A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 335: Surprising Event.

The five families from Silica City all sent their candidates in one airship. They all landed in the imperial sector in the evening. You Xi Wang got out of the airship wearing his battle armor. His long hair attracted a lot of attention. The people gazed at him when they got off at the port. They could not sense his aura and thought he is using a cultivation hiding technique. 

The boy was not bothered with any of it. He walked forward and the rest of the people followed, You Zhichi was behind him as well. Her elegant appearance attracted a lot of gazes as well. Some had admiration and some had lust. However, when the people spotted a level nine spirit beast behind her, they all gulped a mouthful of saliva. 

What caused the surrounding people to shiver was the entire troupe that came down the ship was wearing battle armor and they were accompanied by a wolf beast, the lowest was a level seven spirit beast. It was as if an army had marched on the battlefield. The baleful aura was enough to make the people in the port sense a chill down their spines.

Suddenly, You Xi Wang stopped in his tracks, he sensed a gaze locked on him. Turning his head he found a girl in white hair, a face that had gone missing after his visit to the lost sector. He heard You Zhichi's voice, "Snow is now a disciple of the hidden Snow Maiden sect. Better not have any ideas about her. They are all nuns, and worship goddess Chitra." 

The familiar visage belonged to Snow Wistrom. The girl, whose father died in Edward Colt's hands when he explored natural treasures for them. You Xi Wang walked over to Snow and the latter also walked over to his side. 

Just when they were close, Maya appeared behind Snow out of nowhere and place her hands on her waist. Snow froze up on the spot, while You Xi Wang shook his head, "Maya, she is not the enemy." 

Maya replied, "I know brother Xi Wang, but she always gives you an indifferent gaze. I do not like it." with that said, she walked over to You Xi Wang's side and stood behind him. 

The boy scratched the back of his head and asked, "How have you been?" 

Snow smiled faintly and said, "I have been good. You forgot me did you not?" 

You Xi Wang joined his hands and said, "I am sorry. I did not mean to." 

Snow shook her head and said, "It is fine. I also did not wait to say goodbye to you and vanished. I did not expect us to meet here."

You Xi Wang nodded and the people began a small talk, what surprised Snow was the fact that the phantoms have changed to such a level that the normal sects of the world could just hide in shame. She told You Xi Wang that her master had an ice mutation spirit root and so did she, her master turned out to be a cultivator as strong as Animus, the mentalist. 

A lot of other ladies from the Snow Maiden sect came over and they met with You Xi Wang. They were avid believers of Goddess Chitra, it was because she was a founder of their sect. When they found that You Xi Wang had met with the goddess they asked him about how she looks. 

The boy told them her appearance and they believed him, and the phantoms became a friend of these people. Some girls wanted to ask Yuki and You Zhichi to join their sect. Yuki rejected it without thinking as she had a master, and she did not want to be a virgin. As for You Zhichi, she told them about her master and how she was now the dean of the array hall. Only then did the girls calm down. 

They all proceeded to the inside of the city and came to stand below the levitating Sky Event Square. You Xi Wang and the rest went through a normal check and let boarded the elevator. They had no worries visible on their faces. This mentality of the whole contingent of Silica City made them surprised. 

They all gathered on the platform, all those who were qualified at least. On the podium like the last time, the elders appeared after the gathering officially commenced. You Xi Wang spotted people from his team back on the Lost Sector. They communicated with soul sense as they were standing too far away. 

Achilles took a step forward and said, "Silence." 

A single syllable from him made everyone silent and he continued speaking, "Today, you all are gathered here to take part in the ancestral exam. However, before the exam begins, the council would like to list a few people. These few people are rewarded with the title of War God." 

His announcement sent a wave of surprise and disbelief to the people. They had never seen an event to be held for such an announcement. Achilles said, "We understand that you all might be thinking, Why the council of old men wasting time with such a thing? To answer you, I would say, the people who attained the level of War God are all from the young generation, and they can be a good inspiration for the younger ones to come." 

The people understood what he meant, after all the forces needed to be supplied with men. The council had begun to hunt down the dark dwellers. At this point, they needed more people to join in. Thus they decided to use a new approach to lure in the people. 

Achilles motioned for elder snipes to step forward. Elder Snipe was a man of few words. But he was in charge of the news and information on Metropia. He said, "Today we have three people to be awarded the title of the War God. Give them a huge round of applause."

The people applauded and the old man said, "The first is Aron Efron. He achieved the peak of the primal soul realm at an age of nineteen. He led his team to second place in the last battle fest..."

Elder Snipe spent five full minutes listing his achievements. The people were in awe. They could not believe for the young man on stage to be so powerful. However, they were not given a chance to question before the second person was called. This man was twenty years old and he was a part of the military. 

It took him a long time to reach this level, but since the effort of this person was so commendable that the council had to call him over. This person was a survivor of the lost sector and he fought for three days straight in order to save his only companion who was grievously injured. You Xi Wang could not help but clap for this person.  The man was called, Jackob Travon. 

Elder Snipes said, "The last but not the least. I would like to call upon the stage. The youngest War God in history. You Xi Wang. He has stepped into the first stage of the Nirvana rebirth realm at an age of eighteen. He has mastered seven weapons and all their intents. 

He is a businessman and also an avid philanthropist. he led his team to the first position in the last battle fest, he also led a team of young people in the lost sectors. They are a division that never suffered a causality and the teammates all give the credit to their leader. Please give him a huge round of applause." 

You Xi Wang walked out of the crowd, under the respected gazes of the people. He climbed up the stage and bowed to the elders, and then to the people below. Elder Snipes The shock he had caused to the people was far greater than any of the earlier winners did. His age and cultivation realm were not in line with common sense. 

Achilles stood among the elders on the stage and said, "Preacher, you old coot. Your disciple is going to leave you in the dust." 

Alester Book said, "You say it as if you are stronger than me? Or is any of us is exceeding the level of Nirvana. After this, I am going into seclusion." 

The rest of the elders looked at the young man in front of them and they all had an existential crisis. 

Elder Snipes said, "To have the people know what the strength of a War God is like, we will have you people spar with each other in a three-way duel. Is this okay?" 

Aaron and Jackob nodded and they glanced at You Xi Wang. The boy smiled and said, "I accept, I have yet to learn the space crack travels. So no worries." 

Elder snipes nodded and said to the crowd in a sonorous tone, "The three War Gods will display some of their strengths, I hope that your youngsters take inspiration from them and take a step forward to be hardworking."

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