A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

979. Bennett and his ‘guardian’

No matter how you look at it, the man in front of you should be an ordinary person, not a heroic spirit, not even a magician.

So here comes the interesting thing. Why would an ordinary person know about the Holy Grail War, and even more so the heroic spirit he had just summoned?

And... listening to what the other party said just now, the other party seems to be extremely confident. If they participate in the Holy Grail War, victory will be within their grasp.

In short, Flatt did not believe what he saw.

No matter how much his eyes told him that the person in front of him was just an ordinary person, he did not believe that the person in front of him was 'ordinary'.

Therefore, from the beginning, he used honorifics to the men in front of him.

"Well, your tone of voice is very polite. It can be seen that you are not as naive as you appear on the surface. At least you have a good brain." Xuan Hao naturally saw the true nature of Flat, and he was not stingy with himself. Praise.

"Ah hahaha, thank you for the compliment." Flat scratched his head in embarrassment.

As expected, this person is very similar to his teacher El-Melloi II.

When he, he meant, he was so merciless even when he scolded him.

However, there are essential differences between the two.

His teacher El-Melloi II treated him so unceremoniously just because the relationship between the two was very familiar and he cared about him as a teacher.

The man in front of me was completely different.

Flatt could instinctively sense danger from this man.

The other party would be so rude simply because of its unfathomable strength.

Even if no magic power fluctuation could be seen from the other party, even if the other party was not a magician or a heroic spirit, Flatt was still extremely sure that this man wanted to kill him, it was just a thought.

"So...can you answer my little doubt?" Flatt chuckled, poking his fingers with both hands, and asked.

"You are clearly trembling with fear, but you still want to find out the truth?"

Looking at the actions of the young man in front of him, Xuan Hao raised his eyebrows with interest, "It seems that your teacher will have a headache with you."

"Uh... this... hahaha..." Flatt smiled awkwardly and did not deny it.

"how to say?"

Xuan Hao slowly stood up and took a few steps towards the front of the bench.

At this moment, they were at the lakeside of Snowfield Central Park. Xuanhao had not seen such a scenery for a long time.

Answering the boy's question was just a matter of course. This era in the world made him feel a little nostalgic.

"I should... be regarded as the 'guardian' of the heroic spirit you summoned. For some special reason, he and I were summoned to this world by you. As you can see, this child is still very confused."

"I see!"

I thought Flatt would be confused, but he didn't expect to accept this setting so easily, "That's so cool! I didn't expect to encounter such a thing when I participated in the Holy Grail War for the first time! In this case...will you Will you also join us in action? During this Holy Grail War!"

"Yes." Xuan Hao nodded slightly. He liked talking to smart people. Although the young man in front of him was a little nervous, he had to say that he was indeed a genius.

Although he didn't know the specific situation of this world, or even how many Holy Grail Wars this Holy Grail War was, or if it was not any of the ones he was familiar with at all, he could sense from this boy that it was far beyond the The power of all those who have 'magic' in this city at this moment.

Bennett seems to have won the lottery. After all, having such a powerful Master in the Holy Grail War is very advantageous.

"But, kid, don't be too happy. I won't help you get the Holy Grail. At most, I will just ensure that you won't die before you achieve your goal. After all, if you die, Bennett will also exit."

Xuan Hao looked at the young man in front of him with a slightly dangerous look and said.

Bennett's situation was different.

He could ignore the rules of the world and come to this world, but Bennett had no power to resist the rules of the world. The moment he came to this world, Bennett was forced by the rules to be bound to the young man in front of him.

But this is not a bad thing, and it even saves them the step of trying to get tickets to the Holy Grail War. After all, he brought Bennett to this world for the Holy Grail.

That is the root that the magician seeks, the 'first cause', the 'origin' of everything.

As long as he can absorb nutrients from this, it may save a lot of processes for Bennett's growth.

"Of course! Thank you so much!"

When Flatt heard this, his eyes shone with gratitude.

