As far as the conclusion is concerned, then the word "alien" is tailor-made for "him".

In this "False Holy Grail War", a Servant was summoned to this world with the rank of 'Cavalry'.

It can be said that "he" himself fully proved the hypocrisy of this Holy Grail War and the unreachability of the "Holy Grail".

"He" is just a heroic spirit in name, but in fact he has nothing to do with a "hero" at all.

So does "he" belong to the category of evil spirits and evil spirits?

This question may not be answered in the affirmative.

Some religions and regions call "him" a "curse", while other teachings regard "him" as a "divine punishment."

The so-called followers are people selected from all eras that have existed in the history of the earth, from the past to the future.

The heroic spirits wait for the summons on the "seat", and this "seat" has no concept of time. Some can summon legendary heroes from the past, while others can summon heroes yet to be born. To put it simply, if there was a Holy Grail War in the era when you were still alive, you might be able to summon yourself who would be regarded as a hero by future generations and gain power.

In this sense, "he" has probably existed since ancient times and will probably continue to exist in the distant future.

After all, "his" lifespan is shorter than anyone else's, and can also be longer than anyone else's.

This "he" who exists not in the form of a heroic spirit but in a material form is constantly taking away the lives on this planet at this moment, or in order to make himself the food of new life.


"Too beautiful."

Looking at the scene in front of her, the girl sighed.

The location was a city she was already familiar with.

She was born and raised here.

Countless buildings tower into the sky, extremely majestic, as if they want to swallow up the people walking on the ground and the entire blue sky.

There is a one-way three-lane arterial road near Snowfield town centre. The intersection of this road runs from east to west, north to south, and when viewed from above, it looks like a huge cross floating above the city, which perfectly interprets the term "city center."

If you only look at this avenue, you will feel that this is a metropolis as big as New York and Chicago. This shows how prosperous this place is. Facing the various natural scenery around the city, this road has become a part of nature - no, it seems to show that it is the finishing touch.

However, there is a sense of dissonance here.

It is this sense of incongruity that makes the girl admire the common scenery.

The girl was standing at the center of the intersection.

Although there is a crosswalk, it is not a place where you can stay for a long time.

But she has been standing here for more than ten minutes.

The traffic lights changed many times.

But not a single whistle sounded around her.

But in fact, this is not surprising, because in the scenery she saw, humans had completely disappeared.

The intersection is deserted.

Not even a car.

There was no sound and no smell.

Is she aware of this?

Looking from the center of the road, this is a deserted trunk road.

While imagining the contradictory image of the asphalt-colored red carpet, the girl fell in love with the straight buildings.

Once there are no people, even the reinforced concrete that symbolizes human civilization will seem to be natural things growing out of the ground.

If the buildings were regarded as trees, then this place should be a magnificent and harmonious forest. And the tallest building, the City Hall, is probably the oldest tree.

She didn't know why she was in this place.

Because she didn't know, she kept wandering on the street, trying to find the answer.

But it also made her sad.

The world without people is so beautiful, but also lonely.

But loneliness was only the first feeling, and she got used to it after a few days.

Yes, she has been wandering in this deserted city for a long, long time.

After about three months, she stopped counting the days.

Somehow she never felt hungry. She just wandered the streets aimlessly and went to bed as soon as it got dark.

At night, the building that was supposed to be deserted was brightly lit, turning into a starry sky on the ground to soothe the girl's heart. The lights were on in an empty building. This was a terrifying thing, but the girl had long been accustomed to it.

When the feeling of loneliness gradually faded away, the girl became calmer. In her heart, only beauty remains in the deserted city.

After admiring the street scene for a while, the girl lay on her back in the middle of the intersection and looked at the sky absentmindedly.

"Dad, mom."

Her parents' faces appeared in her mind.

"Sorry, I couldn't do it."

For some reason, the girl couldn't help but apologize in her heart.

She thought that she had nothing to do now——

Two feelings revived in her heart.

One is the 'loneliness' of not being able to see other people.

The other is...


Snowfield Central Hospital.

There is a huge white building in the central district of Snowfield.

At first glance, it looks like an art gallery, but in fact it is a large hospital with the most complete facilities in the city.

It has everything from surgery to cardiology, making it a city of hope for countless patients who come here for treatment.

Of course, there are also many people who are not here voluntarily.

"...I still regret to inform you that it will be difficult for your daughter to regain consciousness."

After hearing the female doctor's words, a man and a woman looked at each other.

The couple should be around thirty years old, and they look like Orientals. There were clearly uneasy looks on their faces, and the husband asked in fluent English: "My little girl has been hospitalized for a year now... Do you mean that her condition has worsened?"

"...No, there are no obvious symptoms of physical deterioration. It's just that in terms of regaining consciousness, the longer the time, the lower the possibility." The female doctor replied.

The patient in her charge has been hospitalized for almost a year and has not yet recovered.

It was a girl who had completely turned into a vegetative state. Perhaps because of her young age, although she had become a vegetative state, her body was still growing slowly over time.

The girl was only ten years and three months old.

For some unknown reason, the girl suddenly lost consciousness and fell into a coma. Her panicked parents rushed her to the hospital.

After examination, it was found that there were scattered lesions in the girl's body, especially near her brain.

The hospital removed some lesions for examination and finally confirmed that the girl's illness was caused by unknown bacteria. There was a minor panic in the hospital because of the possibility of the bacteria spreading.

