A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 334: Exam Trials.

You Xi Wang could see the little girl crying and wailing. Her cries were shattering his heart bit by bit. Celestia had avenged her family and now she must have a void in her heart. He descended to the ground. Lily was surprised to see him arrive. 

Maya whispered, "Brother Xi Wang has been following us in the skies from the moment we left the office building." 

Lily thought that You Xi Wang sent them alone to test them but she did not expect him to watch over them in secret. She realized that her uncle and master did was a coconut. 

The people of the village were surprised to witness all the occurring in front of them. They knew that to fly, one needed to be in the primal soul realm. The realm they can only imagine, this young man was already in that stage. 


You Xi Wang descended softly beside Celestia, who was crying with her eyes closed, knelt on the ground. He was not bothered by the people, he said in a soft voice, "Celes." 

His voice was at its softest, and while calling out to her, his hand caressed her back. Celestia would have attacked any other person in this state, but You Xi Wang's touch, she recognized it. She could sense him being near her. As soon as his hand touched her back, she threw herself in his arms. 

She bawled her heart out on his chest. You Xi Wang did not speak but kept caressing her head gently as she let out all her pain and fears. Slowly, the wails turned into sobs. Celestia was tired, and You Xi Wang still stayed silent. 

He did not speak or move until he heard a soft whimper, "Big brother, what do I do now?" 

She had a goal, for which, she did not spare any effort, learned all she could, as fast as she could. However, now that goal was gone. She had left the guy to die, just like he left her to die. Her mother had left the world completely. She had no reason to go on all of a sudden. 

Children were all simple and kind. They lived for one goal, and when that goal was achieved they would look for something else, however, it was only possible when they knew what to look for. Celestia had no such direction in her mind. Thus, she asked him. He was the one who showed her direction at first as well. 

You Xi Wang looked at her teary face in his arms. He sighed and gently wiped her tears, he adjusted her so her chin rested on his shoulder. He said, "You want a goal right? You want a reason to live. No?" 

Celestia hummed weakly. You Xi Wang said, "Do you want to be with me, Celes?" 

Celestia hummed again, the You Xi Wang said, "Then get strong, surpass this realm and when you become strong enough, find me in the realm of gods. Then we will live there together with everyone. Find a good godly handsome to marry you off. No?" 

The little girl snorted, "Humph, I am not going to marry. Men are skirt chasers. You are one too." 

You Xi Wang chuckled and said, "Brat, your big brother is charming, understand?" 

The little girl did not say anything but asked, "What about Lily? She will come along too?"

"Of course, you think I will leave her behind? Also, how about we go and visit, Grand parents?" said You Xi Wang. 

The girl nodded and the four people under the gazes of the people left the place. They had just turned a corner when the Butcher's body began to burn and the man shrieked in pain. You Xi Wang did this, he knew this scumbag was playing possum on them. 

Despite being tortured by Celestia, this guy had taken some pill hidden in his mouth to make it seem like he was dead, but can he escape the system. You Xi Wang came to the car and boarded it with the two girls. Maya had melted in his shadow. 

She did not like it outside much, yet. The car drove to the silica city cemetery. You Xi Wang held hands of the two little girls who came to the gate of the cemetery. Lily spent her credits on flowers while Celestia bought the incense sticks. 

The mood of the little girl had improved a lot on the way. They located the tombstones of You Liangxin and Chen Limao, in the block of the You Family. This area was bought by You Family, to bury their people. Lily asked, "Xixi, my papa is not here, right?" 

You Xi Wang shook his head as he replied, "We will ask your mom to bring you to him. How about?" 

Lily nodded with a faint smile. Celestia asked, "What do I do about my parents? I do not know where they might be." 

Since the old cemetery was abandoned, her parents must have been cremated by the council of metropia. You Xi Wang said, "We can ask, your grandmaster to look into it. Do not worry." 

Celestia nodded. They offered incense and prayers to the two and You Xi Wang sat there gazing at the stones. The place was clean and no weeds were spotted. You family will arrange for someone to come here once a week in order to clean the place. 

Celestia asked You Xi Wang as they sat on the pavement, "Why do you always sit here?" 

"I feel their presence here. It is calm and warm." replied You Xi Wang. 

Celestia did not say anything but leaned against his body. Lily was the same. The three people sat for a few minutes and when it was time for the sky to turn dark, they left. At home, You Xi Wang told everyone, how the two little ones dealt with a batch of dark dwellers and how Celestia avenged her family. 

The people praised them and showered them with love. After dinner, they were visited by Takeshi Kinben and Ushijima Choma. They sat in the guest hall. 

You Xi Wang arrived and upon not finding Yuki he asked, "Mother-in-law, you came here, for an official visit?" 

The couple was shocked to see him in front of them. They could not discern his cultivation. Ushijima Choma asked, "Xiao Wang, what is your cultivation?" 

You Xi Wang said, "I stepped in Nirvana Rebirth. Yuki did too. Did you not meet her yet?" 

The couple was surprised and shook their heads, Takeshi Kinben said, "There is an abrupt change. Before taking the people to the ancestral exam planet. The candidates will be weeded out. It is going to be a selection process. Anyone with a base lower than the middle of primal soul realm will not be allowed to advance." 

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "You do not worry, our five families all have young generation, almost all are at the top of the primal soul realm." 


In terms of popularity, this year's major TV stations will hold a small year concert on the day of the new year. The star lineup is very large. This is the ready-made heat. "

Listening to Qianqian having settled everything, what else can Jiang Yueyue say, this Qianqian's brain is useless on the right path, she is willing to go downhill.

Perhaps from the beginning, she got into the trap she designed, one after another, interlocking.

Or the black material she made by herself was also planned by her.

Behind her smile are all calculations and conspiracies.

But what's the use of thinking about it now? In the end, she lost, and all the games were lost.

Under Chen Bo's gaze, she gave a far-fetched smile: "The eldest sister is still smart and knows to cover up the past with topics."

Didn't it just rely on yourself to do a few good things? What's so great, who is afraid of whom.

She clenched her posterior teeth and clenched her small pink fist, secretly saying that she remembered that she would not lose the battle, and the big winner was the one who laughed at the end.

Then she sighed again, letting herself relax, and said with emotion: Husband, I really didn't expect that Sister Qianqian was such a selfless dedication person, who paid silently.

I heard that filming is very hard, but the money from filming is donated to sick children, and medical institutions have developed treatment plans, which is amazing. "

Now she has to say something nice to get rid of Chen Bo's dissatisfaction with her.

Chen Bo nodded: "Yes, Qianqian is worthy of everyone to learn, but you are not bad. You donated all the money you won, and you are all good."

Leaving aside Yueyue and Mei'er, they are still very caring people because of what they do privately, so he is proud of having such a caring fiancée.

Jiang Yueyue turned her gaze to Qianqian: "Sister Qianqian, thank you for spending so many savings on sick children for so many years.

From now on, this medical institution will be funded entirely by me, so I don't need to fight like my elder sister. "

Qianqian: "Thank you Sanmei for your kindness, but this little money is enough for my company's financial resources, and I filmed because I like the job and I don't feel tired.

If you also want to contribute a love to medical institutions, you can donate together, we can't afford to conflict. "

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