The rest is just a matter of letting nature take its course.

When the circuit is completed as she grows, let her inherit the family's magic, and everything is done! Unfortunately, some bacteria got out of control and took away the young girl's consciousness.

In order to pass on the enhanced bloodline of this magical circuit, the parents sent the girl to the hospital to extend her life.

But her own personality is no longer important to her parents.

The girl has not yet discovered that her personality has been abandoned by her parents, and she is still lingering on the boundary between life and death in her dream.

I don’t know if it’s because of the magical transformation by bacteria, but the images in the dream are more realistic than ordinary dreams. But a world without smell is just a dream after all.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be afraid of pain."

Memories of the past flashed back in her mind, and the girl kept shouting in the deserted world. She is a witch who is full of magic but has not learned anything yet.

She screamed at the top of her lungs in her sleep.

As if her modified body was supporting her, she allowed her magic circuits to run out of control in her dream. Probably sensing that she was about to disappear, all the cells in her body seemed to be crying "Don't abandon me."

"I will do a good job! I will... I will try to endure it!"

However, in fact, because of her young age, she didn't even know what she wanted to do well.

It's just that her parents asked her to endure the pain, so she has been enduring it.

Although she sometimes cried because she couldn't bear it anymore, it was undeniable that she was enduring it and has endured it till now.

"So don't leave me! Don't abandon me!"

Suddenly, the girl saw a flash of light.

The sound of wind suddenly sounded in the silent world.

The girl didn't know what happened. She jumped up and looked around the intersection, finding that all the roads were shrouded in dark mist.

She stared blankly at the incomprehensible "changes" in front of her. Just then, a voice sounded in my ears.

The sound was as harsh as a buzzing swarm of insects.

However, it is indeed human language with meaning.

"May I ask, are you my master?"

The girl would not understand that this was an extremely weird Servant.

The original "he" not only did not have the qualifications to be a hero, he did not even have the "personality".

Because "he" himself is not human.

"He" obtains "knowledge" through the Holy Grail and appears as a Servant. From this moment on, "he" becomes a collection of knowledge. "He" is like a robot, without any emotion, and just systematically reproduces the knowledge of the Holy Grail War.

Therefore, the voice of this question sounds creepy.

But the girl was not afraid.

After all, she was still young and didn't understand what "creepy" meant.

She only knew that someone who could make her no longer lonely appeared, and the world that remained unchanged finally changed.

The girl was simply happy about this.

She looked up at the dark fog-shrouded skyscrapers and spoke her name carefully.

"My name is Cao Qiu Chun. Who are you?"

Therefore, she was chosen as the first memorable Master in this false Holy Grail War.

No one knows when she concluded the contract in her dream, but she was indeed the first Master to conclude a contract.

But in the real world, she is still unconscious.



“It’s almost time for Faldius’ ‘propaganda’.”

Caoqiu and his wife had just returned from the hospital, and with the joy that had not yet subsided, they began to prepare for the "ceremony" to be held tonight.

"Soon the land's spiritual veins will be full of power, and the command spell will appear in my hand. By then, my preparations will be perfect."

"Yes, we have also prepared a holy relic. This is like a treasure phantom. Even if something happens, you can hold this treasure in your hand and use it as a weapon."

"Yes, we must be prepared. If Qin Shihuang is summoned, we must express our respect in a polite manner."

Their daughter's name has long since disappeared from their conversations.

Now, it seems the couple is busy welcoming one of history's biggest names.

However, everything they did was in vain.

It wasn't because the Command Seal had been taken away by her unconscious daughter.

Even if the Command Seal is taken away, they may obtain other Command Seals.

But in the end the command spell didn’t come either——

Instead, something else began to appear on them.

A strange feeling made the man look at his right arm.


He saw black spots. At first glance, it looked like a bruise. Did it hit something accidentally? The man frowned and looked at his wife.

"Look, what is this...Hey!"

The magician who inherited the name of Minqiu was shocked. The same black spots as his own appeared on his wife's face and arms. The next second, she fell to the ground like a doll with its strings broken.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?"

He wanted to run to his wife, but his vision suddenly became distorted - everything was floating upward along a colorful trajectory.

When he realized that he was actually falling, it was too late.

The magician couldn't even stand up under his own power.

Even though his consciousness was disappearing little by little, the magician still felt that the magic power in his body was being sucked to other places through something.

Although what is being absorbed is not life force, so it will not lead to death. But if this continues, he will inevitably fall into a comatose state.

"Are you kidding? We were attacked by the enemy in this state. No, could it be that... someone has... set a trap..."

Consciousness finally fell into darkness.

Until the end, he was still thinking about the Holy Grail War. Until the end, he never thought about his daughter.

A few more minutes passed - the couple with black spots appearing all over their bodies stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Speaking of which, today is Tsubaki's birthday."

"Yes, hubby, we have to make her a cake."

Although the two of them looked very bad, they spoke strange words in a calm tone.

Their original personalities are gone—

Now they are just two dolls living according to their daughter's wishes.


The girl dances, dances on and on - to forget about waking up.

'He' is dancing with the girl, dancing constantly - in order to realize all her wishes.


"Wow! Thank you dad! Thank you mom!"

"You're welcome, Tsubaki. You've worked hard."

"Yes, you are our most important treasure."

After Chun received the gift, she was so happy that she jumped up and down at home. She made a fuss excitedly for a while, then smiled at Kurogiri who was standing next to her and said, "Thank you! It was you who called mom and dad here!"