To him, the Holy Grail War didn't seem that important at the moment.

Because the man in front of him is obviously more interesting than the Holy Grail.

Of course, he didn't mean any disrespect, he just wanted to follow this man and witness some 'miracles' that he had never witnessed before.

At this moment, Flatt was extremely grateful that he was here to participate in this Holy Grail War.


A few months ago - El-Melloi II played a game called "Night Raid of the British Empire".

When he bought this game from Japan, he thought it was a simulation game based on the battle between knights in British legends.

In fact, the word written in katakana on the title is night for "night" (note: the English katakana for "knight" and "night" are both written as ナイト).

The story of the game tells the story of a real character who, while fighting against another crazy self hidden in his heart, wanders the streets of London in the middle of the night, and is involved in the wars between monsters one after another.

Actually this is an adventure game. Although it was completely different from what he had imagined, El-Melloi II still cleared the level in an orderly manner and truthfully wrote comments such as "The title is misleading" on the investigation postcard.

He accidentally turned to the back of the postcard and found details about the raffle prizes written on it.

"We will select one hundred people from the players who fill out the questionnaire and give away a replica (unsharpened) dagger engraved with the inscription 'Jack the Ripper'!"

Will Jack the Ripper still inscribe his daggers? El-Melloi II snorted disdainfully, lost all interest in the prize, and continued to write down the evaluation of the game indifferently. At this time, he still didn't know what consequences this investigation postcard would bring.


Months later, Flatt sat in front of a lake in the park, continuing his conversation with “something” in his head. There was a man sitting next to him. This man was extremely leisurely, as if he was on vacation.

After a simple exchange, Flat, Xuanhao and Bennett reached an agreement.

He will take Bennett to participate in this so-called 'Holy Grail War' with the goal of obtaining the Holy Grail, while Xuanhao will only act as a guardian to ensure their safety when necessary.

Now that he has decided to do this, he must first understand Bennett's abilities, otherwise he will not be able to find a way to fight when the Holy Grail War officially begins.

It didn't take him long to get used to coexisting with an incorporeal heroic spirit like Bennett.

Now it’s natural to talk to the voices in your head.

"In other words, is it because you are 'no one' that you have the ability to 'become anyone'?"

"Yes, but you are really lucky. If I appear in another class, I will definitely seize your body and go crazy. Let alone other things, this park will definitely turn into a sea of ​​blood." Bennett followed the instructions in his mind , the rules that were poured into me the moment I came to this world, said lightly.


Bennett's words didn't sound like a joke, which made Flatt couldn't help but look at the people around him. Any other magician would probably be worried about the world knowing about the magician's existence. Flatt was relieved that he was free from such worries because he was not like a magician.

"Please... may I ask, what is your class? Stalker?"

"Although my form does seem to be very suitable for this class, but... I still have to apologize for your judgment. My class is... Berserker." Bennett replied with some embarrassment.

"Huh?" Flatt looked confused.

Although he didn't know much about the Holy Grail War, he had done some superficial research. Berserker - The characteristic of this class should be to inspire stronger power by losing one's mind.

As if sensing Frater's doubts, Bennett took the initiative to talk about his relationship with his class in a calm tone.

"Because I am a legend born as a symbol of madness. It can be said that the Berserker is the only class that matches me."

"Oh... I mean, a negative makes a positive!" A normal magician... no, a normal person would also say to this, "How can it be such a coincidence?", but Flatt accepted it happily.


Xuan Hao, who was listening to the exchange between the two, couldn't help but smile.

"It's great, Bennett, to meet such an easy-to-communicate person."

"Are all humans so easy to communicate with?"

Bennett felt a little unsure about this.

"No, it's just that this kid's brain circuit is a little special." Xuan Hao replied teasingly, "Don't follow him to learn how to be a human being."

"That's too much, Mr. Xuanhao." Flatt looked a little disappointed. "By the way, how did you do it? Bennett and I are communicating through consciousness."

