Chapter 989 You are justice

"...That's because you made a contract with me as a heroic spirit, that's all."

Veins throbbed on the man's temples, and he tightened his grip on the microphone. A lock-like pattern clearly appeared on the back of his hand, which was his Command Seal.

In other words, the person talking to him on the phone now is his servant. The servant communicates with the master through the phone. Judging from this behavior, there seems to be a strange sense of distance between them.

The servant known as the 'Warlock' muttered "It's really boring" and then fired at the Master with a machine gun-like momentum, using words as bullets.

"Don't think twice."

"My job is to create heroes, but I'm not a hero."

"You can regard me as a hero. It would be better if you send women here. In the eyes of unpopular men, people like me who have given birth to thousands of children with hundreds of women are indeed heroes. . There is no way you can lift me to that height!"

"Don't brag about the lies that will be exposed in three seconds. If you have time to make up so many lies, you might as well continue working for me." The man's tone was a little impatient. He was already in a very irritable mood today. How could he have the time to talk to him? This noisy heroic spirit talks well.

"Ah? You still want me to continue working? Are you an evil capitalist? Please think about me a little bit! Listen, I don't have any great wishes that I want to find the Holy Grail to fulfill. At most, it's food and beautiful women. Rather than wishing, I want to see what kind of drama the people participating in this war will put on and what kind of ending they will have. That’s all I want to see! But you keep asking me to do this and that. Let me tell you, again If this continues, I will go crazy before I see the ending!"

"Hey..." After hearing the servant venting his grievances passionately, the Master sighed and coaxed nicely: "I will provide you with delicious food and beautiful women, so hurry up and continue the 'sublimation' work. .”

"What a boring guy. I haven't talked about you yet! Don't forget, it was you who called me out and forced me to do work outside my professional field. Besides, if you want to make counterfeit goods, you are not Is there anyone more suitable? I checked on the Internet yesterday, and the guy named Emil de Hory (Note: Hungarian fake painter) is very good! I also heard that there are people who can use all kinds of powerful tools. Magic, unlimited fakes!”

"A mere counterfeit is meaningless. If it is not a weapon that surpasses the original, it will not be able to fight against the treasury of the King of Heroes."

"Hmph! Are you praising my processing ability? I'm so happy that I'm about to burst into tears! Go to hell! Ahhhhhh, if I had known it would be like this, I shouldn't have joked during the plagiarism scandal. I said, 'My work is more interesting than the original work, right?' Who would have thought that more than a hundred years later, I would be dragged up while sleeping with Cleopatra and Yang Guifei in my arms, and be used like a servant. !Stop joking, I won’t believe your nonsense!”

The servant was full of complaints, but they were still full of obvious lies.

The Master controlled his emotions and said to him: "Don't get me wrong, the reason why I chose you is not because of that anecdote that is difficult to tell, but because I think you can create a legend that is higher than the legend. No matter it is No matter what legend is written, you can overwrite it and turn it into fact. I just believe that you have such ability."

"Hmph! Even if I hear a man's compliment, I won't be happy. Why don't you write the lines you just said into a script and let your wife read it to me. Of course, you have to do it in front of me! Ah, I'll give you the script Wife, please bring it to me first. Compared with legends, I am better at modifying crude dramas——"

The man quietly put down the phone without listening to the other party's words.

The eloquent words suddenly stopped. The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed, and there was silence.

The owner of the room seemed not to have answered the phone call just now, and analyzed the depths of the dark room with a nonchalant expression: "King of Heroes Gilgamesh...I heard that among his treasures are the Nameless Sword and the Infinite Treasure House. It’s the toughest.”

The man stood up and slowly paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back.

"If that's the case, we can only win by quantity. Before he draws his sword, we must use all means to expose his flaws and commit murder openly."

Every time he takes a step, the man will exude a strange sense of oppression. Facing the darkness in the room, a look of anxiety appeared on the man's face.

"However, you cannot win simply by being superior in numbers. Heroic spirits are not afraid of physical attacks in the first place, not to mention that they can defeat top-notch athletes with an overwhelming advantage just by relying on strength alone. Ah, except for the warlocks I summoned, maybe I can beat that guy...forget it, it doesn't matter."

He looked away, as if reflecting on what he had said, and then regained his composure and continued walking.

"But on the other hand, what if we can control the Noble Phantasm with human bodies?"

The "Noble Phantasm" in the Holy Grail War refers to the ace weapon that each hero possesses, which is called a magical skill. Just like the legendary Kusanagi sword, the legendary Japanese warrior, the Noble Phantasm is both a symbol of heroes and an item that maximizes their abilities.

Of course, these Noble Phantasms will not be displayed in weapon shops or antique shops, but will appear with the appearance of the Servants. It can be said that summoning a servant is equivalent to "summoning a Noble Phantasm".

In other words, the Noble Phantasm can even influence the direction of the war.

"In addition, our weapons all have power beyond the original Noble Phantasm?"

The man walked into the depths of darkness and stopped in front of the wall——

He stretched out his right hand with the command spell engraved on it and pressed the light switch.

The room suddenly brightened up.

This scene appeared in front of me——

In the spacious room, people in black uniforms were neatly lined up on the left and right sides.

Of course, the black uniforms mentioned here do not refer to the uniforms in Japanese specialty film and television works, but to the serious police uniforms.

These people have very distinctive equipment hanging on their waists. It can be said that the entire group is a symbol of power.

This is a police force of about thirty men and women.

They wore solemn uniforms, and each held a different kind of equipment.

What a weird picture this is, because the equipment worn by these police officers is not modern high-tech weapons.

The uniformed police officers solemnly held swords, bows, shields, guns, chains, sickles, sticks and other weapons. Only handcuffs and pistols, which symbolized the technology of the times, were worn around their waists, as if these two things were just foils.

