A Father's Duty

Chapter 118 - Late Night CustomerFirst Meeting

Kagura kept on pestering Ram and Rem to play with them but they are still cleaning. Since their progress is almost finished, he had Rem play with the children and Ram to help him work for today.

Rem looked like she lost her soul when she was ordered to play with the children but she could not defy the orders of their master.

Ram on the other hand looked serious as she watched Noctis' every step in making the food.

Irene had followed the kids as she lied down on the hammock as she watched over the childrens. She looked at Dimaria who's warming up then over to Rem who's kind of shy but still obliged and played with the children. She ċȧrėssed her stomach as she watched over them.





"18, go on and open the door." Noctis ordered and Android 18 followed his order and opened the door.

The first batch of customers arrived and they were surprised to see the owner preparing the meals.

Gildarts as one of the first customers to come, sat on his usual spot and greeted Noctis.

"You're finally back! So? Is there something new today!?" Gildarts asked.

"Well, I've got a new booze and have its pair." Noctis said and Gildarts' eyes lit up.

"Then I'll take that!" He said happily.

"Before that, do you eat raw fish?" Noctis asked making Gildarts confused.

"This alcohol's best accompaniment is raw fish. Of course its going to be edible, but I don't know if you would dare try it." Noctis had a smile on his face.

"Sure! Although I haven't tried eating one, I'm sure that if you're the one preparing it, it'll be fine." Gildarts said full of confidence.

"Oh, i'm sure you'll like it on the rocks." Noctis said making Gildarts excited even more.

"Master, why is he drinking in broad daylight?" Ram asked in curiosity.

"Ram, in the tavern, if a customer is reasonable, the customer is a king, you don't have to question why they want it, but if the customer is unreasonable, just slap them, pick them up, give them another slap, then throw them out. Simple as that." Noctis said and Ram nodded in understanding.

"Hey, you have a new disciple?" Gildarts asked.

"Yeah, she and her sister will be the one who'll be responsible in cleaning the house." Noctis said.

"How lucky. Hey, little girl. Be sure to learn everything from him, in my opinion, his food could be called a treasure and that man's a living treasure." Gildarts said while Ram looked at Gildarts and nodded. She was about to lash out when she saw Noctis shook his head.

"Ram, whatever you hear from customers, its up to you whether you entertain it or not. If you seriously don't like it, just let it enter your left ear then let it leave through your right ear. One of the qualities of a successful bar master is their ability to socialize with other people. You never know, maybe your words can cheer a person up or pull the person down. You can socialize but think it over what you're going to say at least ten times before speaking." Noctis continued lecturing Ram as she nodded her head.

"Ohya? The master's back and a new barmaid?" Makarov said with Yajima on his side. There's also Laxus with him.

"Yeah, we just came back from vacation. Unfortunately, war made us end the vacation trip early." Noctis said and they understood what he said. They have heard about the war and about them closing their borders.

"18, go and collect the customers order." Noctis ordered Android 18 as she nodded and took the little notepad and started doing her job as a barmaid.

"Many people tried asking your replacements out. There are even women who came here and personally asked him for a date but he coldly ignored them." Gildarts said making Noctis curious.

"Yeah, I thought that after being ignored, they would leave him alone but instead they fell in love even more. Their numbers even grew at an astonishing rate." Makarov chimed in as well.

Noctis had a bad feeling after hearing the situation.

He prepared Rye for Gildarts, Rum for Makarov and Brandy for Yajima. He put the Rye in front of Gildarts, Makarov, and Yajima.

"On the house." Noctis said as he turned around and started prepping accompaniments. He prepared roasted chicken, sushi, and potato chips.

"Hey, what about me?" Asked an upset Laxus.

"Your hair hasn't even grown yet." Noctis said without turning his back. Ram watched everything unfold as she looked at Noctis' hands preparing the food at a fast rate. Noctis have already mastered Meteor Cutting technique but his speed is still increasing as he continued practicing the technique. Soon, Ram couldn't follow her master's hands as if it was gone.

Seeing Ram attentively watching his movements, Noctis remembered that he was teaching Ram and he slowed down so that Ram could see it clearly.

It took Noctis 15 minutes to make everything, every move he makes is efficient and connected to one another that's why he can reach max efficiency in making a dish while not disrupting the quality.

Noctis then placed everything down and it was still smoking hot and the trio gulped after seeing the accompaniments.

"Here, have a taste. I don't know if you'll like the combination of raw fish and brandy or rum but you can share everything. It's on the house." Noctis said as the three were in delight and started eating. Noctis' potato chips were covered in cheese powder so Laxus also took a piece and ate.

Nothing else happened on the day as he met with his regulars and even treated some of his loyal customers.

It was night time and Noctis guided Ram and Rem to their new home. As much as Noctis wants them to occupy the room in the second floor, its still a room for his customers, although there's no one renting the room at the moment, once he turned this place into paradise, his place would be full, that's for sure.

He led Ram and Rem to Mama Hawk's boar hat and told them its their new house. The twins were satisfied with anything Noctis provided them.

Noctis was about to close up when a customer came up and asked.

"May I have a taste of the food inside? I heard about your place from the rumors but I'm afraid of crowds and chose this time to visit. As apology for disturbing you, I promise to pay twice!" The man said persuading Noctis.

Noctis of course knew who the man was. He's the person cursed by the God of Death and Irene's leader. He was also the one who helped Irene drive Acnologia away.

"Sure, come in." Noctis opened the door and motioned for him to enter the door.

'Great, saves me the time from finding you.' Noctis thought as he closed the door after Zeref entered the tavern.

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