A Father's Duty

Chapter 1 - 1. Prologue

A man in the forest woke up in a puddle of blood and was spooked when he saw the pool of blood, he then inspected it and matched it with the ragged outfit he had. He then looked at his ċhėstpiece that had a hole in the front and in the back, meaning it was his own blood after all, but when he looked beyond the hole in the ċhėstpiece, he noticed that the 'supposedly' hole through his ċhėst was healed as there's a scar that formed in there.

It was still noon time as he sat down to reorganize what happened and why he is in this place.

His name before he transmigrated into this body was Ichiro, he is an asian descent, an orphan as well. He looks like your average asian person. He lived his school days from elementary to college in a normal way, having a relationship here and there, with the support of the orphanage and the government, he graduated in an average college as an IT specialist and worked for his life till he reached his 30th. He is also not much of a heavy spender plus he doesn't have a woman to spend his money.

Although Ichiro is not a heavy spender, he sometimes buys things for himself, think of it as a reward for himself, and most of his money, since he doesn't have any use for it than living expenses, he donated them to the orphanage he once lived in and he trusted the person in charge who once cared for him, an orphan taught by the head nun.

Ichiro being an asian descent, was not oblivious to animes, mangas, novels, and the likes. What he likes are those intellectual type of animes, like Death Note and Code Geass, but was disappointed in the way it ended. Light Yagami became a psychopath while Lelouch made himself the enemy of the whole world just so they would unite and achieve peace.

He likes those anime because of Light's ingenious mind versus L's insane thought process. While Lelouch because of his war strategies and how he treats the battlefield as a chessboard.

Ichiro opened his mouth wide when the Death Note he discarded eventually returned to Light. While he opened his mouth wide when he saw that Lelouch's sister, Nunnally, was under a geass and she is not really blind.

(Keikaku Doori ????)

After Ichiro arrived home from his work, he immediately sat down to browse some anime and opened his mail to receive the work he was supposed to do at home. When he opened his mail, he saw two new emails waiting for him, one is his work, while the other is a suspicious email with a title 'What if?'.

He opened the work email first and saved the files to his computer. He then opened the suspicious mail and was astounded as well as amused from what he saw and read inside.

'What if? What if you are in a different world? Different from the world you're living in. Do whatever you want, no one will stop you. Interested? Click the link below' was what the email said and a link below.

'Disboard.com' (No, this is not No Game No Life fanfic ????)

Ichiro reluctantly pressed the link as he is confident in his self-made anti-virus. Fortunately his PC didn't notify him of any breaches made or any virus. When the link finally loaded, he is surprised to see a questionnaire. Since its just a questionnaire, he felt relieved. He then poised himself as he prepared to answer the questionnaire. Nothing would go wrong right? Its just a questionnaire aight?

1. System or Not? Y/N?

- Y

- Adventurer, random

Ichiro thought for a moment before inputting adventurer and a random one for trolling the admin who will check the questionnaire.

3. Gift?

- Refinement technique and skills.

Ichiro thought that by being vague it will confuse the admin who will read the questionnaire.

4. Appearance?

- Riku Dola NGNL

Ichiro thought before answering, he likes the aesthetics of Riku and he had an adventurer feel from his clothes also because he inputted an adventurer as an occupation.

5. World?

Ichiro thought as he thought that fairy tales world are a safe place and he can venture the places in there.

Ichiro was about to answer the 6th question when a loud honk took his attention away from the monitor. A truck suddenly blasted his room and hits him. His eyes are full of shock not unwillingness because his ċȯndȯminium was situated at the 10th floor of the building, for a truck to blast in to his room, how much rotten luck did he have today? He closed his eyes as his heart finally stopped beating.

What Ichiro didn't know was that after he died, a man in a spandex with a red and black motif and was wearing a golden gauntlet with 5 colorful gems embedded in it had arrived at the scene and looked at Ichiro with pity then he became enraged.

"BAD TRUCKY! I said you can roam around but I didn't tell you to just ram a person sitting in their PC! Look the readers are scared of you now." He pointed at the thin air as if there was a person there.

"Hey, author, what are you saying? I'm clearly pointing at the readers, I'm not insane at all! Right?" The man said

"Oh please author, you can do better than that, at least let them know my name. I'm Ryan Rey- No. Just Deadpool. You know real names are forbidden in heroic business right? HOHO" Deadpool said.

"Anyway, leaving the author aside, Trucky go back to our world first, I'll offer my prayer for the man first. Sorry, I used the space stone because Trucky said he wants to stroll and summoned him randomly, never thought he'd ram you after just summoning him to your world." He said in solemn tone

"Hm? 'What if?' wasn't this the questionnaire Trucky randomly sent? Hmmmmmm, I see. Ohhhhh. This must be your lucky day as I will grant you your what ifs!" Deadpool then snapped as the 4th wall turned into dust.

"Oops, wrong stone, sorry author, I'll refix it." He snapped again as the author suddenly disintegrated into powder.

"Fuck! Wrong stone again!" He then used the timestone to rewind time to the time before the 4th wall turned to dust.

"Sigh, I'm really hardworking. Without further ado, I'll grant your What ifs!" He snapped as the soul of Ichiro was enveloped by a bright light before disappearing.

After Ichiro's soul disappeared, the whole questionnaire suddenly used random as a default for his answers, the vague answers he had were turned into numbers just like the matrix before forming a word.

2. Occupation

- Adventurer, Father

3. Gifts?

- Gandora-X refinement, Bladeform Legacy, Breath of Thunder

5. World

- Fairy tail world

6. If you are a father, who is the partner? (Random)

7. If you wanted a system, what would it be?(Random)

- Cool Father's Tavern system

8. Background (Random)

- Prince of ________ Empire.

9. Talent?

- Once in a hundred years talent

10. Magic? (Random)

- Cooking Magic

When the questionnaires were filled, it disintegrated into dust that would question you how the f*ck did a questionnaire inside a computer disintegrated into dust.

While the memories were integrating, the time stopped. Ryan Reyn- I mean Deadpool popped up.

"Oops looks like it is the end of the prologue. Well just read the next chapter. Right, Author?"

(Yeah sure)


This is the prologue of another novel of mine. For now I won't update it as I haven't reached the 100th chapter yet in my main novel. Just posted the foundation first as I'm afraid it will slip up from my mind if I didn't write it.

If you are not satisfied of the gifts then let me know, I don't want my MC to be super duper OP at the start, no training with masters, no time dilation training, just daily and normal training.

Gandora-X is from Yu-gi-Oh and considering that fairy tail is a world with Dragons I thought maybe it will fit as it looked cool in the movie. As for the Bladeform Legacy, yep its Juggernaut/Yurnero's Arcana mask.

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