Chapter 987 Fanatic Believer

"In a certain country, there once was such a devout believer."

This story should have been that simple.


This believer was contemptuously called a "fanatic believer" by others because of his devout faith that was beyond the understanding of the world.

Even the believers who worshiped the same god as her could not understand her unusually devout faith and looked down upon her.

However, the fanatic didn't resent anyone for this.

"The reason why I am looked down upon by others is because I am not pious enough." She thought so.

Being despised is because of insufficient faith, nothing more.

Therefore, the fanatic continues to push herself and continue her pilgrimage.

She constantly pursues the miracles created by her ancestors and tries to recreate them one by one.

"But it's not enough. Not nearly enough."

The world seems to be shouting at the fanatical believers.

No one understood why she was so crazy, and other believers began to think that she was possessed by a demon and were afraid of her.

"Not enough. Not enough. Not enough-"

The pilgrimage seems to have no end.

In the end, the fanatic achieved nothing and lived only as a fanatic who was feared by people. He was not even qualified for martyrdom.

She disappeared from people's eyes on a mediocre day.

But even so, the fanatic never hated the world.

She was always ashamed of her lack of piety. Even if she died, she would take another form and plunge into the torrent of faith again.

The fanatic never held a grudge.

There was once such a fanatic believer who was hopeless in the eyes of ordinary people.

Such a simple story should have ended here.

However, the false Holy Grail chose her.



Lakeland area east of Snowfield.

This lake and swamp in the east of the city stretches as far as the eye can see, with numerous clear lakes dotted here and there. But beauty often coexists with danger. There are many dangerous swamps between the lakes that you will fall into if you step into them.

The swamp spread out in all directions, as if it wanted to fill in all the gaps and swallow up the entire area.

Among the four haphazard areas of land in the southeast, northwest and northwest of this rapidly developing city, this can be regarded as an area that is developing relatively quickly, but at best there are only a few fishing grounds and holiday villas sparsely located.

At this moment, in the corner of the villa area, there was a villa that was much larger than the other houses. Since it is surrounded by barriers, even if ordinary people see it, they will think it is "nothing special" and will not approach it.

This is a method commonly used by magicians to drive people away.

Under the influence of such a magic barrier, ordinary people without magic power will consciously leave the area covered by the barrier.

His eyes came to the villa.

Judging from the decoration, this building cannot be said to be elegant. If you think of it as a simple hotel built on the shore of the Western Lake, then the design with black and gray as the main colors will appear too Gothic, and it is destined not to do any good business.

But at this moment, the basement of the villa was full of people.

A dozen magicians were in the basement of the house, and they had just finished the summoning ceremony.

The appearance of the Servant was successfully completed.

All that remains is to answer the questions raised by the servant and conclude a contract with him.



The magician who summoned this Servant, Jesta Caltore, stared at the heroic spirit he summoned in surprise.

At this moment, Jesta is surrounded by more than a dozen magicians. Obviously, they are all Jesta's disciples.

And in the center of the crowd, a figure was exuding an unusual aura. This aura is different from humans and magicians; it is bottomless, yet full of pure oppression.

Magicians know very well that such aura can only come from heroic spirits.

On the surface, this heroic spirit is a "woman" wearing a black robe.

She seemed to be quite young, but her appearance was unknown because her head was buried.

But that's not the problem.

The moment Jesta saw this heroic spirit, she felt that something was wrong.

"What I summoned should be the heroic spirit of the stalker."

Yes, the heroic spirit he summoned should be of the 'Stalker' class.

‘Class’, as a container for heroic spirits, cannot generally be chosen by the summoner.

But there are exceptions.

The classes of 'Stalker' and 'Berserker' have special properties and can be summoned based on chanting and pre-preparation.

Therefore, Jesta followed this rule and summoned a heroic spirit of the "Stalker" class.

Since it is a class that specializes in assassination, naturally there is only one type of hero that fits the name of "Stalker". At first glance, the heroic spirit that appeared in front of him did indeed look like that kind of person.

However, the heroic spirits who appear as 'divers' should all have one characteristic, but the heroic spirit in front of them does not.

"I heard that they all wear white skull masks..."

Yes, heroic spirits named as stalkers will wrap their bodies in black robes and wear skull masks to hide their faces. This is the information that Jesta obtained through prior investigation.

But the woman in black in front of her did not wear a white mask, and her true face was looming under the gently swaying cloak.

"By the way, can I talk to her first?"

Although Jesta felt a little confused, she didn't quite know what was going on.

This was his first time experiencing the Holy Grail War, and he knew very well that this Holy Grail War was a fake that was different from the real Holy Grail War. No one could predict how different it would be from the Holy Grail War fought in Japan.

Maybe Stalker doesn't have a mask, and this is also the reason for the surprise?

In addition, there is another thing that makes Jesta feel strange. That is, at this stage, the "protagonist" of this Holy Grail War has still not surfaced. The one who could create such a large-scale system must be a famous magician family on par with the Einzberns and other families. But so far, he has never felt a similar aura of a magician.

Is the other party hiding it too well, or is the other party just watching from the sidelines in a hidden place?

Jesta suppressed all the questions in her heart and continued to wait for the servant in front of her to act.

Finally, the woman in black slowly raised her head, and the figure of Jesta was reflected in her star-like eyes.

"Just ask"

Her firm gaze was the same as the sense of oppression she exuded. Although it was unfathomable, it was crystal clear without any hesitation.

The magician couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he waited for the other party to continue talking with a slight smile.