The servant didn't answer her, just stood there quietly.

The girl probably formed the magic power subconsciously and projected the real scene into the dream. However, because what you do in dreams will not have any impact on reality, this magic is meaningless on a physical level, and therefore only some magicians will research and develop it.

The servant only helped her subconsciously perform magic. He followed the Master's ideals and used his own power to control the Master's parents in reality.

But in this process, the servant also absorbs magic power instinctively.

He has no understanding of human emotions, only intellectual understanding.

But it is precisely because of this that this servant has great power, turning the girl into the most powerful and worst dark horse in this Holy Grail War.

Coming with the wind, traveling with the water, arriving by bird, and being inspired by people - it is not an exaggeration to say that this servant dominates the world. 'He' is indeed very worthy of the rank of 'cavalry'.

But none of this matters.

Perhaps the biggest reason why 'him' appears as a cavalryman is the nickname humans give to this group of "disasters", and it is also the simulated personality of 'him'.

‘He’ once caused the Black Death to spread, taking away the lives of 30 million people.

It also took away 50 million lives in the name of the Spanish Flu.

The cavalry named "Disaster" has caused all kinds of violent storms.

Will anyone know his alias, and will anyone be aware of his existence?

The false Holy Grail War is throwing its throne into the vortex of ever-increasing chaos.


In this endless forest.

His figure seemed to have fallen into a bottomless swamp forever, running continuously.


Run, run.

Run, run, run.

He was just walking through the wind in the forest at night.

No one knows if He ever thought about why He was running.

If it was simply to "escape", then he shouldn't have the energy to think about this while running.

If we insist on giving a goal, it is probably the result of the act of "escape" - "survival".

Just for this purpose, He ran all over the earth with all his strength.

Not by thinking, but by instinct.

Not by reason, but by impulse.

He didn't even know where he was going to escape, he just kept rushing forward.

How long had He been running?

No one knows.

He only knew that every time he took a step, his feet would scream, and the resulting pain would spread throughout his body.

Even so, He didn't stop.

In such an urgent situation, His body and brain did not need brakes.

Perhaps the brain no longer secretes endorphins, and the pain continues to erode his body.

However, the ferocious instinct still defeated the pain.

The trees flowed behind him like the wind, and he had transformed into the wind, trying to pass through the night forest.

However, at the moment when he was about to see where the wind was coming from, a bullet wrapped in magic shot down the wind.

Before he could feel the pain, a shock swept through his body.

The forward energy did not disappear, causing him to fall hard to the ground. As if to retaliate against him for kicking his legs hard just now, the ground turned into a weapon and beat him until he could no longer stand up.


He let out a tuneless cry.

After stopping, the price of the previous rush came as promised.

Cramps of fatigue swept through His body, and He could no longer stand.

Just as the wails emanating from his whole body entered his brain, a calm voice reached his ears.

"It's made me spend so much time."

Although the voice was rational, there was obvious anger behind the calm tone.

A man who looked like a magician put down the gun that was originally used for decoration, raised his foot and slowly stepped on the fugitive's abdomen, and put the muzzle of the gun that had just passed through the bullet and became hot against the place where the fugitive was shot. Rubbing.

Along with the sound of burning flesh, a burning smell spread in the forest.

The fugitive opened his mouth as wide as possible, but could only squeeze out moist air from deep in his throat.

He had no strength left. The severe breathing and the injuries caused by the gun made him unable to even cry out.

"Alas, the 'Command Seal' happened to be lodged in your body... What kind of joke has fate made?" The magician's tone was full of irritation.

The fugitives rolled on the ground with silent screams. His body does have a lock-like pattern similar to a command spell.

"Do you know why I had to create you? Do you know why I 'expanded' your magic circuit to the limit? Do you know why I let you live until now?" The magician shook his head indifferently. He kicked the fugitive in the head like a football, "If you want to be the winner of the Holy Grail War, you must have power beyond that of a hero."

As he spoke, the magician kicked him again on the face that was gasping in pain.

"If we don't summon heroic spirits that are far more than heroes and almost 'gods', we can't fight against those heroes who are called 'kings'."

Kick and hit.

"In this case... we can only summon a person who became a 'god' from Egypt, an ancient period where heroes have not yet originated."

Step on it.

"However, the power of the command spell and the land alone cannot summon the person on the 'god' seat. Therefore, I had to do something that violated the rules."


"You are the catalyst born for this! What an honor it is to be the catalyst for summoning gods. Why are you unwilling to accept it! You actually repay kindness with hatred!"

The magician scolded angrily.

The fugitives at his feet had long been unable to make any sound, and most of their vision was slowly being soaked in blood and darkness.

However, even so, even if breathing became a torture, the fugitive swallowed the blood overflowing from his throat and still wanted to stand up.

Seeing the fugitive's perseverance, the magician sighed helplessly, put his foot on the back of the thing trying to escape, and stepped on it mercilessly.

"Forget it, I still have a lot of spares anyway. Just return the command spell to me, and then go die. However, don't ask for any freedom. I will throw you into the furnace and turn you into a new experiment. The prototype of the material.”

The magician extended his right hand to the fugitive's command spell.

In fact, Command Seals were of no importance to the fugitives.

He didn't know the meaning of "Holy Grail War", and didn't even know the words "Holy Grail War".


As a living being, he just follows the instincts that are constantly rising in his body. ()

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