A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

978. May I ask, are you the master who summoned me?

This is because it is unprecedented to use modern industrial game peripherals to summon heroic spirits and succeed.

Yes, this young man actually used a game peripheral as a holy relic to successfully summon a heroic spirit.

Was it a miracle or a coincidence? Or was it his own talent that became the lead? Whatever the reason, what he accomplished was, in a sense, a great insult to the Holy Grail War. However, at this moment, even the person involved, Flat himself, did not know that the holy relic in his hand was just a peripheral item.

"May I ask, are you the master who summoned me?"

An exceptionally clear voice suddenly sounded in Frater's ears, as if the voice directly reached his soul.


The person involved, Flatt, seemed to be a little confused at the moment, standing up and looking around curiously.

But he only saw a family of tourists and a couple walking, and could not find the source of the sound.

"Can I take your answer just now as a yes? Then, the contract is completed. As people who are eager for the Holy Grail, let's work together." The voice sounded again.

"Huh? Huh?" Flatt stretched his neck up and down, left and right in excitement, but still didn't see the speaker.

The owner of the voice ignored Frat, who was in confusion, and continued: "Oh my God, there is no altar. He summons the followers directly from the crowd. The master is really bold and heroic! No, wait... there is no altar. Does that mean...there's not even a summoning spell?"

"I'm sorry, I seemed to have 'accidentally connected' when I was studying the flow of various magic powers. I'm really sorry for summoning you in this way." Flat seemed to finally understand what was going on, and was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and apologized.

"Well...that's all. This also proves that you are an excellent magician." The voice that seemed to be that of a servant seemed a little helpless.

Frat noticed that the magic power flowed from his body to "somewhere" through the command spell. He tremblingly asked in his head: "I seem to have missed the opportunity to be moved."

Originally, he wanted to study clearly how to summon the heroic spirit and perform the ceremony solemnly and solemnly. After all, this was his first time to summon the heroic spirit. It was a memorable thing and there must be a sense of ritual.

But who knew such an accident would happen?

"Excuse me, are all servants like you?"

"No, it's just that I'm special, so you don't need to take it too seriously." The servant's voice was more approachable than expected. The strange thing is that although his tone sounds very gentlemanly, it doesn't make people feel his specific nature. "After all, I don't have an exact 'nature'. My image and appearance can be anything, or nothing at all."

Generally speaking, people can tell whether the speaker is male or female, old or young, and even guess what occupation the other person is engaged in based on the speaker's voice. However, the voice that sounded directly in Flatt's head had none of these characteristics, which made Flatt feel as if he was talking to a faceless monster, which was extremely surprising.

"Then...can I ask for your name?" Flatt tried to raise the question. If the origin of the dagger he obtained was correct, then the true identity of the servant should be what he thought.

However, he could never equate the voice in his head with the "heroic spirit" in his impression. Because even Flatt understood that the "heroic spirit" in his mind could not be called a "hero" at all, or in other words, he had never heard of such a hero.

Frater's question seemed to go unanswered and no reply was received.

He moved his eyes around uneasily, and soon a tall black figure of a man suddenly broke into his eyes.

"Ah, you finally showed up!" Vlad raised his head and shouted in surprise.

However, the next moment, he was stunned.

"What are you talking about?" The man who walked up to him also showed a surprised expression.

Frat couldn't help but let out an "Ah" sound, and his face instantly turned pale.

Because the person who appeared in front of him was different from what he felt. He clearly felt that his heroic spirit was approaching. When he raised his head and looked up, he found that it was a police officer with a pistol on his waist, looking down at the seated person seriously. Him on the bench in front of the fountain.

"Holding a dagger and talking to himself, it looks suspicious at first glance." The policeman said with a slight frown while patting the baton in his hand.

"No...no! Misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding!" Just as Flatt was trying to explain in a hurry.

"Did it scare you?" The officer in front of him suddenly softened his attitude and handed the baton to Flatt.

Although it felt like a real baton, the moment Flatt took it, the weight of the thing disappeared in his hands. Flatt looked up in surprise. The police officer was no longer there, replaced by a sexy woman.

Then the woman spoke in a female voice, in exactly the same tone as the voice that had just sounded in his head: "I just wanted to give you a sense of who I am before I introduce myself."

"Eh? Eh? Ah!" Flatt looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him in surprise.

But just as abruptly as she appeared, the woman's figure disappeared from him in an instant.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, my Master. Because I think you can understand more quickly if you witness it with your own eyes."

After the woman disappeared, the previous voice sounded in Flat's mind again.

There were several tourists around who seemed to have witnessed some "abnormal scenes". Some people rubbed their eyes, some looked puzzled, and a child said to his mother, "The police uncle turned into an aunt and disappeared," but in return they were laughed at by their parents. .

Based on the reactions of these witnesses and the high-heeled shoe prints left on the ground, Flatt was convinced that what he just saw was not an illusion. The truth of the matter is regarded as nothing by the astonished ordinary people, and is only unveiled in the minds of young people.

"Then let me introduce myself again. My real name is..." the voice said slowly.

Flat couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva and waited for the other party's next words. He knew the true identity of this servant. Yes, unless the general master was very sure what kind of heroic spirit his holy relic could summon, and could roughly judge the identity of the heroic spirit based on the characteristics of the other party, he would also Or the servant reports himself outside the family, and the identity of the servant cannot be determined.

But this boy is different.

As his teacher El-Melloi II said, this young man is a 'talented idiot'. Although he is in tune all day long, he is indeed a genius magician.