"Are you the magician who called me here to get the Holy Grail?" The woman spoke slowly through the black cloth covering her mouth, her voice sounding weak.

Following the woman's question, Jesta also felt relieved.

He confidently took a step forward, opened his arms as if to welcome the woman, and said, "Yes, you are right. I am just——"

However, before he finished speaking, something strange happened.

"...Delusional Heart Sound (Zabaniya)..." With the murmur of the woman in black, time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Jesta was stunned for a moment, only to hear a "pop" sound, and he felt as if something touched his chest.

He couldn't help but look down.

"what happened?"

I saw something red reaching out to Jesta's chest, and that thing was grabbing something that was also red.

By the time Jesta realized that it was his heart, it seemed it was too late.

Before he could raise his lowered head again, his body fell straight to the ground.


Seeing the sudden change in front of them and the motionless teacher lying on the ground, the expressions of the trainee magicians suddenly changed, and they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

As bystanders, they were lucky enough to see the full picture of what had just happened. It seemed that a red arm suddenly appeared from behind the woman, stretched straight towards Jesta, and touched his chest in the blink of an eye.

Incredibly, there was a heart in the red hand, but then, the heart was crushed hard by that hand.

The trainee magicians looked at the teacher who fell on the ground, then at the woman in black, and all of them screamed in disbelief.


"What did you do to Master Jesta?"

"Aren't you a Servant?"

The trainee magicians screamed in panic, gripped their weapons tightly in their hands, and quickly restrained their magic power.

It seems that he is preparing to confront the heroic spirit.

Yes, there is no doubt that the heroic spirit in front of them is already their enemy. After all, she even killed her own master.

Heroic spirits of other classes may dissipate with the death of their master, but they know a little bit about the Holy Grail War, and there is a high probability that the heroic spirits in front of them will not.

Because most of the Heroic Spirits who appear as the class of 'Diver' should have the characteristic of 'acting alone', that is, even if the Master dies in battle, they can act independently for a period of time.

And during this period of time, it was enough for this heroic spirit to kill them countless times.

Humans, even magicians, are usually defenseless when faced with heroic spirits.

The woman in black looked at them expressionlessly and said something in a still weak voice.

“Our God needs no cup”

I don't know if it was because he heard what the woman in black said, but there was a man in the crowd holding a short knife with special power. He quietly jumped up and aimed at stabbing her in the back.

However, his sneak attack was unsuccessful.

There was a strange "crunch" sound, and the woman in black's shoulders twisted into a strange angle.

She stretched her left hand behind her and gently touched the man's head.

"...Utopia Computer (Zabaniya)..."

The next moment, the man's head seemed to turn into a bomb. His body made a loud noise and exploded with flames.

The explosions and flashes of light caused the trainee magicians to cower in fear. The woman in black only knocked down two people in an instant, and the trainee magicians realized deeply that there was nothing they could do in the face of out-and-out servants.

"We must eradicate... heretical magicians..."

The woman in black murmured in a feeble voice and stopped moving for a few seconds.

To others, the woman in black seemed to be waiting for the trainee magicians to throw down their weapons, turn around and run away. But the trainee magicians did not do this. They chose to retreat together, keeping distance from the woman in black and using their magic power to prepare to attack her.

Because they all know very well how stupid it is to leave their back to a hunter who is countless times more powerful than themselves.

However, in the face of the absolute power gap, resistance seems meaningless.

Upon seeing this, the woman in black shook her head gently with a look that seemed both pity and loneliness, and spoke mercilessly.

"...Dream Marrow (Zabaniya)..."

Silence fell over the room.

When she came back to her senses, the woman in black was surrounded only by the magicians who had become corpses.

The magicians were just about to release magic power to the servants, but for some reason, their bodies were burned to charcoal and fell to the ground.

No one knew what happened. The only Servant who knew the truth silently left the basement along the stairs.

She disappeared.

To be precise, he took advantage of the convenience of being a heroic spirit and transformed into a spiritual body.

Now, no one can see her in spiritual form.

She clearly had nowhere to go, but she was galloping through the darkness of the night with a clear purpose.


Fanatics want proof.

As long as she can prove that she is a qualified believer and a qualified believer in God.

It took her a long, long time to realize that having this idea in itself meant she was immature.

When she was young, "she" worked hard to get a name that could serve as proof of her faith.

In order to receive a name that represents the leader of the believers, she must have a power that can be called a miracle of God.

However, that miracle has some special limitations.

It exists to take the lives of others more quickly and accurately than heathens and enemies of God can.

The faction she belongs to pursues just such a miracle.

This is an assassination sect composed of a group of fanatical believers.

Even so, she was despised as a "fanatic" by those in the cult.

In order to inherit the name that represents the leader of believers, the leaders of the past generations each mastered a miracle named "Fallen Angel".

Everyone was stunned at what she did.

No one believes this is true.

They never thought that a young female believer could actually combine all the miracles of the previous eighteen leaders into one person.

This is enough to prove that she has gone through countless bloody trials, and it also fully shows that she has put in more pure and unquestionable efforts than anyone else.

However, the people in the cult refused to admit that she was qualified to inherit the title of leader.

"What are you doing? It's just imitation that's not even copying. You can't create miracles yourself, which means you have some shortcomings."

She is indeed very talented. In order to master all the skills that once existed in the world, she paid the price with blood - enduring the pain of being cut and reorganized.

In other words, her talent is a talent that works hard even through fire and water, rather than a pioneering talent that uses her brain to unleash her creativity and create new miracles.


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