Let’s not mention what happened on Bell’s side.

Bell and Theresa, who returned to the clan with Rey, surprised everyone.

Of course, not only everyone was frightened, Rey was also frightened, appeared in an unknown place and was surrounded by a group of strangers, her wings unconsciously instigated, her eyes began to sharpen, ready to attack at any time.

“Well, don’t be nervous, after all, if I want to kill you, you can’t come here!” Looking at Rey, who was still on guard, Fapiru said into the air.

“Dream, if you are, use the healing sound.”

As Fapiru’s voice fell, a small pink beast gradually appeared in the air, with a pointed head, a slender tail and a small body, which looked very cute.

It turned out that it had been watching the lively incognito just now.

“Mi~Mi~” As the dreamy cry came out, a gentle ripple spread, and Rey, who was originally nervous and guarded, instantly became relaxed.

“I wonder if you recognize Ma Li?” Fapiru asked, looking at Rey who had let her guard down.

“You know Ma Li? Wait a minute! You won’t be the nice person she talks about a lot, Fapiru! Rey said in disbelief.

You must know that Ma Li is active by nature and always likes to sneak out to play, after all, the place where the heretics are hiding is a small pool, and everyone has to slip away.

But every time I go out, I always encounter danger, and if it weren’t for the help of everyone in the team, Ma Li would have disappeared long ago.

But since she went out one day, Ma Li gave them the name of a person, saying that an adventurer had saved her.

After that, he even gave her a gift.

Once, Rey saw a monster trying to attack Mari, but the cross necklace around her neck instantly flashed with a bright thunder, electrifying the monster to ash.

This made Rey look dumbfounded directly, and then wanted to ask Ma Li to borrow it to see, but unfortunately it was rejected, and this item also made Rey envious for a long time.

Back to the point, after confirming that Rey knew Ma Li, Fapiru was relieved, after all, there are no acquaintances, who believes you.

“Anyway, let’s talk about what happened, what you said before, I don’t think anyone can understand.”

Rey Qiao, who heard this, blushed, she originally wanted to listen to the words of Firth (heretic, dependant of Ouranos) and test Bell and the others a little, but as soon as she finished speaking, the person was caught here, and the reason was that what she said was not clear.

“My name is Rey and I’m a heretic.”

“Heretic? What is that? Artemis interrupted Rey and asked.

“Heresy is the title we gave ourselves, obviously a monster but with wisdom, not only to be attacked by dungeon monsters, but also to suffer from the crusade of adventurers…”

“Okay, I know you’re uncomfortable, but don’t feel bad for now, tell me the specific things.”

Fabiru’s words made Rey, who had just wanted to brew an emotion, directly break the gong.

“Recently, some adventurers seem to have sensed our presence… Some of our teammates were captured…”

Just as Rey was telling everyone what had happened, Eulari was in chaos.

The dragon girl Winnie ran to the streets of Olari alone because of Lili Luca’s words, and then was discovered the identity of the monster, but Bell arrived in time to escape.

In the end, the Adventurers’ Guild issued a commission to escort Winnie to the 20th floor.

Hestia dependents

“It seems that the people in the union have long known about their existence.”

“But can we really get to the 20th floor?” Welf said in a deep voice.

“Isn’t there still Lord Fabilu, besides, we also have the help of Pokémon, even if we are sure to reach the 20th floor on our own, right, Nura!” Lililuka took Welf’s words and said.

“Nyura, Nyura!” Nura supported Lililuka on the side, and also patted her own Hun to indicate that she was wrapped in herself.

“Then, decide, set off tonight and escort Winnie to the 20th floor!” Hestia paused here, then added, “Well, by the way, inform Faberus about them. ”

In order to prevent being discovered abnormal, Hestia decided to escort Winnie when there was no one at night.

Night soon fell, and at the entrance of the dungeon at this time, Bell and the others were all dressed in gray robes, anxiously waiting for Fabilu.

“Why haven’t you come yet? Fapiru won’t forget! Hestia, who led the team, said a little depressed.

“It may be that something is delayed, and the master is not the kind of person who does not count when he talks.” Bell quickly opened his mouth to help Fapiru defend a few words.

