A Father's Duty

Chapter 5 - 5.

[Practice your knife skills(Complete)

Description: As a tavern master, you'll have to cook for your customers and to cook good food, excellent knife skills is a requirement.

Cut 300 vegetables 401/300

Rewards: Takoyaki Recipe]

I finished the quest and received my pay. I also received the recipe in my head but unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to make takoyaki right now due to not having the right equipment.

The boss also seemed to like my work and gave me a tip. After I got my pay, I went to the Adventurer's tower and confirmed that I have completed the job.

I then bought a dozen of rabbit skewers for our dinner tonight.

When I got home, I saw Erza practicing on how to braid hair on Kagura.

When Erza saw me, she just finished Kagura's hair and inserted a big needle as an anchor for Kagura's hair as she greeted me.

"Welcome back, Father." Erza said as I rubbed her head.

"I'm back, I have some rabbit skewers. Who wants some?" I said as their eyes lit up.

"Okay, have some. Father already ate his fill." I lied but with my body, I can keep fasting for 2 more days.

I then looked at my next tutorial mission and was stumped.

[Tutorial 2 of 3]

[Level up to F-rank

Description: If you are going to cook food for your customers, you should be the one getting your ingredients and the higher your rank is, the more the amount of information you will receive.

Level up from G-rank 0/1

Rewards: Basic Knocking]

[Earn money to buy a plot of land and establish your tavern

Tavern established 0/1

Reward: Renovation Add-on]

[Establish your Tavern

Description: As a tavern master, one should always stay neutral and only retaliate when one is provoked.

Build your tavern in the border of Fiore and Alakitasia 0/1

Rewards: S-rank Tavern Guardian]

I scrunched up my nose when I saw the missions but I think I can manage. Just the basic knocking is a treat already. When I read its description, I can't help but grin at it.

I was about to explain when the time stopped and Mr. Pool arrives on the scene once more.

"Hey that's rude ya'know" He said

(You do know that you intruding is much ruder, don't you think?)



"Anyway, let me be the one to explain what knocking is. Basically, Knocking is a special, non-lethal method of capturing wild beasts. It generally involves striking the nerves or pressure points that control movement of living creatures with the use of specialized techniques or the use of biodegradable needles fired from various implements, known as Knocking Guns. This way any beast can be transported alive. However, the location of these nerves is different in every species, so a great amount of knowledge and experience is required to use Knocking techniques or Knocking Guns effectively. Capiche? If so, my job here is done. Bye Mr. Author, Bye readers, til next time on Dragonba- wait wrong series, byeeeee." Mr. Pool said before snapping his fingers as he turned to dust.

"Wait wait wait! Wrong stone! Oh God!"

(Who the hell gave him the infinity gauntlet?)

"I heard thaaaaaat!" Mr. Pool said before disintegrated into dust.




The time resumed as I read the contents of the description of Knocking and confirmed that it was from Toriko. To be honest, even though the previous Noctis is a genius in the way of the sword, I still like using my fist if I were to go to combat. Nothing beats the feel of punching your opponent. Though when it comes to coolness, sword users do have it easy.

While I was reading the description of Knocking, the two chipmunks ate their dinner with gusto and easily finished it. Erza knew what to do after eating and immediately washed grabbed a dipper and washed her hands and face as Kagura did the same thing as Erza.

"Quick, Kagura, Father is going to tell us a story now." Erza said with shining eyes. Looks like Cinderella got her attention eh?

I was about to say that they should clean up after eating but I saw the two chipmunks already smiling in the bed.

"Dooooone!" Erza raised her hand

"Looks like you already taught Kagura." I said as I smiled.

I then got closer to them and told the story of Cinderella from the start so that Kagura could keep up with Erza and Erza didn't seem to mind it. One of the things I've drilled to Erza is about sharing.

If you have way more than enough, you could share it to other unfortunate people, but never forget to save some for yourself.

But as Erza slowly grows up I will add something more like, if others continued relying on you, then they are not deserving of your surpluses and stop giving. Although a bit cruel, its still a necessary lesson they needed to know or they'll get taken advantage of.

"While Cinderella is running, she tripped on the staircase(because she is fcking clumsy) and left one of her heels as she ignored it and continued running. After escaping from the palace, the fairygod mother sent her home and Cinderella is back to becoming a maid of her stepmother's family." I said as I noticed Erza and Kagura already sleeping peacefully.

(I wonder if MC told them the Grimm brother's version of Cinderella... yeah, just nope.)

I then tucked the two and covered them with a quilt as I slept at the side of the bed.

When I woke up, the sun just came out and I immediately grabbed the bucket to replace it with a clean one and headed downstairs to cook for our breakfast and I made a simple stew for our breakfast. I then went back to our room with the bucket of water and went back down to scoop the stew from the pot.

