Survive, survive.

Even now, this urge has not diminished one bit.

Survive, survive, survive.

This is His only consciousness.

Survive, survive, survive, survive, survive, survive, survive—


It's not "don't want to die".

It is also slightly different from "wanting to live".

This was not His desire, but pure instinct.

He just wants to "survive."

Did He Himself realize this difference?

No, maybe he may not even have the thought of "not wanting to die" in his consciousness.

Even as his body grew stiffer, he still used his last strength to cry out—expressing his desire more strongly than any creature that inhabited the land of Snowfield.


However, the magician did not understand the meaning of the "cry", so he failed to notice that the "ritual" was completed at this moment.

The roar that only a fugitive can utter is his own magic and the incantation of summons.

The magician doesn't know. Not long ago, the fifth Servant was summoned in the north.

The hypocritical Holy Grail longs for the appearance of the sixth Servant, even if it is somewhat difficult to do so.

However, it can be seen from the first summoned cavalry that the definition of the "summoning" ritual in this Holy Grail War is really vague.

All in all, at this moment, the sixth Servant finally arrived in the forest of Snowfield.

A dazzling light penetrated the forest and set off a whirlwind, making the surrounding trees roar.

The magician, who was blown several meters away by the strong wind, raised his gun alertly. The next second, a powerful magical force rushed towards his face, and he had to tighten the magic circuits in his body.

"What is it"

The person who appeared in front of the magician was wearing a simple turban.

"He" possesses extremely huge magical power, and the magician immediately understands that this is a heroic spirit that has appeared.

But it's a little unnatural.

As a hero, "his" appearance is too crude.

He didn't carry any decent weapons, and the clothes he wore didn't look like valuables. Of course, the value of a hero is not judged by financial resources.

But even so, you still have a weapon, so what's the point of being unarmed?

The magician looked at the other person quietly.


Just looking at the face, the magician concluded that this was a woman.

Because "he" has smooth skin and soft facial features.

But the chest and waist were covered by loose clothes, and the limbs protruding from the clothes also had some tight muscles.

"No, no, maybe it's a man or a woman?"

Perhaps it was because the Servant still had some childish color on his face, making him look a bit indistinguishable from male to female. But regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, it can be inferred from the other person's perfectly strong body that he moves as freely as a flexible spring. Although her gender is unknown, her appearance is really neat and beautiful, that's for sure.

"Speaking of he human?"

This vaguely weird temperament makes the magician feel timid.

The other party did have a human face, but there was something weird about it that people couldn't describe. Probably as perfect as a dummy. You may not be able to tell from his appearance, but his overall aura is reminiscent of mannequins and magical "dolls" created by magicians.

Because of the large robe, the magician could not see his figure. This also casts a layer of confusion on the gender of this heroic spirit, including the question of "whether it is a human being."

But magicians are certain of one thing.

This hero is so beautiful.

‘He’ has the lustful look of human beings and the pure beauty of nature. They seem contradictory, but they complement each other.

This heroic spirit is like a smooth tree wrapped around the statue of Venus, as if telling the world that there is no need to distinguish whether he is male or female, human or natural, god or demon.

The heroic spirit is integrated with the forest behind him, and the breeze blows his long hair.

'He' ignored the man in front of him, stepped forward, and asked the fugitive lying bruised and bruised in front of him: "Are you...the master who summoned me?"

It was a very soft sound. Even the voice was neutral, preventing the magician from knowing the true identity of the heroic spirit until the end.

The fugitive was overwhelmed by the sudden light and wind, but when he saw the person in front of him, he was very sure.

"This man is not an enemy."

This is the only fact He firmly believes in.

The fugitive temporarily suppressed the urge to escape and stared at his savior.

There is no impurity in his eyes, as if he can figure out all the other person's thoughts.

The heroic spirit greeted the baptism of those eyes from the front. Then, 'he' knelt quietly on the ground, keeping the same height as the fugitive who staggered to his feet, and spoke words that the magician could not understand.

That's not human language.

After hearing the heroic spirit's words, the fugitive also took the initiative to respond in a calm tone.

Also not human language.

No one can understand the conversation between Him and ‘him’.

Then, the heroic spirit reached out and picked up the scarred fugitive.

"Thank you, the contract is established."

The heroic spirit's tone sounded like he was speaking to an old friend, which made the fugitive feel truly reassured.

‘I can survive’, this feeling enveloped the heart of the fugitive.

Convinced that he would never have to flee again, the fugitive finally relaxed all his strength.

"It's impossible! It's simply unreasonable!"

The magician couldn't understand what was happening in front of him. He waved his gun and his roar echoed in the forest.

"I won't admit such a ridiculous thing!"

While roaring, he raised his gun and pointed it at the fugitive picked up by the hero——

A wolf whose silver-white fur was stained by blood and mud.

Yes, this is the fugitive, this is the form of 'His'.

"A beast! How could a useless synthetic beast (Chimera) could it be the Master! What a joke!"

The magician was so angry that the hand holding the gun trembled. The decorative gun clicked but still aimed at the target.

Upon seeing this, the heroic spirit calmly said to the magician: "Please put down the gun. The master has no murderous intention towards you."


The unexpected politeness surprised the magician, but the content shocked him even more.

"Impossible! Stop talking nonsense..."

"I can understand what they say and guess what you did to the Master through the scene." Seeing that the magician seemed to be laughing, the heroic spirit continued seriously: "But the Master has no murderous intention towards you... you understand , what does this mean?"

After saying that, 'he' turned his back to the magician without any delay and slowly walked towards the depths of the forest.

