' was real.

Although the man came from a relatively famous family of magicians, the entire family's abilities were declining. As the current head of the family, he feels pressured by this.

He has certain theories, knowledge and techniques, but the only thing he lacks is the pure "power" accumulated over the years by a family of magicians, which makes him more and more anxious.

Normally, a man should study his skills and pass them on to his more qualified descendants along with the magic seal.

However, that was one of the things that made him anxious. Because he found that his child lacked the talent to become a magician than he did.

Many magician families have lost their connection with the magic world because their magician qualifications have deteriorated from generation to generation.

"Are you kidding? I don't want to end up like Machiri."

Associations, like ordinary businesses and organizations, have many thresholds. In order to obtain the means to make future generations prosperous, one must first have a powerful magician bloodline. Men are now in such an endless cycle. Even though he is an out-and-out magician, he is not mature enough.

He came to the city of Snowfield, sat at the gambling table called the Holy Grail War, and bet all his chips on the real or fake Holy Grail War. Men bet not only their property, but also their past and even their future.

"It doesn't matter, it will succeed. In order to show my determination, I killed my son who had no future, and solved my wife who tried to stop me. There is no pity for people who can't prosper their husbands and families. I just didn't expect that my wife didn't understand being a magician at all. The pride of the teacher. But it is this kind of woman that makes my son so mediocre. If I want to improve my status, I can only win this war. It doesn't matter whether the Holy Grail is fake, as long as I can be given from this If I win the fight in the name of the "Holy Grail War", my status as a magician will rise. Maybe I can find a way to the "root" in the battle. Or maybe I can create "Einzbern and Magiri" Use the knowledge of "Holy Grail War" to my own use. Regardless of the outcome, the Holy Grail War will increase my magician level. This is simply a sure-win gamble. Because no matter how I gamble, I can win back more than the stake. !”

Yes, this is the choice men make.

Instead of pinning his hopes on the descendants of each generation who were inferior to each other, he blocked everything on this gamble called the 'Holy Grail War' and the 'universal wishing machine'.

In his opinion, this is the simplest and most direct way to revive the family.

The man started all kinds of reveries like this, but he never thought that if he failed, he would ruin the entire family.

However, there was a reason why he didn't expect this.

He has a chance of winning. And this chance of winning was at least worth burying his own son with his own hands.

"By the way...this is the Command Seal. But the pattern of the Command Seal is a little different from what I heard." The man muttered while looking at his right hand. He smiled very kindly, as if he were looking at a newborn child.

Maybe the word "kindness" is a bit ironic for someone like him who personally buried his wife and children, but at this moment he really regarded the pattern that appeared on his right hand as his own.

On his hand was a tattoo-like thing that looked like a 'closed lock' pattern. It is said that this is the proof of being chosen as the Master of the Holy Grail War, the Command Seal.

"The lock... is really unlucky at all... However, having this thing in my hand means that I have been recognized! I am the master! In other words, I am the master of that heroic spirit!" The man said to himself Said to himself, while moving his eyes to the cloth bag placed quietly aside, he smiled again.

He just smiled, again and again.

North of Snowfield is a vast valley. The valley is made up of continuous red steep banks. There is a cave in the mountainous area not far from the valley. The cave was naturally formed, but now it has a barrier to hide it from people, and it has become a magician's "workshop".

Under the illumination of the kerosene lamp, the man calmly lifted the cloth bag and carefully took out the contents.

That's a key. Compared with ordinary keys, it has a few more scary factors. There are many decorations on the key, and its length and weight are comparable to a survival knife. Just the decorative gemstone on it is of great value in various fields.

It is said that in the past Holy Grail War, "he" was summoned by the fossil of a snake. If this relic is used to summon, the success rate may be higher.

Back then, when the man's family was still very powerful, his ancestors, like him now, risked everything in exchange for this key to explore something.

Legend has it that there is a treasure house in this world called the Golden Land. It contains all the treasures in the world.

Perhaps this is a mythical legend, but this key can undoubtedly open the door deep in the legend.

The man's ancestors were not interested in treasures, but thought that those treasures should contain all magic-related treasures.

In the end, the man's ancestors only confirmed that the key was genuine, but did not find the treasure house. Although the key itself seems to have unknown magic power, it is no longer important now. The important thing is that this key is a relic of the heroic spirit that the man most wants to summon. This is the best summoning catalyst, which can greatly increase the success rate of obtaining the ideal heroic spirit.

"The time is ripe, let's get started." The man stood up quietly, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and his emotions and calculations were also forgotten. He focused all his attention on the ceremony.

The 'feelings' were unified to one point, the nerves became sharp, and all unnecessary senses were blocked by him.

Unlike nerves and blood vessels, invisible circuits run through the body.

The man uttered the words of summons while feeling the same invisible heat flowing through his body along the circuit.

That was both a prayer to himself and a curse to the scales of all things.