I also asked the old innkeeper if my daughter and her friend could play in the playground in the backyard. He agreed and told me to tell the childrens just not to break any flower pots.

I woke the two chipmunks up as Erza immediately woke up when she smelled the food.

'What a glutton.' I smiled as I thought.

I then woke up Kagura who seems to be sleeping peacefully.

"Nooo, five more minutes." She said as she raised her five fingers to me. I bit her finger softly and she immediately woke up and Erza laughed. Erza have already experienced this things every time she protested to sleep more.

"How about you wake up and eat first and I'll tell you a good news?" I said as Erza jumped down the bed and washed her face as Kagura followed her example.

They then ate the stew and filled their stomachs. Its time to break down the good news to them.

"Listen, the old innkeeper, agreed to let you play in the playground in the backyard, but you must behave. Can you behave?" I asked as the two chipmunks nodded.

"Good, go play in there while Father works okay? Remember not to break any flower pots in there or Mr. Innkeeper won't let you play there anymore." I said as they paled at the thought of not being able to play in the playground.

I then left them to their own devices as I head towards the Adventurer's tower. I then went to the service clerk from yesterday and told that I'm going to rank-up.

Ranking up from G-rank to F-rank doesn't need you to prove yourself but from C-rank and above you need to fight an instructor corresponding of the rank you're go to rank-up with. If you want to rank up to C-rank, you'll have to fight a C-rank instructor to prove that you're already a C-rank adventurer.

After the clerk processed my new rank, I then asked where F-rank quests were and the clerk pointed to the other side of the G-rank Quests.

Because I'm early, there are still a plethora of quests, I then searched for a high-paying but easy job for me. Our finances is slowly dwindling and I need to earn money to establish my tavern.

I then locked my eyes to a quest that is perfect for me.

'Catch wild Hodras(Boars) alive for taming and Breeding purposes.

Rewards: 100,000 jewels per Hodras, no limit'

When I stared at the quest, I was stumped. Either the employer is a new established animal breeder, or the employer have some nefarious intent to those who accept this quest.

I understood that the reward is equal to the work done. Wild Hodras or Boars in these world are hard to catch and they either travelled in packs or individually which is a rare occurrence. What makes wild Hodras dangerous is their wild charge and their massiveness, and with a pack charging towards you, its like you're dodging bullets, big bullets. And I need to catch 10 of those Wild Hodras, fortunately with my newly received basic knocking, I could finish this quickly, I hope.

After having it stamped by the clerk signifying that I've accepted the quest, I head towards the northern forest where the forest is lush and a bit damp for the boars to play in.

I then roamed the forest and spotted a male Hodras as I tried to sneak near it. When I got near towards the unsuspecting Hodras, I struck down the Hodras with the intent to use knocking on it.

"Impact Knocking!"

Impact Knocking is a basic technique for knocking the prey by striking a specific part of their nerve with precision. The blows I land are also very painful, compensating for the lack of true damage to the opponent. Impact Knocking appears to have various levels of intensity, that are named after the graduations of meat cooking. (I.E. Rare, medium, medium rare, well-done, etc.)

But because this is the first time I tried knocking, I don't have any idea where to land the first strike, so I just used my first strike to have a feel on where the nerves of the boar are.

The boar shrieked in pain and looked at me with murderous gaze and started charging to me, of course, why would I sit still and wait for it to come? I rushed towards it to crush its momentum and dodged sideways at the last second as I struck the nerve that facilitates the hind legs' movements.

The hodras stumbled as it lost the feeling of its hind legs. After I struck the nerve in its hind legs, I got a much better feel for its nerve and immediately struck the nerves that facilitates its fore legs so that it won't be able to escape.

After knocking the Hodras' legs, I followed by knocking its whole body so that it won't struggle when I carried it back.

With my body that was washed in the blood of a dragon, I easily carried the massive Hodras back to the town and placed it at the front of the Adventurer's tower, many people were staring at me and the hodras. People who usually caught hodras, when brought back to the town, causes trouble, and seeing a peaceful lying hodras, of course they would be stumped.

After confirming the caught hodras, they took it away and ask if I would receive the rewards and shook my head. I need money to buy a plot of land and build my Tavern.

There are two ways that reward would be given, either the employer gives it to you or they would put the reward deposits with the guild and receive it when you completed a quest.

That's why my worries were lessened when the guild was the one who asked if I would like to claim the rewards already because if the employer would be the one to give you the rewards, you might be stabbed in the back after completing the request just so they could reap the benefits without doing anything.

I then asked how much deposit was left and learned that 1.6 Million jewel is still up for the grab, I immediately rushed back to the forest to procure more hodras.

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