Just like when he was studying how to summon heroic spirits, he accidentally used the magic circuit to summon the servant at the moment. He could even deduce the other party's "real name" based on the connection between himself and the servant!

If other magicians knew this, they would be extremely surprised, but it is indeed not difficult for young people.

What the young man feels depressed at this moment is that even knowing the 'real name' of the person in front of him is meaningless, because at least in the history of this world, there is no "legend" of this servant.

"Bennett, you can call me that."

Yes, Bennett is the name of this servant, and he also knows that although it is the real name, it is actually different from the real names of other servants. This name has no special meaning, only an expectation.

The simple explanation is that this name does not contain any 'great deeds' or 'miracles' that can prove its identity, and it has no practical effect.

This may be an advantage in the Holy Grail War. After all, if the enemy does not know the identity of his servant, there will be no way to target him.

But at the same time, this also makes him know nothing about his followers, and there are no 'great deeds' and 'miracles', which means that he cannot activate the most powerful ability of a heroic spirit - the 'Noble Phantasm'.

"Well, it seems that you, the host, have also figured it out. Although this is indeed my name, in fact... even I don't know what I am."

"Isn't it?" Flat stood up subconsciously. When he was halfway up, he realized that there was no one he could pounce on and grab, so he had to look around awkwardly and sat back down again.

The voice showed no sign of Flatt's actions and continued to talk about his true nature in a tone without emotion or characteristics.

The dagger that Frater got was actually not a relic, but purely a counterfeit. However, for this heroic spirit - precisely because this dagger is a counterfeit product released to the public and a product of human hands, it has a stronger attraction to his soul.

This servant has no name, but exists because of human will.

He has no exact face, no specific appearance, no gender, and even his name was given by others.

No, maybe whether he is human or not is a question mark first.

In the eyes of the world, he was once synonymous with terror. As time goes by, people have given various images to the "he" of unknown gender based on their imagination, and they have been told in many different stories and papers to this day.

Sometimes it's a doctor, sometimes it's a teacher, sometimes it's a noble, sometimes it's a prostitute, sometimes it's a butcher, sometimes it's a devil, sometimes it's a monster, sometimes it doesn't even have a specific form, it's a pure conspiracy, or it's just a reference. crazy.

Furthermore, no one can be sure that "he" is an individual. Therefore, people simply used their fears to freely depict his image, and even sublimated it into a "legend".

However, now he is not just a legend, he actually existed, among some gods? No...it exists under the expectation of a certain human being.

Frater, who has lived in the "Clock Tower" for a long time, has read almost all kinds of legends from all over the world from various ancient books, but he has never heard of such a being.

To him, the servant in front of him was a mystery that was close at hand.

If it were just proof of his existence, then everyone would know it. Because he once left an indelible mark on the world with the horrific corpses of five prostitutes in Whitechapel, London.

"However, in this world, people usually call me - Jack the Ripper." The Servant said.

"Is that so? It's... great! Coming to participate in the Holy Grail War is indeed the right choice!!"

Who knew that after listening to the heroic spirit in front of him telling his vague life experience, Flatt did not fall into confusion or entanglement as the heroic spirit expected, but suddenly became excited.

Yes, that's the character of this brilliant idiot, genius magician.

After all, he came to participate in the Holy Grail War because he thought it was 'very interesting'. Now summoning an unexpected heroic spirit can only be regarded as an even more exciting 'surprise' for him, and it will only make him more excited. That’s all.

"Is that so? It seems that the Master I met is a very interesting person. In this case, I will feel relieved."


The sudden sound startled Flatt slightly.

He suddenly turned his head and looked over, only to see a smiling man sitting on the same bench as him as if nothing had happened, talking leisurely.

He was clearly very close, but he didn't notice the other person's presence until he was speaking.

You know, just now he was aware of the heroic spirit appearing in front of him, but now... his perception was actually blocked by an 'ordinary person'?

Yes, no matter how Frater observed, he could only tell that the person in front of him was just an ordinary person, not a heroic spirit, and there were no traces of magic on his body.

Apart from Xuan Hao, this person would naturally be no one else.

"I'm sorry, Master, did I scare you?"

Bennett's voice sounded in Flatt's mind again.

"I thought you could see his..."

In fact, at the same time he was summoned, Xuan Hao had already appeared next to the Master and sat down. He always thought that the master had already noticed it, but he just didn't sort out the situation for a while and didn't pay attention to it. After all, Mr. Xuanhao did not show any hostility.

"What...what's going on? Do you know each other?" Flat asked in surprise and joy.

He looked at Xuan Hao, his expression full of curiosity: "Are you... are you also a participant in the Holy Grail War?"

"No, if I were a participant, there would be no suspense in this war."

Xuan Hao shook his head slightly and smiled, "Also, boy, to ask such a question... I don't think you seem to have any sense of crisis. The Holy Grail War is not a friendly game where everyone sits down and plays poker. If it really When a master meets, it will most likely turn into a fight to the death."

"Well...it seems like this, hahahaha..."

Flatt smiled awkwardly.

He didn't know why, but being scolded by the man in front of him always reminded him of his teacher El-Melloi II.

"I'll definitely pay attention next time."

"Really? Then I'll be relieved."

Xuan Hao nodded with satisfaction when he heard this, "After all... I don't want Bennett to be eliminated so soon."

"Um... do you really know my heroic spirit?" Flatt suddenly became more curious when he heard that the man in front of him accurately called his heroic spirit's name.

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