Chapter 994 Begins

"...Is this important?" The old man felt speechless.

"Who knows? I just deduced it based on the final result. As for whether it makes sense, I can think about it later." The tone of the 'phone' was still matter-of-fact.

"Okay." The old man looked at the record on the last page he opened and said to the phone behind him: "It's just that I didn't expect you to go out of your way to take care of worldly affairs. If you are really bored, you might as well go to Go down the street. Since you like reading, why not at least have a coffee shop you frequent? It would be great to spend time there."

"No, it's not just killing time. What happened this time has something to do with me."

"...I see. It's indeed something that guy would consider."

The old man instantly understood what the phone call meant, and a certain person's face appeared in his mind. He let out a long sigh, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"This makes a little sense... But because of this, I can't interfere. This is a monster (idiot). The more intruders, the happier it will be. I will stand by this Holy Grail War from beginning to end. Stay on the outside."

"Yes, if you interfere, the world may be determined by accident." After this wonderful conversation that only they could understand ended, someone on the other end of the phone, or the phone itself, moved toward the booth. The character who appeared in the open book said this happily.

"Let us wait and see whether her universe will be a mere forgery, or vice versa?"

There was a girl drawn on the opened page of the book.

Although she had dyed blonde hair, she looked like an Oriental between fifteen and twenty-five years old.

Underneath the portrait, there is a name starting with A.

"Come's time to drive out the fakes."

"So...what exactly is the so-called 'fake'?"

Along with the conversation between the old man and the 'phone', just like this, with her (the player) as the center——

The Holy Grail War, composed of lies and disguises, begins.


What kind of person is that golden king, Gilgamesh?

Before truly seeing his power, even Tini Cherk, as his master, only knew the tip of the iceberg about him.

But with this little knowledge, Tini decided to bet all her destiny and the obsession inherited from her ancestors on this heroic spirit.

This shows how important his name is.

Hero King Gilgamesh.

He is known as the hero of Mesopotamia and a great king in ancient times.

It is said that in the era when he was born, gods still existed in the world, and humans had more "individual" power than they do now. He was a half-god, half-human hero born between gods and humans, and later became the lord of the fortress city-state Uruk.

Some people say that he was a tyrant, so the kingdom was destroyed; others say that he passed the throne to the next generation of heirs at the peak of his life. But no matter what his final outcome, one fact is unquestionable - under his rule, Uruk ushered in a prosperous era.

Legend has it that his treasure house contains all the weapons and artifacts in the world, and these weapons are the prototypes of the treasures used by heroes in later generations.

This heroic spirit with powerful divinity was once summoned to the Holy Grail War in Japan.

Some say that his power is outstanding among many heroes, allowing him to win the Holy Grail War in the past. Some people also say that he failed, but how? No one knows.

How that war ended, it seems that no one except the parties involved can spy on it.

Of course, the outcome of a 'game' is of no importance to the king's weight in people's minds.

They were in awe of him simply because of his sheer power.

According to rumors, rather than showing off his three-headed and six-armed abilities by hook or by crook, he is better at fighting by "using absolute power to ravage others."

But what Tini cares about most is his selfish desire to build a fortress city-state and collect countless treasures.

From the moment she decided to join the Holy Grail War, Tini was mentally prepared to give up her integrity.

Her homeland is plagued by people's selfish desires. If you want to take it back, you must gain power beyond selfish desires, that is, override the greed of the usurper.

At least that's what Tiny was taught when she was growing up.

So she doesn't care about the means.

It doesn't matter if the opponent is a tyrant, as long as the enemy can be defeated with violence.

It doesn't matter if your reputation is damaged.

She must drive out those who defiled the land and purify everything.

In order to protect the mission inherited from her ancestors, the girl Tini abandoned her heart and decided to dedicate everything to the powerful tyrant.

She is not afraid of death.

She is only afraid that the land inherited from her ancestors will be constantly abused by foreign magicians.

However, Tini misjudged one thing.

What she misjudged was not the existence of the hero Gilgamesh.

Regardless of whether Gilgamesh is a tyrant or a wise king, he lived in an ancient era where humans and gods coexisted. Tini, who lives in modern times, cannot understand him in a true sense.

Tiny simply misjudged Gilgamesh's power.

Because she had no way of knowing what happened in the Holy Grail War where the heroic spirits in golden armor showed their might.

In fact, during that war, except for a very small amount of time, Gilgamesh, the heroic spirit, was full of pride and carelessness.

What kind of character is Gilgamesh?

After pledging her loyalty to him, Tiny learned part of the origin.

The qualifications of a king make him a king, and the soul of a hero makes him a hero.

And all of this comes from the pure "power" revealed after the King of Heroes took off his arrogant coat.



Snowfield North Grand Brook Valley.

"A child should look like a child. Before he understands the truth of all things, his eyes only need to shine with the power of this king." The golden king said calmly.

"I will work hard."

Just as Tiny lowered her head to respond to Gilgamesh, "that thing" happened.

The huge magic power stirred up the surrounding airflow and gradually gathered around Tini.

It was not pure magic, but the purest magic she had ever seen. No, it should be something like divine energy, which gathered into a ball in the King of Heroes' right hand and finally turned into a short sword.

But its shape is a little different from ordinary daggers.

Tini remembered that the magician she killed had a summoning catalyst similar to this dagger in his hand.

"Key's sword?"

Hearing Tiny's subconscious murmur, Gilgamesh said arrogantly: "Don't compare it with the key that the clown took out just now."