He never thought that in a few minutes, his life, the various costs he had bet on this struggle, and the magician bloodline he had been clinging to, everything would easily come to an end in just an instant.


"It worked hahahahahaha! I succeeded!"

Seeing the "character" appearing in front of him, the man couldn't help but shout.

He didn't need to confirm the other person's real name at all, because he knew who he was summoning from the beginning.

Laughter of joy poured out from the depths of the man's throat one after another. Although it was only for a few seconds, the man did put the summoned heroic spirit aside.

The heroic spirit's face clearly showed displeasure, but as a heroic spirit, he still had to fulfill his obligations. However, from the perspective of the heroic spirit, whether that is called "obligation" is open to question.

"Answer me, are you the magician who dares to rely arrogantly on the glory of the king?"

Golden hair, golden armor. The extremely luxurious-looking servant asked in a condescending tone.

The man couldn't help but feel timid at the Servant's question. However, even though he knew how powerful the force in front of him was, he still felt a little irritable in his heart.

Just a follower, why are you so arrogant! ? Although his pride as a magician overcame his fear, the man regained his composure when the glowing command spell on his right hand ached faintly.

Forget it, this hero has this temperament to begin with.

However, despite this, this guy should be made aware of a fact early on.

That is, at least in this war, he is the master, and the heroic spirits summoned as servants are just tools.

Yes, I am your master.

The man intends to announce this to his servants and show them the command spell. To do this, the man stretched his right arm forward.

However, the next moment, he discovered that his right hand was missing.

"...Huh? Ah?" A dull voice that could not be described in words echoed in the cave.

Although there was not a drop of blood, the hand that had been on his right arm moments before was indeed missing.

The man hurriedly raised his wrist in front of his face, and a pungent burnt smell hit his face. There was still a trace of smoke coming out of the section of his wrist, clearly indicating that his hand was burned off. When the man realized this, as if he was an afterthought, the feeling of pain immediately rushed to his spinal cord and brain.


Heart-rending screams echoed throughout the cave.

Seeing the man in front of him squealing like a giant insect, the golden heroic spirit said boredly: "What, are you a clown? If so, just scream more pleasantly to please me."

The golden heroic spirit didn't even move his eyebrows. Although the person in front of him seemed to be his master, he still looked aloof and arrogant when he saw his master in such an ugly state.

But one thing is certain, that is, the right hand of the man in front of him was not burned off by this heroic spirit.

It’s not that I can’t do it, it’s that I disdain it.

Who would be angry because a grasshopper shows off its power in front of him?

"Woo... Wu... Wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" The man was still screaming. The changes that happened to him were beyond his ability to understand and destroyed his sanity. However, as a magician, his relatively strong consciousness forced him to calm down and immediately adjusted his posture.

"There's someone in the barrier! I'm careless..."

This cave has become his workshop. Normally, once someone enters, he will notice it immediately. But the intruder took advantage of his opportunity to summon the servant. The other party should have mixed his breath into the magic power of the heroic spirit in front of him, which was filling the space at this moment. As a result, he failed to discover it. After all, the magic power of the heroic spirit in front of him was too great. Too powerful, enough to cover up the glory of anyone in the world.

The man was thinking crazily.

He also set up some traps when setting up the barrier, but the traps were not activated at this time. If the intruder comes in after disarming a trap, it means that the intruder is a person who cannot be underestimated.

Thinking of this, while constructing magic with his left hand, he shouted towards the only possible direction of the enemy, the tunnel leading outside: "Who is it? How did you get through my barrier!?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound in the passage.

However, this voice was not an answer to his doubts, but a respectful salute to the golden heroic spirit: "Without presumption...I beg the great king to allow me to appear in front of you."

"Hmm..." The heroic spirit groaned after hearing this, and then agreed with a haughty attitude: "Forget it, I will give you the honor of paying homage to my king."

"It's a great honor."

After getting permission from Dao Yingling, the visitor appeared in the passage.

There is a clear and transparent innocence in the voice, as well as an indifference that rejects all things. Coming out from behind the rock was a smaller girl.

It was a girl about twelve years old, with brown skin and smooth black hair.

She was wearing a noble and gorgeous dress, like a "purdah beauty". Her upright face looked even more delicate against the backdrop of her clothes. Although her clothes were gorgeous, there was no matching luxury from her expression. To put it simply, she is too immature and cannot show the noble demeanor. The only thing that can be used to describe the girl is cuteness.

After the girl appeared, she just approached the throne respectfully, bowed to the heroic spirit on it, and then knelt down directly, not caring that her skirt would be stained with dirt.

"Tsk..." The man on the side felt a little angry when he saw this scene.

He was completely ignored.

But... although he felt angry, he could only watch all this at the moment.

Because although the girl in front of him was young, her strength was unfathomable. He didn't even dare to show an angry expression and could only forcefully hold back the curse in his throat. After all, the other party had just removed one of his arms without him noticing.

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