“Sorry for the long wait, because I need to make some props, so I delayed for a while.” Before everyone could react, Fapiru suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Beside him stood a man also dressed in gray robes.

“Isn’t this the Riddler we met last time on the 19th floor?” Welf pouted and said.

“Sorry, I’ve already explained the specific situation to Fapiru, and is this our new kind?” After Rey finished speaking, she looked at Winnie, who was short on the side, and a homogeneous aura emanated from her body, making Rey recognize her at a glance.

“Yes, her name is Winnie, I heard that I met Ma Li before!” Fapiru said next to him.

“It’s Mali again, that kid is a little too naughty.” Rey said helplessly.

“No, it’s not, Sister Mari is fine, it’s just that I accidentally got lost…” Wei Ni defended in a low voice.

“Anyway, let’s go to the 20th floor first, I think Rey you should know what’s going on.” Faberu gently patted Rey’s shoulder and signaled.

“Yes, hurry back! Reid they haven’t seen me for a day, they must be worried about it! ”

Only then did Rey remember that her partner had been gathering to wait for news of her.

“This is for you.” After speaking, Faberu took out a few five-pointed star seals from the door world and threw them to Bell and the others.

“Artemist’s Self-Defense Stance – Experimental Version”

Several people hurriedly took the Hunzhang thrown by Fapiru, and put it in their hands with a curious look.

“Me, do I have it too!” Rey said with a look of excitement.

She’s been hungry for this kind of thing for a long time.

“It’s okay, it’s just a test product, and I want to see the specific effect in the dungeon and find the defect so that I can improve it later.”

“What, it’s just a test product, can’t you take something good out?” Hestia complained with a look of dissatisfaction.

“If it weren’t for the identity of Lord Shangshin’s friend, you wouldn’t even have a test product!” In the face of Hestia’s complaints, Fapilus directly punched out.

“Okay, okay, master and Lord Shangshen don’t argue, it’s important to get down to business.”

Seeing that the two showed signs of bickering, Bell quickly stopped it.

“Just snicker.” At the end, Fapiru added a sentence.

In fact, Hestia is already crazy with joy, and since Fapiru has all kinds of magical items and Pokémon, she will always find a way to go to Artemis.

And in the face of this best friend, Artemis also has no way, often stuffing some good things to her, after all, hundreds of millions of years of friendship, or ally.

Of course, Artemis would also ask Fabiru’s opinion before giving it, after all, the thing is his.

Finally, after confirming that nothing was missing, everyone set off. Since this was a covert operation, everyone only brought two small Pokémon, Nula and Curly Ear, and large Pokémon such as Lava Snail were left in the clans.

Somewhere on the 20th basement floor

The dense spear flies surrounded everyone, and then launched an attack in an instant, and countless needles came out from the tail towards everyone.

However, in the face of such an intensive attack, Bell and the others did not care in the slightest.

I saw that after all the needles entered the range of one meter for everyone, they were like hitting an invisible piece of steel, and they shattered one after another.

“It’s so strong, it’s worthy of being a prop made by the master!” Although it was not the first time he had said it, Bell was sincerely amazed.

“Well, the energy consumption is a bit large, and several nodes need to be improved.” He pulled out a notebook from the door world, and Fapiru recorded it on it, this is his experimental notebook, and it has all his experimental materials on it.

“By the way, Bell, pay attention to the five purple bright spots on the five-pointed star horn, which are energy bars!”

“If the energy is exhausted, the position will disappear, please pay attention to yourself, otherwise don’t blame anyone for dying!” After writing the improved plan, Fabru sent the notebook back to the door world and looked up to Bell and said.

And Rey, who heard this, couldn’t help but sweat coldly, because the first time she got the magic guide, she had been fighting with a stance before, resulting in only 1 foot still lit up with light left.

“How to add it?” Hearing that there was no position after the energy was exhausted, Rey immediately asked.

“Find a few magic stones and put them on it, let it absorb automatically, and then use it again after all five corners are lit.”

“Oh! You can use magic stones, then I can rest assured! After hearing that it was just using magic stones, Rey’s hanging heart also relaxed, as a heretic, magic stones are actually not of much use, she remembers that there was a place where she was hiding and there were a lot of magic stones, all of which were dropped after they destroyed monsters.

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