A Father's Duty

Chapter 115 - Changes

After being teleported to the dimensional farm, he saw android 19 tending to the farm animals. Android 19 has already watered the plant in the farm and has been taking care of the budding world tree while Noctis is gone.

When Noctis asked Android 19 about the progress of the mutated animals. Android 19 reported the progress and told Noctis about the increased production and quality of the products that the mutated animals have produced. Before Noctis left on their journey around the WoD, he had bought a few machines for Android 19 and asked him to monitor the produce, the quality, and see if they have negative effects on people.

After reporting that nothing is wrong with the results and the quality is even better than the ones that the system have provided him. When he asked the reason, the system answered Noctis queries.

[Because the one you bought from me is just a Class - E ingredient which is the normal ingredients. Because the animals have eaten feeds grown in the dimensional farm that was ways better than normal soil and alongside the tree of life, the plants have absorbed the life essence and ethernano causing them to mutate and their mutations affected your farm animals causing them to mutate for the better. Your farm animals now could be considered a middle-class D-rank ingredient and they are still mutating with the help of the world tree and the farm's soil.] The system said causing Noctis' mouth to slightly curve upwards.

"System, I want to buy 50 androids with the knowledge for produce and buy the production lines for the farm animals. Also buy another world tree seed and have Android 19 to plant it in this farm and upgrade this farm's soil to the limit. I'm going to transfer the World Tree to the outer world. Also use the remaining points to upgrade the system. I wonder... what evolution path will you take?" Noctis said everything at once.

Noctis have earned so much with the androids taking his place as the bar master while they're out to have some vacation. Now, Noctis is back to having low points but he can earn all of those back in a week with his new staffs. He is also interested in the evolution path of the system, would it lean towards good? Would it lean towards evil? He didn't know but he is interested to know the results.

He is also going to transfer the growing World Tree to the outside world and he would have Fenrir take care of it. He didn't have to care about the security of the tavern because he now have the twins to take care of the tavern for him.

"Now that I thought of it, I guess I should help out in today's opening and teach Ram and Rem about the items in the menu." Noctis said before going back to their room.

"Who are the two person downstairs?" Irene asked.

"A hired help from the system." Noctis said and Irene asked once again.

"Like that scrap metal you bought?" Irene asked. She didn't know what to call such existence who are moving and living but are made of metals.

"They are not called scrap metals, dear. They are called androids. And no, the two hired helpers aren't androids, they are real people this time." Noctis said which made Irene narrow her eyes as Noctis continued.

"The two of them are twins from the Oni Tribe. Usually, those from the Oni tribe have two horns that could help them stimulate their potential, but the twins are a rare occurrence where they shared horns with each other and that is considered a curse in the tribe, but after the elder sister showed them her talent in magic, she managed to protect her younger sister over the years. Unfortunately, fate didn't want them to live in peace.

The two of them are survivors of an attack from a cult. In the attack, the elder sister's horn was broken after using her body to save her younger sister. If not for a travelling mage at that time, their lives would be forfeit in the hands of the cult. They grew up under the tutelage of the said mage and the twins became a maid under this person so they are good in housekeeping as well as cooking so they fit well from my description. The two of them can also fight and are enough to deal with troublemakers in the tavern." Noctis explained everything to Irene who seemed to soften after hearing what happened to the two. Also Noctis knows that the twins have problems with their personality and he would fix it sooner or later or it will cause trouble to him indirectly.

Ram's problem is holding Noctis in high regards and believes that no one is better than him. Since Roswaal is out of the picture, and with Noctis' help, she regained what she lost which is her broken horn, her admiration reached the peak and would intrude certain boundaries if it continued.

As for Rem, her problem stems from the fact that she felt guilty after feeling slightly happy after seeing her sister's horn is broken, but after relying on each other to survive, Rem felt guilty for feeling such emotion after seeing her sister stopped becoming what she used to be.

She decided to replace her sister and decided to protect her this time as atonement for the guilt she has been feeling but she doesn't have the self-confidence to do everything perfectly like her sister always does and it would sometimes disturb her work. Now Noctis have to talk the two down to fix their problems. He didn't want such problems to bite him back in the *ss in the future.

"I see. Then Dear, can you teach me how to wash clothes?" After Irene knew the information about the new people downstairs, she asked Noctis to teach him about washing the laundry.

"Sure. Let's clean up later. Let me wake the chipmunks up." Noctis said with a smile as he leaned down and gave his wife a light kiss before leaving for the next room to wake up the sleeping chipmunks.


This chapter is near completion so I finished it and I'm posting this early because I need to fix my sleep schedule because currently, my normal sleep time is 6:00 am and because of that I've caught common cold and fever.

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