A Father's Duty

Chapter 6 - 6.

I hunted a total of 15 Hodras because when I returned, and turned the 15th hodras in, the staff told me that another person has delivered a hodras in their doorstep. All I could claim was the 1.5 Mil. Jewels and deposited 1.4m Jewels with them and kept the hundred thousand jewels.

Adventurer's tower also offer banking services so that you won't get robbed and the card they offer is available to every Adventurer's tower, meaning I can withdraw money at every branch ȧssociated with the adventurer's tower.

It was already turning dark when I got back to the Inn. When I entered our room, I didn't see Erza or Kagura. I decided to check if they are still playing at the playground.

Erza then came over to me and gave me a hug as Kagura looked a little bit jealous so I also called for her as she rushed and hugged me as well.

"Kagura, don't be shy, you can consider me as your father. Now come up and clean yourself, we're going to eat outside today and buy you some clothes. Father got so much money today." I said as they both cheered.

I took Erza and Kagura and bathed them. After borrowing some spare clothes from innkeeper, I took Erza and Kagura to a restaurant. It is the first time they had ever seen an extravagant restaurant. We took our seat as I urged them to order what they want.

The two chipmunks hesitated at first but seeing my face, they did order what they want. Roasted Hodras for Erza while Roasted chicken for Kagura. I ordered a mushroom soup with vegetables as the side. While we are ordering our food, someone spoke up.

"Why are there filthy peasants in this restaurant? Aren't you worried that your restaurant would be dirty?" A man said a little bit loud as Erza and Kagura lowered their head.

I patted them as I ȧssured them nothing will happen, but the man just kept on rambling as the waiter stepped in.

"Kind sir, would you please stop shouting in our restaurant so that other customers could eat in peace?" A waiter said to the man but all he received was a slap from the man. Seems like the man is some big shot in here.

"How dare you?! I am being generous to this restaurant by showing to everyone that dining with peasants makes the eating experience sh*tty. Can't you see that I helping you out?!" The man raged as her partner looked at the waiter in contempt.

The man was about to hit the waiter once more but I already stood up from my seat and grabbed the man's hand.

"Oi. I've had enough of you. Say, would you believe me if I told that the peasant you are mocking could kill you?" I said as my accumulated killing intent this body previously had, had erupted like a volcano and engulfed the place as the man paled and wet himself.

"See? You can be humble after all." I said in contempt as I helped the waiter up and sat back down while the man fell down to his buŧŧ, his partner helped the man up as he threatened before leaving the place.

"You're going to regret this! We're not done yet!" He said as they left with their tails behind their legs. What the man didn't know was I struck and destroyed the nerve in his hand that is connected to his prostate, meaning he will never be able to get his baby to get up and he won't be able to be aroused. His future was destroyed by me.

"Thank you, sir. I apologize for the actions of the man earlier. I just can't help but stop him because the owner taught us that whoever comes to our establishment is treated as our customer, and customer comes first before other things. I really apologize for it." The waiter bowed as I felt good about the ethics of this restaurant.

It is rare to see establishments like this. To prioritize their customer rather than profits. Taking the event off of our minds, the food we ordered came to us. What surprised me was the owner who is the head chef of this place came forward to us and his next words surprised me even more.

"I apologize for that unsightly display earlier, as our token of apology, the food is in the house tonight. If not for your help earlier for taking our request in the adventurer's tower, we wouldn't have replenished our Hodras stock and wouldn't be able to serve an important person tonight." He said with a smile.

"I guess you won't be taking no for an answer, right? Thank you for the food then." I said to him as I heard a notification in my ears.

[Gained 30 Cool Father points]

'What the heck? What is this?' I thought and an explanation appeared.

[Finish the tutorial first]

'Well, I guess I couldn't do anything about it yet.' I said but when I looked at Erza and Kagura, their eyes were both shining.

"Father, did you fight with those hodras? Those big ones?" Erza asked me as I rubbed her head.

'Looks like the source of those points were due to these chipmunks.' I thought and answered her.

"Yes, I did. Now come, let's go eat." The two chipmunks started eating their food as their eyes lit up.

'Seriously, these two gluttons.' I thought as the two started rampaging on the table as their hands never stopped moving.

'Looks like I need to teach them some table manner as well.' I thought

After having our fill, we went to the night market and bought two sets of clothes for Kagura and Erza.

I chose a light emerald green color dress and pure white dress for Erza while I bought a white dress with gold outline and purple one for Kagura. I also bought the chipmunks two doll shoes and socks as their footwear. While I bought myself a pair of geta sandals.(The one that Jiraiya have as a footwear)

After covering them with a quilt, I went down to fetch some clean water to clean myself as I rubbed my body with a cloth with some herbal liquid that acts as a soap in this world.

While I am cleaning myself, I felt someone watching me and I acted like I didn't notice, after I finished cleaning, I faked going inside the inn and immediately followed the man as soon as it confirmed my location.

I caught up with the stalker and dragged him with me to a dark alley as I used knocking on him. I know that the only person I offended earlier was that arrogant man. It seems like his mission was to confirm our place.

"Tell me, what is that sh*tty man planning?" I asked him. Of course he wouldn't answer.

"Oh well, suit yourself." I struck some of his nerves and amplified the pain for him, I also knocked his mouth so that he won't be able to scream. I stepped on his hand as the man's muffled grunts can be heard. He can't scream because he is still under knocking. I undo the knocking on his mouth and asked again.

"What is that sh*tty man planning?" I asked as the man immediately gave me what I want. Although, I'm inexperienced in torture as I'm from a peaceful world, if it concerns my daughter, then I will swallow it to protect them.

"H-H-He will send some people to teach you a lesson and k-kill you and take the two girls with you and s-sell them in an auction." What the man said turned the temperature below freezing point as the man shivered.

"I see... he wants my daughters huh? He just signed his death sentence." I said in a cold voice.

"Where are you meeting him after you completed your mission?" I asked.

"I-In Klay's pavillion in r-room 26 in the Red Light District." He replied as I knocked him out cold. He won't be waking up in a day or two.

I then went back to our room and grabbed a black cloth and covered myself with it.

"Klay's Pavillion huh, let's see what that sh*t is doing." I said as I blended with the dark night.

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