It's no longer a matter of suitability, it's simply ridiculous.

There were even people carrying weapons similar to golden matchlocks, as if these policemen were about to participate in a performance of a TV series.

However, as long as any magician with some sensitivity sees this scene, let alone laughing, he will probably faint.

Because the weapons in the hands of these police officers all exuded the power of a mixture of magic and heroism, as if they were eroding the air that filled the room.

This is a treasure.

Humans wear Noble Phantasms.

Although these treasures are all fakes.

But the power goes beyond legend.

"'Clan Calatin'."

"This is the name of the warrior in Celtic mythology who once dueled with Cu Chulainn. From today on, it will be your operation code name."

Snowfield's police chief looked left and right at this extremely unusual team with satisfaction, spread his arms and announced loudly: "Although this may sound light, I assure you as a police chief that with magic The name of the teacher promises you——"

"You are righteous."

Upon hearing this, all the police officers stood at attention and saluted the police chief with uniform movements. In their eyes, this boss is not only their master, but also a magician like a teacher.

For the actions of the police, anyone with a keen eye can understand at a glance that they are definitely not ordinary police officers. In addition to receiving necessary police training, they have also mastered other special abilities.

Police agencies have spread a physical "net" in every corner of the city.

They only have to rely on their servants for one thing, and that is to have the servants work with the magicians as pawns to "make the Noble Phantasm."

In other words, they chose to defeat the Heroic Spirits with human hands, fundamentally shaking the Holy Grail War.

So, what kind of ending awaits them?

The man who was summoned as a warlock has not yet finished writing this story.


After the police left, a very cute applause suddenly sounded in the room.

The police chief didn't even look at the direction from which the sound came, and asked in a low voice impatiently: "What are you doing here?"

His voice had a force that could almost crush the soul of a small animal, and his disgust was clearly revealed.

Hearing this, the person applauding quietly poked his head out from the darkness of the room: "Oh, why is your reaction so cold? Can't you come if you have nothing to do?"

The speaker was a girl who looked to be fifteen years old.

She wore a gothic Lolita dress based on black and white. She was obviously indoors, but she was holding an overly decorated umbrella.

"At least this is not a place where outsiders should enter." The man said in a serious tone.

"Oh? You actually call me 'outsider' now. You really stand out, you are new here." The girl waved her umbrella back and forth and giggled. Although his tone sounded like he was losing his temper, he did not seem to be displeased, "But having said that, your speech just now was really wonderful. How do you say it? It seemed like 'you are justice'? It was simply textbook-level acting! If I As a judge of the Golden Raspberry Awards, I will award you the Best Actor Award without hesitation!"

"That's not a show, I'm telling the truth." The man said calmly, as if he was stating a fact.

"Huh? Do you really think you represent justice? It's obviously you who set up this huge scam." The girl's expression was slightly confused.

"That's right." The man didn't care.

Hearing the director's decisive answer, the girl burst into laughter: "Awesome! You are so thick-skinned, so admirable! You don't like this country, right? If you really like it, how could you take this kind of thing seriously? Be righteous!"

"As you said, I may not be a patriot, nor a devout worshiper of God. The reason why I took the actions I did was because I believed in what I believed in and I was proud of it." The man's belief does not seem to Shaken by anything.

His words are not so much that he is talking to the girl, but that he is persuading himself.

"However, our justice is not the same as the Holy Grail's justice. Once the situation changes, we will not only have to deal with the association and the church, but also the Holy Grail War system."

"Yes, yes, yes~" the girl waved her hands nonchalantly, as if laughing at his words composed of strong determination, "It doesn't matter, there will be no mediator (Ruler) in this Holy Grail War."

This is the characteristic of ‘circumstances have changed’ mentioned by men.

Once there is an imbalance in the Holy Grail War, a heroic spirit of the class "Mediator" will appear, and he will be given the absolute power to crush other heroic spirits to correct the war.

This was originally a false Holy Grail War, and there was no so-called balance at all, so it was reasonable for men to worry about such a thing happening.

But the girl seemed to know everything.

It directly dispelled his unnecessary worries.

"What?" The man seemed a little puzzled by such firm words.

However, the girl did not give any explanation, but the smile on her face suddenly changed: "To be precise...even if the mediator appears after the Holy Grail War turns from fake to real, it will be too late."

Although her smile was still as innocent as before, it was tainted with a cruel look. At this moment, she was like a child stepping on ants according to the rhythm.

Innocent, yet cruel.

"The Holy Grail War in Snowfield will sublimate from falsehood to reality and go off track. In this way, the mediator will be unable to stop it or even intervene. At that time, we can humiliate the Holy Grail War to our heart's content!" The girl said ecstatically Breathing out puffs of white air, he continued proudly: "Don't you think this is great? You can once again humiliate that saintly girl and turn her into soot that is not even worthy of being used as pig feed! Ah! I'm so happy! So exciting! Is she really not coming? Can't she come for me? Mediator! I failed to frustrate her first, but this time she is not a hero who fulfilled her mission, but failed in her duty. The Mediator of the Holy Grail. If she dies in this capacity, she will definitely die with her eyes open!"

At this point, her smile suddenly returned to its original state, and her mood became calmer.

The man on the side just looked at her silently, as if, no... indeed, he looked at the 'crazy woman' in his eyes, without any attempt to hide his disgust for this girl.

The girl didn't care about this kind of gaze. She seemed to be used to the man's gaze.

And the same goes for men.

They just use each other, and there is no emotion. Therefore, they don't care about each other without concealing it.

No one knows the purpose of their cooperation. The only thing that is clear is that the final result is destined not to be good.


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