A fantasy reality that began in Academy City

A fantasy reality that began in Academy City


156 Chapters Ongoing Status

Travel through the academy city and awaken the special ability “Fantasy Reality” due to the influence of gamma rays

As a high school manga artist, he began to be involved in events in the school city and various worlds

Thunder F


Travel through the academy city and awaken the special ability “Fantasy Reality” due to the influence of gamma rays

As a high school manga artist, he began to be involved in events in the school city and various worlds

Thunder Fruit Ability VS Super Electromagnetic Cannon

Straight Death Demon Eye VS Vector Control

Haruhi Ryomiya VS Odinus

Yakumo Zi: “Sister Lola, my master wants to visit you,”

Haruhi Ryonomiya: Emperor One, I want to establish the SOS group in a city full of superpowers.

Mikoto Misaka: Ah, Shiki-san, isn’t this a manga character?

One side passes: what is going on with this woman and why vector manipulation is killed.

Kamijou Sister: Teiichi, can you introduce Dome Sister to me?

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Fantasy Reality from College City”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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