A Father's Duty

Chapter 2 - 2.

After receiving the set of memories and started sorting it out one by one, he realized how f*cked he is right now, Ichiro also cursed because the one he put in the questionnaire was FAIRY TALE world, how did it change to Fairy Tail?!

If he were to describe his predecessor: he is definitely a fool.

Although Ichiro pity him because of his foolishness, without it, he wouldn't bag the most wanted MILF in the series.

The name of the man he took over is named Noctis. The eldest prince born from the Queen, as for what Kingdom, he didn't know as it is one of the blocked memory. When he was born, the Seer immediately fainted and they thought that Noct or Noctis is a bad omen, but when the Seer suddenly stood up and started cursing them, a once in a hundred year talent and you're treating him like a plague? Are you nuts?!

After the seer's exclamation, his Father and Mother whose name he didn't know as his family tree is a blocked memory as well. His Father and Mother cheered and they bathed him in the legendary Dragon's blood so that Noct would receive the blessings of the Dragon God.

After that Noctis received the best education and training as a knight and as a crowned prince and true to the word of the seer, the speed at how Noctis absorbed the knowledge was insane and he was the always the center of attraction. He is the perfect man to reach the pinnacle. He is like the protagonist of this world and many were jealous of him, especially the Prime Minister's son as he despised Noctis the most.

The years passed by as he finally completed his training and can be considered an S-Rank person, the most powerful in the kingdom. One day Noctis told his parents that he will set out and widen his horizon first before inheriting the throne as his father is only at his early 40s meaning her mother gave birth to Noctis in their late teens or early 20s.

Years passed by once more as Noctis is on his journey and helped people on his way. One night, when he was about to sleep, a loud Dragon's roar was heard as he immediately set out to defend the town from the Dragon.

The Dragon and Noctis fought for the whole night as he shouted to the people trying to help him to run away and let him do it on his own and can hold his own ground. When the light of the sun started peeking towards the horizon, Noctis finally defeated the 'dragon' and was about to slay it when it morphed into a beautiful Lady with a beautiful scarlet hair.

Noctis saw the condition of her body and saw that her magic circuit pathway was destroyed from the fight. Pitying the woman, he used a forbidden technique that not even his parents knew that he had learned. It can heal everything in exchange of destroying his own Magic Circuit Pathways.


Immense pain started ȧssaulting his body as his Magic Circuit Pathway was destroyed, meaning he won't be able to use magic at all, forever.

The woman was actually awake when Noctis casted the spell, she knew that spell as she once read it from the library of the Dragnof Kingdom and said that only a fool would learn that technique, and here she saw a fool who had learned the technique to heal her ruptured Magic Circuit Pathways, it even cured her insanity and her Dragon Scales lessened to a great deal making her somewhat more pleasing to the eye.

She felt grateful towards him for helping her twice. One when he reverted her to being a human from her dragon form and now this. When the treatment was finished, the woman opened her eyes as she stared at Noctis' eyes and asked him.

"Why?" She said.

"Is there any reason not to help those person in need? As a king, one should always prioritize their citizen as it was the life and blood of a kingdom, without the citizen, the kingdom will only be a husk. Has a form but no insides." his words resounded to the heart of the woman, as a princess herself, how could she not know about it?

"Irene Belserion. What's your name?" And that's how the two person met and years passed by and Noctis is now a 24 year old man and was now married to Irene and had just birthed to a baby which they named Erza. A few months later, Noctis asked Irene to return with him to the kingdom where he came from.

Unfortunately on the night of their supposed return, Irene held Noct's hands as she trembled in fear. A dragon's roar was heard over the horizon and Irene turned pale and tears started streaming on her face.

"Listen, Noctis, you should stay away from here, this place is not safe anymore. I need you to take care of Erza. I swear I'll meet you once more if fate wills it. I love you, Noctis, Of course Erza as well. Farewell Noctis."

Of course he knew why Irene was pale, she told Noct about her story within the Dragnof Kingdom and her 'Fiancee' betrayed the kingdom and poisoned the Royal Family's Guardian Dragon. Her father forced Irene to flee as Acnologia was coming closer. Her partner Belserion fought with Acnologia to stall Acnologia while Irene planted herself a Dragon Seed as she tried to flee as far as possible from the place. Before she escaped, she heard the anguish cries of the Sage Dragon Belserion as it triggered the Dragonification of Irene as it flew out of the place. At the first few years, she managed to control herself but as the years go by her consciousness started slipping by and slowly turned into a mindless dragon wandering and causing destruction wherever it goes. 400 years later, she was defeated by Noctis before being healed by him.

Acnologia. The highest threat the human world have, must've smelled Irene and was about to hunt her, that's why she left. Tears started streaming in his face as he held Erza in his arms and swore, if God will show some mercy for him, then he will exact revenge against Acnologia and kill him personally.

The anguish cries of the dragon was heard from the place as Noct's heart was being pierced by invisible needles as he looked towards the crying Erza before ignoring her cries and ran away from the place as far as possible.

When Noctis was in a far place, he settled in a place called, Rosemary village. He thought of going back to the kingdom but with his wits, he immediately realized that the kingdom was more dangerous of a place than this village. As a person who is well versed in politics since he was young, he knew the consequences of returning with a damaged Magical Circuit pathway. The political enemies of his fathers would surely put pressure on him and would be forced to abdicate the throne, and he didn't want that. That's why he chose to settle down at the Rosemary Village.

After Irene's departure, he did mundane jobs for a living like carpentry as the only thing destroyed was his magical circuits but his body is still sturdy because he bathed in dragon's blood when he was born.

A year have passed and Erza can now stand up on her own and walk around the house although she needs help. Noctis was overjoyed at her daughter's achievements as he went out to the nearest town to buy her a gift.

Unfortunately, he met his end from a person from the Dark Guild as they held a grudge to him for messing in their business of saving the people that they were supposed to abduct for money, even though he had disguise, he was still found by an artifact and died with a hole in his ċhėst, he felt immense sadness because his daughter would be left to fend for herself.

After a few minutes, Ichiro's soul merged with the dead body as yellow light started enveloping the body and the wounds started closing and the organs started repairing themselves and now, Ichiro or should I say the now Noctis finished integrating memories and immediately rushed home so that Erza wouldn't worry about him as darkness was starting to loom over the place.

When he returned to his house, he entered and a tender and cute voice entered to his ears and was overjoyed, because it was the first word that Erza had said.

"Father!" Erza said as Noctis held her and kissed her cheek because of her cuteness. Even though, it was typically not his child when he was Ichiro, he really wanted one and was pondering of adopting when he was back in his old world.

"Father's home okay?" Noctis said to Erza as she giggled because Noctis started tickling her.

After that event, 3 years quickly passed by.


He didn't get the system and the gifts yet because of the pre-requisite of the first kill. He will get it when the Tower of Heaven kidnappings begin.

Well, I'm just laying the foundations of the novel so I'm not worried about it. I will officially start this after I've reached 100 or more chapters in my main novel.

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