However, it has been confirmed that those bacteria are not contagious, and it is not known why they eroded the girl's body.

The hospital also suggested that the family transfer the girl to a hospital with more advanced facilities for examination, but for some reason the family did not adopt it. As a result, the girl has been lying in this city hospital under observation.

The female doctor said with a sad face: "No bacterial mutation was found. But on the other hand, this also means that the bacteria will continue to hinder her brain activity. The bacteria will not directly cause brain tissue necrosis, but will continue and slowly Impedes brain activity.”

The wife responded uneasily: "That's it..."

"But it is not completely impossible to wake up. In the past, there have been cases of patients who became vegetative and regained consciousness after more than ten years. If there is progress in analyzing the DNA of bacteria, there may be new hope. Please don't discouraged."

The female doctor tried her best to cheer up the frustrated family members.

However, what the patient's family seems to be concerned about is not whether their daughter can wake up.

The patient's father uneasily raised a question that the doctor had never thought of: "I don't care whether the little girl can wake up, I want to know, will her reproductive function be affected?"

"...What?" The female doctor didn't realize what the other person was asking.

She didn't understand what "it doesn't matter whether the little girl wakes up" meant, so she didn't reply for a while.

But the man did not let the silence last longer. He broke down what he had just said in more detail and asked again: "That means her ovaries and uterus. At least, can the ovaries develop normally? We hope you can help. Check it out.”

"Ah, this lesion only affects part of the brain. There are no obvious problems with her internal organs." The female doctor did not understand the other party's intention at all and simply stated the facts.

But the way she looked at the patient's family members changed, and she looked like she was looking at scum.

This is indeed the case.

Because just because of this sentence, the patient's parents' faces lit up.

This doctor, at least, could not understand what was to be happy about in this situation.

"That's right! Oh, that's good! We will continue to pay the hospital fees, and we will ask you to take care of our little girl from now on!" The patient's family expressed gratitude.

"Huh? But" the doctor still couldn't understand the attitude of the two of them at all.

"Thank you very much! Well, hubby, there is nothing to worry about now, right?" the wife said.

What do you mean there is nothing to worry about? Your daughter is still in a coma! The doctor was angry, but there was nothing he could do. After all, she is just a doctor, and she has no way to get involved in the patient's family affairs.

"Yeah, let's go back quickly and prepare for tonight." The husband was also relieved.

The young couple ignored the bewildered female doctor and walked out of the hospital happily.

The female doctor didn't know what to say, so she could only watch them leave blankly: "What do you really mean by that couple?"

She could only assume that her daughter's unconsciousness was such a shock to the couple that it caused them to go insane.

When they come to the hospital next time, persuade them to get some psychological counseling.

The female doctor was thinking as she walked into the sterilization room.

After she irradiated her whole body with sterilizing gas and ultraviolet light, the door opposite the entrance opened automatically.

There is a bed inside.

A girl is lying on the bed and getting an IV drip. She looked like she was asleep, pale and skeletal, with no sign of recovery.

"Even if your parents abandon you, I will never abandon you."

The female doctor looked at the girl who could only make breathing sounds, secretly made up her mind, and began to check the IV drip.

Then something unusual happened.


When the female doctor was examining the body of the motionless girl, she found a red pattern floating on the girl's right hand.

"What's this"

The female doctor held the girl's hand. There was a red pattern on it that looked like a closed chain.

"Tattoo? Who did it?"

People entering and leaving this ward will be strictly inspected and it is impossible to bring tattoo tools. Moreover, during the morning examination, there was nothing unusual about the girl. When the female doctor thought of this, she couldn't help but feel chills running down her spine.

"What is this... is it a prank?"

She didn't even know that she was a magician, let alone thought that it was a magic emblem called "Command Seal".


The girl recalled the pain and fear.

Although the girl is very young now, she remembered what her parents did to her when she was younger——

That is definitely not abuse, but an act of calm love.

It was ‘We’re going to make you a great magician. ’ as the reason, and the ‘love’ poured into her.

Perhaps it was because the girl was too young and her parents said it was 'love', so she 'understood' it.

However, although she could understand that it was 'love', the pain eroded her.

Pain, pain, pain, pain pain pain pain.

Such memories hopelessly dominate her past.

There were obviously happy memories, happy memories, and sad memories, but they were all covered by severe pain.

"I'm sorry, I'll do it right."

Even if she wanted to forget, she couldn't overcome the pain.

It would be better to be abused by her parents, then maybe she could close her heart.

However, she can deeply feel the love of her parents.

Because of this, she couldn't even escape and could only choose to endure it.

At a young age, she believed that patience was the right way to repay her parents' love.

However, she didn't know.

What her parents love is not her as a person, but the "future of a magician" she nurtured.

Her parents were born into a family of magicians and were one of the people responsible for plundering technology from the original "Holy Grail War". However, their family not only obtained the system of the Holy Grail War, but also obtained part of a certain magician's "insect control" magic system, and began to use it uniquely.

Their goal is to use smaller bugs to create more detailed physical modifications. After decades of repeated exploration, they gradually completed a technology similar to "manipulating bugs". Those are various "bacteria" modified with magic.

As long as they are used skillfully on the body of a young magician, their magic circuits can be acquired. This is their plan.

After the technology was completed, the first born daughter was selected as the memorable first "body donor".

In fact, after experiencing countless painful tortures, the girl's body basically did not mutate, and the magic circuit did successfully increase greatly. ()

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