When the fingers of Kamijou Dangmahjong’s right hand touched the “red mark” on Intix’s throat, the body was like an electric shock in half, and the whole person was ejected by a powerful force, rolling on the ground for a few times before stopping.

And Intix, who was originally unconscious, suddenly opened her eyes as if she had been started some kind of program, and her eyes were glowing with a strange red light.

What emerged in the eyeballs was a magic array as bright red as blood.

“What’s going on?” Divine Rift and Stills were startled at the same time, looking at the strange changing Intix.

At this moment, Intix’s eyes shot out a terrifying and dazzling bright red light, and an explosion occurred.

With a strong impact, Itane Teiichi and Shenri and the others quickly jumped back a few steps, while the unlucky Kamijou just got up and was blasted out again.

“- Warning! Chapter 3, Introduction, Index—”The Collar” of the Librorum Prohibitorum Forbidden Book Catalog, the first to third enchantments have been confirmed to be broken. Regeneration preparation….. If it fails, the “collar” cannot regenerate on its own, and according to the current situation, the “library” of 103,000 books is given priority to resist intruders. ”

Shen Rift looked at the scene in front of him and asked in surprise, “What the hell is going on, this kid should not be able to use magic!” ”

“Because we opened someone else’s treasury, the owner of the treasure house wants to use force to physically purge the guy who covets the treasure house, this is a normal thing, God Split Beauty!”

Ignoring Di Yi’s teasing tone in the slightest, his beautiful and narrow eyes stared closely at the changes in his best friend.

At this time, Intix’s whole body seemed to have no bones and 337 joints at all, like jelly stuffed in a plastic bag, and slowly stood up with strange movements. The red magic arrays in both eyes shot upwards.

Apparently, as the initiator of the destruction of the “collar”, the “automatic secretary” began to automatically identify prisoners who coveted the “treasure”.

At this time, Intix’s eyes could no longer be called human eyes.

There is no trace of humanity in the eyes, and I can’t see the gentleness and cuteness that a girl should have, just like a robot that has no emotion and only needs to act according to the programmed program.

“——According to the information of the 103,000 books in the “library”, the magic formula of inverse calculation to break through evasion……. Failed, did not find the magic that meets the conditions, and began to prepare to execute the specific magic used against the intruder in order to obtain the magic formula”

Like a doll manipulated by silk threads, Intix tilted her head slightly.

“- Successfully preparing to perform the most effective magic against the single intruder, the next step will be to unleash a specific magic “St. George Sanctuary” to destroy the invader. ”

With a huge bang, the magic array in Intix’s eyes expanded in one breath, forming two magic arrays with a diameter of more than two meters in front of her eyes, and overlapped each other, as if fixed on the two eyeballs, Intix gently swung her head, and the magic array floating in the air also moved.

“??? ,???? ”

Intix began to sing, a “song” that the human mind could not understand

In an instant, the two magic arrays centered on Intix’s eyes suddenly began to emit light and exploded. The sight was like a point in the air – near the center of Intix’s eyebrows, an explosion of high-voltage currents and the feeling of lightning flying in all directions.

However, instead of blue-white sparks, it was pitch-black lightning.

Although it is not scientific, it looks like a gap caused by the space being torn, and then there is a loud pop, centered on the joint of the two magic arrays, as if shooting at glass, and the pitch-black crack spreads out in all directions again.

And the crack looks as if it is, preventing anyone from approaching.

On the inside of the crack, there seems to be some kind of pulsation, which is expanding outward.

Then, only listening to the snap, the crack was opened by the qi.

Immediately, a white pillar of light bombarded towards Kamijo, looking like a laser beam with a diameter of one meter, and the power seemed to dissolve even the sun.

However, just as Kamijou was about to block the pillar of light with his right hand, the Dao figure was already blocking ahead.

“Hey, Ah Shang, you still have things to do, and I don’t have time for you to play the game of opposite.” In front of Kamijo Dangma, Itane Teiichi stood in the pillar of light, and from Kamijou’s vision, it was as beautiful as if his whole body was shrouded in holy light.

