A Father's Duty

Chapter 4 - 4.

(I'm shifting to 1st person PoV, Its more comfortable for me that way.)

When I woke up, I was stumped to see a screen pop up in front of my face.

'Cool Father's Tavern? What the heck is that?' I thought as a pop up appeared saying introduction.

[Cool Father Tavern System, will help you in managing a tavern and giving you quests to complete. The rewards may vary to cooking skill, recipes, strength, manuals, and the likes.

Would you like to complete the tutorial? Y/N

Do note that a starter pack will be given after the tutorial.]

I pressed yes and another pop up appeared.

[Tutorial 1 of 3

Rewards: Basic Knife Skill]

I was surprised at the simplicity of the system.

I then went down and asked if I could borrow their kitchen and ingredients, of course I would pay for what I used.

Due to us saving money, all I could prepare is steamed potatoes. After steaming some potatoes, I melted some buŧŧer and poured it to the potatoes before mixing and added a pinch of salt. I then put them into a bowl for serving. I also took a bucket of water for them to wash their faces.

I went back to our room and woke up the two as I placed the bowl down while waiting for them to fully wake up. Erza was the first one to fully wake up as I usually wake her up at this time. While Kagura...

"Brother..." She still muttered. It seems like she still need some more rest. I laid her down and covered her with a quilt before turning my attention to Erza.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Mm. Father, where are we? Why is Kagura sleeping with us?" She asked as I placed the steamed potatoes in front of her and explained what happened.

"So we're not in the village anymore?" Erza seemed to be sad about it and I rubbed her head to console her.

"It's fine, Father's not going to leave you okay?" I said to her. She was about to reply but the smell of buŧŧer whet her appetite as her stomach rumbled.

"Looks like someone's hungry. You know what to do, young lady." I said as Erza giggled and went down the bed and saw the bucket of water and washed her face before I handed her a cloth towel.

Erza then started picking up a potato and directly bit into it. Her eyes lit up as she instantly gobbled the other half and picked up another.

"Leave some for Kagura okay?" I said as I took a potato and ate. Erza nodded at my words and separated some for me and for Kagura.

'What a thoughtful and sensible daughter.' I thought.

After 5 minutes, Erza already ate her share and Kagura is still not waking up, steamed potatoes doesn't taste good if it cooled down completely so I woke up Kagura.

"Kagura, wake up. Kagura, time to wake up." I said as Kagura opened her eyes.

"Brother, you're back for me?" She seemed to be half-awake.

"Kagura, wake up, if you're not going to wake up, I'm going to tickle you." Erza said in a threatening voice.

Kagura's eyes finally gained some light when she heard Erza's voice.

"Erza? Where are we? Where is brother?" She asked.

"Kagura... we're not in the village anymore." Erza said with a sad face as Kagura remembered the events last night and cried once more and I just let her be. Bottling up emotions is bad habit for a kid.

It pains me to see my daughter like this, but if we got caught, my daughter will meet that b*stard Jellal in that st*pid tower, and there's NO WAY I'M LETTING MY DAUGHTER BE WITH HIM.

Anyway. After consoling a crying Kagura, I fed her the small potatoes first. She seemed to not want to eat but when she smelled the buŧŧer, she took a small bite. Her eyes lit up as she ate her share of steamed potatoes. Seeing the two still not satisfied, I separated my share between the two of them. Erza seemed to be reluctant to eat it as her father haven't eaten yet.

"It's fine, I have already taken some earlier. So eat up." I said with a smile. She reluctantly picked it up but she still ate it.

After they finished eating, I told them to stay here first as I'll get some work to sustain our needs.

"What are we going to do here?" Kagura asked as I winked to Erza.

"Ask your sister Erza to tell you some stories." I said as Erza nodded to me happily.

After leaving the inn and paying for our stay for today, I went to the adventurer tower to pick up some miscellaneous quest for us to get by.

When I got to the cashier, I showed the attendant my G-rank card. Although I have my original S-rank Card with me, it will only cause me trouble, so I have registered for a new adventurer card and never bothered to level up my rank.

The clerk stared at me before pointing at the quest board. I then checked the quest board on a suitable job. My eyes wandered for a second before my eyes glued to a job, because it is what I specially needed right now. I've already got the basic knife skills but I still need to practice to be proficient in it.

[Practice your knife skills.

Description: As a tavern master, you'll have to cook for your customers and poor knife skills often destroys the appetite of your customers.

Cut 300 vegetables 0/300

Rewards: Takoyaki Recipe]

Seeing the number of vegetable I need to cut, I swallowed inwardly. I picked up the quest before handing it to the clerk as she stamped it. I then asked her the directions for the restaurant that needs some kitchen hands.

Seeing the place, I nodded because of the cleanliness of the store. I then handed the quest with the stamp as the man introduced himself as the owner and showed me the kitchen and asked me for my skills.

"I'm pretty good at cutting." I said to the owner

"Well, you're in the vegetables. You just need to cut them into small pieces, we will mash them anyway." He said as I nodded.

'Perfect.' I thought as I started cutting some carrots, potatoes, radishes and the likes.

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