The next moment, Teiichi Itane and Mikoto Misaka appeared in a dirty alley, full of seeping water and the smell of corruption coming from the garbage can.

Mikoto pinched her nose and hummed, “Where are we now?” ”

“Washington,” replied Emperor, walking towards the exit of the alleyway, and at a glance he saw a small sharp corner in the distance.

Washington Monument in the United States.

Although Mikoto has never been to the United States, as a world-famous building, the Washington Monument still only knows that since this thing is here, it will not be anywhere else except the political center of the United States.

“Should we do this now? , Do you know the place of the treasure? ”

“I know the location, but before I do that, I have to make sure of one thing.” Itane Teiichi needs to at least determine the time of the world first

It is whether the protagonist Ben and his friend Ruili and others stole the original “Declaration of Independence” located in the National Archives of the United States, I believe that as long as you look at it, you will understand, after all, if the “Declaration of Independence” is lost, there must be a rumor near the National Archives now.

“Mikoto, there’s one thing I need to ask you!” Teiichi said to Mikoto.

“Oh, you say!”

After walking out of the laneway, Mikoto found that it was a commercial street, and the street was full of black-skinned, white-skinned, blonde, brown-haired figures, and a girl like her who was obviously Asian with a delicate face but topped with natural brown-haired hair, but it was not common, it can only be said that two-dimensional beautiful girls and three-dimensional humans are out of place from the painting style, and Mikoto looks too delicate.

I don’t pay any attention to the constant glances around me.

Teiichi said, “Well, first we need to solve the identity problem, this is your specialty, Mikoto!” ”


Then the two came to a remote public phone booth, Mikoto walked in, and Teiichi put a sentry outside, preventing anyone from approaching, fortunately, mobile phones in the United States have already risen in 2004, so the frequency of public phone booth use is now almost nothing.

Mikoto connected the miniature personal computer terminal she carried from Gakuen City to the telephone line, and suddenly a series of digital messages began to appear on the terminal in the computer, and then Mikoto hacked into the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) in Washington, D.C., where she registered citizen information and false information.

In the United States, a driver’s license is an ID card, and you need to show your driver’s license when you take a domestic plane, you need to show your driver’s license when staying in a hotel, and you need to show your driver’s license wherever you need identification.

Although it is certainly not able to withstand scrutiny because it is temporarily registered, it is completely sufficient to deal with the US police and use it.

“Well, now you only need to go to the DMV to get a new driver’s license, I understand that if you only need to spend some money to rush, it only takes an hour to get it!” Mikoto walked out of the phone booth and said proudly.

Perhaps many people in the world are envious of the citizenship of the United States, but for her, as long as she wants to use the electrical system ability of LEVLE5 at any time, hack any network in the entire United States, and add personally identifiable information at will

On the Internet, even the “guardian saint” (Hatsuharu Toshi) in the electronic field of Gakuen City legend is definitely not a match for the “cheating” Mikoto.

Any firewall, as long as it is still an electronic computer, there is nothing she can’t get into.

“Okay, let’s get moving!”

So at the DMV, after obtaining a driver’s license with a part of the dollars exchanged from Gakuen City in advance, the two went to the National Archives of the United States.

This coincided with the National Archives’ anniversary celebrations and the Declaration of Independence was due to be on display

The two entered the archives in an upright manner, glanced at the Declaration of Independence in the window, and before leaving, Mikoto was even persuaded by the archives’ salesman to buy a replica of the Declaration of Independence as a souvenir of returning to Gakuen City.

Walking out of the National Archives, Mikoto held a cylindrical replica in one hand and asked curiously, “But… Let’s see what the Declaration of Independence does?”

“You know what? The back of the world’s Declaration of Independence is a code that hides the location of the treasure, and if someone rushes to do so, the Declaration of Independence should be taken away, but it seems that it is not yet. ”

“So what now?”

“Let’s go to the treasure hiding place!”

So, Teiichi and Mikoto used their driver’s licenses to book two tickets from Washington to New York.

However, what they don’t know is that when they set foot on New York soil, the protagonist Ben and his friend Rayleigh are walking out of the FBI building with a helpless look, even though they repeatedly emphasize that someone is going to steal the Declaration of Independence, but no one pays attention to them.

Trinity Church is an ancient parish church in the Anglican Diocese of New York at 79 Broadway (where Broadway and Wall Street meet) in Lower Manhattan, New York City.

It is a famous tourist destination and landmark building in New York.

With a constant stream of tourists all year round and a free attraction, Teiichi and Mikoto easily followed other visitors into the ancient church

“Speaking of which, it seems that Gakuen City has never seen a church,” Mikoto said, looking up at the rather old church.

Di Yi chuckled when he heard this, and said, “After all, the chairman of the AcademyCity Governing Council is a person who has hated the existence of God since he was a child, and it is impossible for him to build churches everywhere in AcademyCity!” “

“This way!”

While speaking, soon Di Yi found the door to the church tomb, but it was still daytime, although the flow of people was not too much, but it inevitably caused unnecessary trouble, and the two decided to wait until night before starting.

(New book, ask for all flowers, monthly passes, evaluation tickets, your support, is the author’s eternal motivation, thank you)

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