He was very curious that Xuan Hao could hear the communication between them.

"I wanted to hear it, so I heard it." Xuan Hao gave such a Versailles-like answer that was not an answer.

"I see, Mr. Xuanhao is indeed very powerful!" Frat's eyes shone.

"There's no benefit in praising me." Xuan Hao shrugged helplessly.

"I'm starting to get a little worried. Is this person really an excellent magician?" Bennett looked at the somewhat unreliable Flatt and raised such doubts.

Probably sensing the embarrassment from the voice in his head, Flatt quickly changed the subject: "Speaking of which, do you have any wishes for the Holy Grail?"

"Wish? It doesn't count." Xuan Hao shook his head slightly and motioned for Bennett to explain.

"Well... I really should confess to the Master... I hope you won't laugh." Bennett hesitated for a moment, and replied in the mind of the Master who asked the question: "... I just want to know who I am."

"What do you mean?"

"The person I used to be was just a legend, not a fact. But if I didn't even know who I was and just relied on people's stories or research to change my shape, I would feel very scary. However, like you A person with a body, a name, and a past should not be able to understand me." Bennett said in a calm tone, "I want to become a 'real person', so I hope to learn some knowledge about human beings. , and the Holy Grail is a very good textbook for me, Mr. Xuanhao said so."

"Wow!? So Mr. Xuan Hao seems to know the nature of the Holy Grail very well?" Flatt looked at Xuan Hao again with bright eyes.

"The root, the origin of everything." Xuan Hao explained simply and clearly, "The birth of human beings is also included in this 'everything', so I personally think that Bennett should be able to get what he wants from the Holy Grail. .”

"But...if...I mean if..."

Flatt is indeed a genius. After hearing Xuanhao's guess, he immediately asked the corresponding question, "If according to your explanation, the Holy Grail is really the 'origin' of everything, then the knowledge contained in it should be more than just about Everything about human beings. What if Bennett fails to become a 'human' after gaining knowledge of the Holy Grail... I shouldn't say... but becomes a super-human 'human'? After all, according to my understanding of the Holy Grail War , it seems that the reason why magicians want to pursue the 'root' is to achieve that state."

"..." Bennett was silent.

He also wanted to know the answer to this question.

However, Xuan Hao seemed to be extremely disdainful of this: "Stupid. Whether it is the Holy Grail or the 'root', it is just an 'item'. How to use this item depends on the person. Those guys who are obsessed with desire, even if they get If you get the Holy Grail, it will only be swallowed by the 'source'."

"You're saying that as long as you have a strong will, you won't be affected by the 'root', right?" Frater asked curiously.

In fact, everything he said was just speculation. After all, he knew nothing about the Holy Grail or its origin.

"Theoretically, that's the case. As long as you have a strong enough will, this kind of thing is just a tool to achieve your goal." Xuan Hao replied calmly.

In his impression, a certain king who was a heroic spirit once used the power of the Holy Grail to obtain a physical body and stay in the human world. It's not about praying to the Holy Grail, it's just about using its power. That king's will was arrogant and unswerving, and even the black mud flowing from the contaminated Holy Grail could not shake it in the slightest.

"Anyway, it's up to you, Bennett."

"I understand, Mr. Xuanhao, thank you very much." Bennett was extremely grateful for this.

After all, growth is your own business.

This man brought him into this world and gave him this opportunity. He had already done a lot for him.

Hearing that the topic between the two became serious, Frat, as the master, put on a hearty smile on his face that ordinary magicians should not have: "Hahaha, okay, okay, don't be so nervous. Don’t worry about anything else, the weather is so nice today, let’s bask in the sun. It’s warm and super comfortable!”

As he spoke, he lay directly on the lawn behind the deck chair and took a nap lazily.


In this way, the young man who didn't know the cause of the tragedy, the souls born only from the tragedy, and their "guardians" embarked on a journey together.

They have one thing in common - that is, they are all the people who are farthest from the concept of the Holy Grail War. ()

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