The crowd, led by Rey, came to a wall and stopped here….

“This is it!” Rey turned to everyone and said.

“What are you kidding, Lily didn’t see anything here!” Lililuka looked incredulous.

“New, Newa!” With a brush, the button at Lililuka’s feet stretched claws and launched a direct attack on the wall.

In the next second, the wall shattered, and a pitch-black passage appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“What, what! If there is a passage in the back, say it earlier! Lililuka blushed and said, she didn’t expect her Nyura to hit her face directly, but it didn’t matter, after all, who let it be her partner.

“This is it, everyone come in.” Rey looked at Newra with admiration, she didn’t expect that this inconspicuous little guy would find something wrong at the first time, and then smash this wall with one blow.

Following Rey one after another, everyone entered the passage.

Then everyone passed through the narrow dark passage and finally came to an empty place.

For a moment, the originally slightly dim open space lit up with a pair of glowing eyes.

“Rey!” A red lizardman in equipment jumped out of the shadows, with a pair of sharp horns on his head and a long sword pinned to his waist, which was not a good existence to mess with.

“It’s great that you’re okay!” After saying that, he ran towards Rey.

Looking at the enthusiastic Reed, Rey instantly turned around and said, “Sorry, Reid, I’m late!” ”

“Well, if you’re okay anyway!” Reid touched the back of his head awkwardly, but did not mean to blame at all, after all, it was already good that his partner was alive.


Around the bonfire in the center of the clearing, everyone and the different children sat together, holding wooden cups and drinking alcohol.

“Is this a dream?” Welf looked incredulous.

“I’ll pinch my face and help you make sure.” Lili Luca also said with a numb face.

The life on the side silently held a wooden cup full of wine, sitting on the stage speechless, only Aisha pulled a snake woman to drink happily, and continued to toast with the surrounding strangers, and instantly became a piece.

“So, Bell saved me!” Winnie was excited to share her experience with everyone.

“Well, Bell is really strange… No, kind people, the same as that guy from Fapiru. Rey looked softly at Winnie, who kept talking, with a helpless smile on her lips.

“Because they are masters and apprentices.” Lililuka explained.

“Little Bell, little Fabiru, you’re welcome, let go and drink, these are all nearby ingredients, and they are also rare varieties on the ground!”

After speaking, Reid handed the two a red gourd-like fruit.

“By the way, what about Mari?” Fapiru asked after sweeping his gaze over everyone. He did not find Ma Li here.

“She’s probably going to play on the 25th floor again, especially after the necklace you gave her.” Reid said helplessly.

“However, if she comes back later and knows that Fapiru has been here, she will regret it!” Hahahaha! Reid instantly changed his face after saying this, and laughed.

“Maybe, I originally wanted to find her to transform the necklace today.” Fapiru said as he bit the fruit in his hand.

Just as everyone was toasting and laughing, a voice came.

“Reid, hurry up and end this boring farce! After all, they are still human beings and cannot be trusted! ”

“Ancient Ross, are you still saying such things?” It turned out that it was Guros who spoke up just now, he was a wyvern with gray skin. Faced with Guros’s questioning, Reid reminded him.

“Didn’t Firth say that? Bell and Faberus have always protected Winnie and Mari. ”

“Hmph” Hearing Reed mention Fels, Guros snorted softly and turned his head.

“Sorry, we actually have differences internally, and when we heard that humans were coming, everyone became a little nervous.” Reed looked at Bell and Fapiru and explained.

“However, Bell and Fapiru, you are different from the rest of the people, they still have a number in their hearts.”

“Especially Fabilu, before Mali was here to show off the cross necklace you gave her for a long time.”

“Is it? But listening to Rey, you also wanted to borrow it to play before, right? Faberus asked, staring intently at Reid.

“How, how is it possible, I’m just afraid that she is in danger, study it!” Yes, look into it! Reid waved his hand hurriedly in defense.

While Fapiru was talking to Reid, Lililuka and Welf came up to Reid and asked, “Is it true that the guild knows of your existence?” ”

“Well, in order to prevent our identity from being exposed, he served as a cover for us, occasionally provided food and weapons, and began to support us a long time ago.”

“It’s not so much a guild, it’s actually a god named Ouranos, and the people in the guild don’t seem to know about our existence.” Halfway through, Reid paused and continued.

“So the mission that the union asked us to come here this time is…” asked Lililuka.

“Proposed by Ouranos, and we accepted it, in order to see clearly the protection of the same race and investigate the recently disappeared of the same people.”

“What’s going on?” Bell asked with a serious look after hearing this.

“Recently, there seems to be a group of adventurers looking for heretics like us to capture, and we have lost several companions! That’s why Guros had such a big opinion about you just now. ”

“Wouldn’t it be a monster? I mean the monsters of the dungeon might attack you too! Faberus began to guide Reed to speak.

“I don’t know, this is what Ouranos told us, and the place where the companion disappeared, the equipment and magic stones are gone, if it is a monster, no matter how you say it, you should leave the equipment.” Reid replied without thinking.

“In short, this is the matter, please investigate!”

On the other side, Artemis and Hestia, led by Fels, came to the location of Ouranos.

“Say what monsters and humans coexist, do you know what you’re talking about, Ouranos!” Hestia, who heard what happened, could no longer bear it and took the lead.

“Humans and monsters cannot coexist, this is fate since ancient times! But you…” Artemis asked at the same time, agreeing with Hestia’s words.

“I know, but Xenomorphs don’t attack humans out of instinct, they are eager to communicate with people… They are even attacked by dungeon monsters, and the labyrinth has no place for them. ”

“Do you want humans and monsters to coexist!”

“Well, if we want humans and monsters to coexist, we have to explore the meaning of monsters.” God sat on Ouranos and spoke unhurriedly.

“However, if this matter is exposed, Artemis’s family and I will have no place in Eulalie!” Hestia was very nervous at the moment. But Artemis beside him did not panic, anyway, her Faberus is very strong, if you want to drive her away, Faberus is estimated to turn the whole Eulari over…

“No, there is actually another clan who knows…”

“Did you say…”

“That’s right, that’s what you think, the Canissa family.”

“What!??” Hearing this, the two goddesses were almost shocked to drop their jaws.

“The Monster Festival, also so that humans can ease their resistance to monsters, I specially commissioned the Canissa clan to hold it.”

“In order to get his help, I told him everything.”

“Forget it, we will solve this matter, you don’t have to worry about it!” Artemis stopped Hestia, who wanted to continue his questioning.

“But!” Hestia still looked worried.

“Trust them, after all, they are our proud children!”

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