Gilgamesh held the key sword and pointed the tip of the sword straight into the sky.

"This is something that I personally formed, so just think of it as a tangible agreement."

His voice sounded lazy, but his expression was a little excited.

"Tini, don't relax and prove it to me."

In front of the puzzled Tini, "that" was opened.

The magic power emitted by the key sword corrodes every corner of the surrounding space, as if the door to the entire world has been pushed open.

The black-clad group behind Tini whispered, but the shaking sound of the space completely covered up the trivial sounds of hundreds of people.

The entire dimension seemed to be shaking. Amidst this vibration, only Gilgamesh's voice reached Tini clearly.

"You must remember that if you get stage fright due to the aftermath of a duel (child's play), you are not qualified to be my king's subject."

Just as Gilgamesh's words were about to fall, the distortion of space concentrated in one place. A sword stretched out from the distortion and appeared in front of Gilgamesh.

That sword is completely different from the key sword just now, and it is also different from ordinary swords. Its blade is very strange.

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes happily and said to the sword: "EA, I will be unhappy knowing that you just woke up, but I need your company for this short feast."

After saying that, the Hero King moved.

"Don't worry, no matter who it is, you won't be bored."

Every move the King of Heroes makes is extremely graceful and extremely arrogant.

After taking a step with uncontrollable excitement, he disappeared in front of Tini and others in the blink of an eye.

With just one step, he moved to an unknown place.

Although Gilgamesh only did such a thing, such a simple action contained unparalleled heat. For Tini, who devoted her body and mind to magic, it was a heat that she had never felt before and might never feel in the future.

Leaving the Master to act alone is definitely not the behavior a Servant should do.

All Servants have kept the system of the Holy Grail War in mind from the moment they are summoned. It is impossible for Gilgamesh not to know how risky it is to "leave the Master".

However, as the Master, Tini was struck down by the ever-changing situation and could no longer pursue his actions.

Tini didn't intend to use the Command Seal just to call him back.

She thought she had to see with her own eyes what would happen next.

After witnessing Gilgamesh's "power", this premonition spread throughout the girl's body.

There should no longer be any emotion in the girl's heart, but now there is a strange feeling. Is that fear of the unknown, or... some other kind of throbbing?


Tens of seconds ago, Snowfield Western Forest.

"Master, I hope you can stay here for the time being."

Enkidu saw the silver wolf looking at him worriedly, so he said this while stroking its cheek.

Then, Enkidu knelt on one knee in front of the Master and rubbed the earth with his fingers.

"Don't be afraid."

As Enkidu smiled, there was movement in the surrounding forest.

"The forest will protect you."

The trees grew rapidly into the sky, their lush branches and leaves obliterating their silhouettes, and a powerful torrent of magic formed a vortex on the earth.

The forest seems to have acquired self-awareness, creating a natural barrier with its own hands.

"I have to go. Although I can also wait here for 'him' to come, but in that case, the forest will be destroyed. The most important thing is that while fighting him, I will not be able to protect you. Can you allow me to leave? ?"


Hearing the silver wolf cry, Enkidu hugged it gently.

"Thank you, Master. I promise you that as long as my life does not stop, I will definitely come back to you."

Just when Gilgamesh disappeared from Tini and others, Enkidu also took a step towards the earth.

Humility is like the wind, piety is like the spring.

The excitement coming from his determined steps was exactly the same as the King of Heroes.


"...The situation is not good, please leave the forest."

On the other side, in the magic workshop in the forest, Faldius, who was talking to himself towards the magician's body, noticed something strange and ordered his subordinates to retreat quickly through the radio.

"What happened?" someone asked on the radio.

"The flow of magic (Mana) has changed. I'm afraid this forest has been dominated by 'that thing'." As he spoke, Faldius felt a huge force moving through the forest.

The power was silent, not harming the forest at all, just like the wind, gliding across the earth.

The heroic spirit seemed to be integrated with the forest, and this aura made Faldius feel afraid. After confirming the direction of the force, he added another instruction to his men: "When retreating, try to stay away from the desert. I will send unmanned reconnaissance drones and familiars there."

"Something" carries the same power, rushing through the sky above Snowfield with the momentum of splitting the sky and piercing the clouds.

After the retreat began, Faldius noticed the fluctuation within a few seconds.

"Could it be..."

Faldius immediately had a guess as to what would happen next.

But he also rejected this speculated answer at the first opportunity.

In other words, he didn't want things to develop like this.

But reality often seems to backfire.

"You haven't even got the information about all the forces... are you planning to start?"

Faldius felt ashamed at the sight of the two monsters about to fight.

Normally, the Holy Grail War is a war that requires extreme caution. The Master will order his Heroic Spirits to be calm and wait until they have collected enough information and are confident enough to win before engaging in battle with their opponents.

However, such a 'boring trick' doesn't seem to be suitable for the two people who are about to make a big fuss next.

In the city, cheap motel.

On a street a little further from the city center, there was a cheap motel that was even shabbier than the rest.

Xuanhao and Flat were sleeping soundly in the hotel, but at this time they opened their eyes.

Flatt rubbed his eyes and suddenly sat up from the bed.

He saw the man on the bed next to him also getting up. At this moment, the man's face was full of interested smile.

Then, a voice sounded in the room.

It wasn't his, nor Xuanhao's, but Bennett who was somewhere speaking: "What's wrong?"

"...It's nothing, but this feeling is really strange..."

Flat said, looking at his left wrist.

It wears a steampunk-style watch, and Bennett's voice comes from here.


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