"Wait a minute, don't leave yet! You also want to get the Holy Grail! Instead of choosing that beast as your master, why not join forces with me? If we cooperate, the success rate of getting the Holy Grail will be higher!" The magician was extremely anxious when he saw this. .

He worked hard to create this synthetic beast, just to use it as a 'catalyst' or 'holy relic' to summon the legendary heroic spirits. However, who knew that this damn Holy Grail War would actually happen.

It actually chose this beast as a participant!

The magician cannot understand the choice of the Holy Grail, which is unusual, and may be related to the fact that this Holy Grail War is false.

But it doesn't matter.

All he wants is the Holy Grail!

It doesn't matter what this beast is like, as long as the heroic spirit in front of him is willing——

Hearing this, the heroic spirit stopped.

Then turned around.

That's all.

The magician suddenly screamed, turned around and ran away with his gun, and soon disappeared into the forest.

This is enough to prove that the heroic spirit's gaze towards the magician contains a strong meaning of "rejection". Perhaps this can be described as "murderous intention".

After the magician's figure disappeared, the ferocious look instantly receded from the heroic spirit's eyes.

The heroic spirit stepped forward to find Xiaohe, hoping to heal the friend he recognized as his master.

Although the sound of water cannot be heard and the river cannot be seen, this incarnation of the earth still feels the "breath" of water and takes a graceful step on the earth.

Then, the heroic spirit gently held the beast in its arms and soared into the sky at the speed of a falcon.



The magician screamed in his heart as he ran through the forest.

The positions of the magician and the fugitive are reversed.

The magician who was originally the pursuer was now the one being chased, wandering awkwardly through the forest.


——Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

--why it's not me?

——Why...why was that "dog" chosen?

Neither the heroic spirit nor the silver wolf pursued the magician.

Even though he understood this, the magician still ran away as hard as he could until his legs were broken.

What he wanted to escape was not the heroic spirit, but the reality of endless humiliation and helplessness that rushed towards him.

After running for a while, the magician realized that he had run out of the forest. He remembered that his studio was nearby and began to walk more slowly.

After he stopped completely, he turned around and looked at the forest behind him, muttering to himself viciously: "Where did that heroic spirit... come from?"

He put all the skills he inherited as a magician into it, carefully created a synthetic beast, and implanted a magic circuit in the synthetic beast's body that far exceeded that of ordinary magicians. But everything has a price, that is, the lifespan of the synthetic beast will become extremely short. Anyway, it is just a catalyst used to summon heroic spirits.

The magician didn't expect that the Command Seal would actually appear on that abandoned child!

What puzzled him even more was how on earth this beast, which didn't even know the meaning of the Holy Grail War, was able to summon a heroic spirit and become the master of that heroic spirit?

Maybe it's because the heroic spirit can understand the beast's language and respond to it?

Yes, he just seemed to have heard the heroic spirit admit from his own mouth that he could understand their words.

"So this is a heroic spirit related to beasts? But it's a synthetic beast that can't even be called a beast. It's at best a doll made of flesh. Are there any heroes similar to synthetic beasts?"

The magician also thought of Celtic heroes related to dogs from the appearance of wolves, but he really couldn't connect the heroic spirits he saw with his own eyes to those fierce generals.

"Hum, forget it. I have to find a way to get the Command Seal from that guy, not from anyone. How about taking advantage of them when they enter the city, release other synthetic beasts, and capture that one 'dog'……"

Judging from the fact that he could regain his composure from his desperate escape in a short period of time, he was indeed a commendable magician.

However, what he was waiting for was not words of praise.

"Then we will be in trouble." A voice suddenly sounded.

"Ah?", the magician was slightly startled, and the alarm bell rang in his heart.

"I want to remove more unstable elements first, I'm sorry."

Along with the chill that passed through his throat, the same voice, the same extremely cold words, sounded in the magician's ears again.

The magician was about to ask who it was, but found that what came out of his throat was not a sound, but some kind of bright red warm liquid.

"There are already many magicians who have not discovered the Command Spell, and they have been wandering around the streets. If there is another dispute that has nothing to do with the Holy Grail War, it will be difficult to handle. Let's not talk about the association and the church, at least I I don’t want to be an enemy of ordinary citizens, after all, I am a civil servant.”

Hearing this voice, the magician realized that the person coming was Faldius, who had joined the association as a disciple of the puppet master Langar.

However, for the magician, the important thing now is not the identity of the other party, but how to stop the liquid pouring out of the throat.

"Ah, please just listen to me like this. I didn't intend to answer your questions, and I didn't intend to leave you a way out, so I chopped off your neck."

Faldius said calmly, holding a saber in his hand, and bright red blood drops were dripping along the blade. It wasn't the ceremonial knife used by magicians, but the kind you could buy at a store that sells wilderness survival tools.

"You are too careless. Even if something unexpected happens, you can't let a knife without any magic be used to cut your throat. Your magician blood will make you cry."

There was a "whoosh" sound coming from the throat, but the magician could no longer breathe.

In the consciousness that was flying away, the magician heard Faldius's words.

"...Speaking of which magician are you from? Forget it, you can't answer it anyway, so it doesn't matter what your name is."

Faldius looked down at the magician and did not let down his guard until the last moment, slowly waving his right hand.

A shock came.

The magician's consciousness disappears forever.

While Faldius waved his hand, countless bullets were shot from all around, tearing apart the magician's body.

Seeing such a cruel scene, Faldius remained expressionless. He was in the midst of a hail of bullets, but his breathing was not disturbed at all. Obviously, he did not think at all whether the flying stray bullet would hit him.

Just like when Langal's puppet was destroyed, there was almost no gunfire around, and only the lead-colored bullets could be seen raging inside the magician's body.

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