Essex was slightly surprised that Alice knew so much, but he didn’t care too much, he was confident that as long as he still had the virus antibody Alice he could only throw a rat.

“Your Excellency, I want to talk to you!” Essex put the virus antibody back in his pocket and said to Itato Teiichi.

Di glanced at the location of the virus antibody in Essex, shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently:

“What do you want to talk about?”

“How about dividing the world?” Essex took out two glasses and filled them with champagne, sliding one of them accurately to the corner of the table.

He gestured to the cup, then drank it down.

“Divide the world!?” Di Yi picked up the glass full of champagne and said with some surprise

“Yes, Your Excellency has strong individual power, and our umbrella company has strong scientific and technological power, as long as you and I unite, there is no problem in dividing the world.”

“What if I don’t agree?”

Hearing Di Yi’s question, Essex frowned and said, “Disagree? , this statement does not hold up at all. ”

Then “one three zero”, he glanced at a crimson number that was beating next to the surveillance TV behind him, and said:

“There are only 100,000 existing human beings in the entire world, and if Your Excellency destroys the Umbrella Company with its powerful force, then the human civilization on Earth will decline to thousands of years, I really can’t figure out the reason for Your Excellency!”

“Don’t understand?” Emperor Itagan turned his head to look at Alice and asked, “What do you think?” ”

“The umbrella must pay for what it has done, it must be destroyed!!” Alice said indignantly.

“Well said!!” At this moment, an old man in a wheelchair slowly came from a distance.

Alice saw the other party’s old face, and asked tentatively in her heart: “Alicia! ”

The old man was stunned, and then said in surprise: “You actually know me!” ”

“Because you are my prime body, someone has told me all the causes and consequences, Alicia, in addition to the purpose of destroying the umbrella headquarters, I also came to the hive this time to meet you, I want to ask you a question!”

“You say.” The old man said lightly.

Alice hesitated for a moment and said, “Do you care about my existence? ”

The old man was silent for a while, and just when Alice was slightly disappointed, he heard the old man say in a high voice:

“Alice, you are much better than me, I allowed myself to become weaker, now you are like the extension of my life, I can see you in my old age, I always feel that the original decision was right, but Alice If you want to destroy the umbrella, you must kill Essex immediately”

Saying that, she glanced at the red numbers in front of her, which were beating with changes that were decreasing every minute.

“If you can’t, there will be no future for humanity!”

“Haha, what a bitch speech, Alicia, I always get one step ahead of you, it’s impossible for you to kill me, anyway, the umbrella is the final winner, as long as it takes a while, I will never hear your whining for justice again!”

Saying that, he turned to Itan Diyi and said, “Your Excellency, as long as you kill this bitch, her shares in the umbrella company will be yours, and in the future, you and I will divide the umbrella company equally. How is it? ”

Hearing this, Di Yi, who took a sip of champagne, shook the glass with his hand at the table, and said with a smile:

“Very good proposal, but Essex, if one person can obviously get the whole world, will he divide it equally with others?”

“You want the whole thing!?” At the same time, Essek took out the green spiral test tube in his arms again and said:

“Without this, all you can get is a world that is forever broken, have you ever thought about it?”

However, just listening to the “bang”, his tube was chopped apart by the wind blade, and the green liquid spilled all over the ground.

“You…” said Essex, who had a wound on his cheek that had been blown by the wind blade:

“Are you crazy? , There is only this bottle of virus antibody medicine in this world, and it is impossible to make it if it is lost!! ”

“So why can you make it?”

“This…” Essex was speechless for a moment.

“If you can make it, can’t my team make it?” Ridiculous, you overestimate your chips, Essex! ”

As he spoke, Teiichi’s right hand suddenly turned into five tentacles and stabbed directly towards Essex like a snake.

However, what he didn’t expect was that this old man was as capable as Di Yi knew, and he dodged the past with a sideways turn.

“You really want to be the enemy of the umbrella company!!”

Of course, after all, there is “wealth” that I need, so I have to swallow it. ”

Hearing this, Essex roared beside him: “Wesker! ”

Wesker immediately noticed, raised his pistol and was about to pull the trigger on Teiichi.

However, unexpectedly, at this moment, his knees suddenly went soft, and he was lying on the ground.

Essex immediately covered his nose and ran quickly towards the side door, but Alicia directly ordered:

“Close the side door!”

Suddenly, with the sound of “Ka”, the side door was immediately locked after being red, and the anxious Essex said with sweat:

“I order you, stop the control of No. 4365, and automatically go offline!”

“Obey, shutting down” At this time, the red queen projected on Alicia, her body was shaking as if disturbed by clutter, she said before disappearing

“Dr. Essex, you will die underground along with the upper floors of the umbrella!”

“Stinky bitch!” Just listening to the “bang”, Essex fell to the ground on one knee after the stinky red, and countless sweat stains appeared on his forehead….

Looking at Alice, Wicks, and Essex all looking like they were about to coma, Di Yi understood that this should be the result of the volatilization of toxic antibodies to T virus disease in the room.

And Alice, Wicks, Essex because of the presence of T virus in the body, virus antibodies enter their respiratory circulation system in a few breaths to crush the T virus, and the resulting strength, speed, and other effects are destroyed.

“I’m a little embarrassed, but please die!” In his right hand, Emperor Itagan formed a laser sword formed from gas and swung it at the fallen Essex.

When everything was over, Banne said to the old Alicia, “Are you really not going to leave the hive?” ”

“Hmm!” Alicia nodded and said:

“The Umbrella Company was founded by my father for me, and although I know that Essex not only killed my father but also plotted to subvert humanity, I can neither avenge nor prevent the coming human catastrophe…. Finally, today is the day of liberation, I am really tired, if there really is heaven, I hope to meet my father! ”

“I see!” Emperor Bangen understood that the old man had already died in his heart, and even if he persuaded him, it would have no effect.

“You come here to get the red motherboard, then follow me, this is the last thing I can do for you!”

Leaving the hive and returning to the cliff next to the crater, with the fire and violent explosions coming from the exposed mouth of the hive, Alice looked at the sky with a serious expression, as if there was a picture of Alicia entering heaven to meet her father.

Then, she placed a hexagonal square box on a stone, and suddenly in a red light, the figure of the red queen was projected.

“This is a program that has long been set, Alice, Alicia uploads all her memories, and the memory has 1.9 years of childhood that you did not have, which can be combined with the adult memories that you have, and she cannot experience, to form a complete memory.”

As the red queen narrates, a retina-like lens rises from the hexagonal box, and the lens begins to glow, and then one picture after another belongs to Alicia’s childhood.

Alice’s eyes reflected these images, and her eyes began to moisten.

Emperor Bangen hugged her shoulders one by one and comforted: “Alice, everything is gone, there will be no more umbrellas in this world, soon the anti-poison agent of the T virus will be manufactured, you don’t have to worry!” ”

“Thank you,” Alice said with a smile as she leaned on Teiichi’s shoulder.

In the following month, Teiichi Itane accompanied Alice to destroy the Umbrella Underground Base in Tokyo and the simulated testing ground in Russia, eradicating the cancer of the Umbrella from the world.

(New book, ask for all flowers, monthly passes, evaluation tickets, your support, is the author’s eternal motivation, thank you)_

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