However, upon closer inspection, there was a transparent shield around Bangen Diyi defending against the attack of the “Saint George Holy Domain”.

“I said Ah Yi, even if I want to play the game of opposite waves, my right hand can’t emit laser waves, say, let me do something!”

For the omnipotent Itane Teiichi, Kamijou Dangma gradually developed a kind of dependence, after all, it is like guessing a puzzle to get a prize, if others have told you the mystery beforehand, then why use your own brains.

As for fun, I’m sorry, but for the poor Uejo, his right hand can neither make money nor his sister, and he eats supermarket specials every day, and he is really not in the mood to wander in the world of magic.

The shield has begun to “crunch”, obviously copying the ability of Haruo Muyama, and it cannot compete with the attack of “Saint George’s Sanctuary” (CGBG) in terms of level, but it is still possible to hold out a little time.

In front of the agitated white beam, the emperor said without looking back

“See that magic array that cracks like glass? , smash them hard for me with your right hand!! ”

“Understood!” Kamijou immediately straightened up and prepared to run to the side.

However, just when Itane Emperor thought that as long as he could block it head-on for a moment, Kamijou could solve Intix under the “automatic secretary” from the side,

Mutations arise.

Or rather, a blonde woman hidden in the depths of an English church held something like a flashlight and said with a grin

“Oh, it can’t end like this, it needs some exciting show.”

Saying that, the runes on the flashlight began to rotate slightly.

Far away in the open space of the eighteenth district research institute of Gakuen City, Intix suddenly trembled like an electric shock.

Then, her eyes suddenly looked like a dead thing, covered in dark and ominous smoke.

“——Detecting that the “Holy George’s Sanctuary” cannot achieve the desired goal, switch other magic, continue the mission of destroying everyone present, protect the safety of the “collar”, start searching the directory …. Complete…. Connecting the original secrets of Celtic mythology, chapter 3, verse 5, ah…. Death, praise you. ”

Then, the cracked magic array suspended in front of Intix’s eyes suddenly appeared countless pitch-black eyeballs, which seemed to be shaking on a mirror like a glass plate, and then the eyeballs’ gaze began to stare at everyone present.

One of the less than twenty “saints” in the world, who was originally lonely and high, saw the scene in front of him, he was actually stunned, and then he set up the battle mode and shouted

“….. Bar…. Barol’s Dead Eye. It turned out to be the original secret code that recorded Celtic mythology, how could it be!! ”

At this time, even Steele was covered in a cold sweat and summoned the “King of Witch Hunting” to block the front, and then he still didn’t worry that he had summoned a flame sword for your self-defense.

“Remember, you must not let those rays shine, otherwise even if you have a saintly physique, you will lose half your life!”

“Paralyzed, shouldn’t it be the sigh of the Dragon King? , so dangerous, since this must not let you release! ”

Seeing that countless pitch-black eyeballs were about to emit blood-red light, Emperor Bangen raised his hand one by one, and suddenly the earth under Intix rose, and a huge earth and stone pillar with a diameter of two meters appeared.

Caught off guard, Intix was suddenly pushed up by the stone pillar, and the magic array connected with her eyes immediately turned horizontally to the sky, and then saw thousands of red lasers, flying towards the sky.

No longer hesitating, Di Yi raised his hand again and pressed down, and suddenly the stone pillar against Intix was retracted.

“Ah Shang !!!”

“Understood!” Kamijou Dangma, who had returned to God, immediately ran, and punched Intix lying on the ground, no, to be precise, a pair of magic arrays in front of Intix’s eyes.

Suddenly, the magic array containing the black crack was shattered by the blow of the upper course, which was so simple that it was funny.

At the same time, the blonde woman on the ground floor of the English church secretly “sighed”, and threw the rune cane in her hand on the marble floor boringly, and when she walked out of the basement, she revealed a pair of blue eyes, with an evil smile

“Teiichi Itana, are you the new face of Aresta Crowley? , hehe, there’s something interesting again, but before that, let’s go take a shower! ”

(New book, ask for all flowers, monthly passes, evaluation tickets, your support, is the author’s eternal motivation, thank you)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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