Looking at Intix, who was lying on the ground with even breathing, the divine crack withdrew the “Saint Mode” and said to the Bangen Diyi who walked over:

“This child is here for the time being, and I am going to return to England with Steele to ask for an explanation of the church’s long-standing deception.

If you bring this child, I am afraid that it will increase a lot of uncertainties, and the upper echelons of the church will probably use the forbidden book catalog to break away from the collar as an excuse to re-weave a new magic cage, so this is just the safest arrangement for us! ”

Then, she paused ~ and then said in a disgusted tone:

“Personally, I don’t want this child to spend a minute in the school city, but this child now has a record of using the knowledge of the 103,000 magic books to cast magic,

Of course, strictly speaking, it was not herself, but the system “automatic secretary” that the church entered into her body, but the question is that now that the “automatic secretary” has been destroyed, does she have the ability to perform magic as she wishes?

If, because of the loss of the “automatic secretary”, his original magic power is “restored”, I am afraid that we also need to return to the Puritanism to prepare a perfect countermeasure.”

Then, Divine Split looked at Di Yi with extremely serious eyes

“I need to be sure that you can protect her during this time?”

At this time, Emperor Bangen dragged Kamijou in front of him one by one, and solemnly introduced: “With our sister’s hand, well, no problem!” ”

“Uh…. Emperor One! Uejo turned his head and was about to make the harshest protest in history against someone’s rumor-mongering.

However, in front of him, there was a black girl with a long ponytail who was bubbling with black qi all over her body and raised her voice

“Sister hand? , can you tell me, which hand? ”

Kamijou suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, but he inadvertently glanced at the handle of the knife that the girl was already holding tightly, maybe as soon as he said which was the handle mentioned by Itane Emperor, his right hand would immediately fall to the ground like chicken wings.

Although Itane Teiichi often dug holes for Uejo, it would not really hurt him, and after trying to explain to God Split for a long time, God Split glanced at the hedgehog head with a suspicious look.

Of course, it is a stranger plus a good touch as a “negative” look.

“Okay, Stiles and I will leave first, remember, Itan Teiichi, this does not mean that we will give you that child, and when we get it back, we will come to the door again to take this child, although I don’t know how you use magic as a superpower, but we won’t stop.”

After that, God Rift turned around and left with Still, after all, the two had to hurry back to England to investigate some things.

However, just after Divine Rift took a few steps, Di Yi shouted, “That… Since the agreement is completed, the part-time thing, when are you free! ”

“Part-time!?” Stille looked at the divine rift beside him in surprise, obviously he didn’t know the true content of the agreement.

The divine crack shook like a fried cat, and said angrily:

“After the matter is handled, I will come to you!”

Then, her pace seemed to speed up more frequently.

“Hehe” Emperor Bangen smiled, looked at such an embarrassed divine crack, and then said to the hedgehog head gloating:

“Snack goods, I will leave it to you to take care of, I will say goodbye first!”


“Why don’t you want to, hey, think about a lonely little nun in the school city, and have no relatives, and now she has to be thrown away, it’s really tragic enough, it is estimated that God will not let go of the person who abandoned the little nun, Amen!!”

Di Yi said exaggeratedly.

Hearing this, the hedgehog-headed boy made a bitter face and said: “I didn’t say that I wouldn’t take care of Intix, but you should at least send me a car to send us back, if it doesn’t work, a bicycle can also be!”

“It’s really troublesome,” Di Yi said disgustedly.

Then, the institute sent a special car to the apartment building in the seventh school district, although it had suffered great damage a few days ago, but now it is not visible from the outside, whether it is street lamps, or scratches on the walls of the apartment building, and even part of the collapse has been repaired as new, obviously the uncle in charge of apartment management should have made a lot of efforts.

After sending Uejo, a guy accompanied by a beauty, home, Teiichi returned to the apartment room downstairs.

As usual, he first turned on the lights, changed into indoor shoes, and then turned on the TV to select the premium channel, where he could freely watch some popular movies, TV series, anime and so on missed due to daytime work or school according to the user’s needs.

So, he chose the One Piece anime and continued to watch the part of the previous day.

At this time, the plot on TV is the picture of the first battle between Hawkeye Mihawk and Solon, the great sword of the pirate world, and in terms of Diyi, who has now absorbed some of the divine split sword art, Sauron’s kendo at this time is really crude.

········ Ask for flowers…

“It’s a pity that this fantasy beast incident didn’t activate the One Piece world, otherwise, he could compete with Mihawk and seize his great sword power.”

However, think about it, in fact, the pirate world level is not much high, and the relative value is not much, even if it can become the strongest in that world, it is not much in the school city, it is estimated that if one side passes to appear in the pirate, it is enough to become a strong person beyond the four emperor level.

“Speaking of a passage, no, it should be Yuriko Suzuka, what about that guy?”

Teiichi looked at the anime while falling into deep thought.


However, it is said that after being recycled by the research institute, because it was killed by the direct death demon eye of the two ceremonies, he temporarily became a saint-like figure, although his ability has not changed in the slightest, but he often chooses to help the old lady cross the road, and picks up money to hand over to the guard, which is well received by all kinds of people.

However, even so, her memory will not disappear, and after the evil thoughts are removed, the good thoughts overwhelmingly occupy her heart, so for what she did before, she hates and regrets from the eyes of her heart.

The reason why I chose this saintly path is actually nothing more than atonement.

However, this abnormal state will not last long, as the two rituals say, she only kills “evil thoughts” rather than “evil” itself, and over time, when more and more negative emotions accumulate, one party will still become the silent and cruel monster of the past.

However, before that, she needs to spend a period of forgiveness, and even if he recovers his evil thoughts in the future, the memory of this period will not disappear, and then it will more or less affect her original character.

At this time, Yuriko Suzuka, who was carrying canned coffee bought from the supermarket, looked at the more than ten fierce teenagers who fell to the ground with blue noses and swollen eyes, and said with a sigh:

“Let’s go!”

“Abominable!” More than a dozen vicious teenagers cursed secretly, and then fled towards the distance in a hurry.

(New book, ask for all flowers, monthly passes, evaluation tickets, your support, is the author’s eternal motivation, thank you for the knife)_

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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