A Father's Duty

Chapter 56 - 56.

After returning back from the white space, although I am kind of excited to reveal the news, I calmed myself down. Its in the middle of the night, for Pete's sake.

The next morning, I woke up and saw Irene hugging me. I slowly got out of her grasp to make a meal but her grasp on me tightened making me sigh and lied back down and slept some more.

I woke up after someone knocked on our door. I removed Irene's grasp slowly and immediately separated myself before her grasp tightens and opened the door. I found out that it was the head maid who knocked.

"Your Majesty, your father called you for breakfast with mistress Irene." She said.

"Okay. Give me a sec." I said as I closed the door.

"Irene, wake up. It's time for breakfast." I said

Irene opened her eyes before closing it again.

"Is there something wrong? Do you feel sick?" I asked worried.

"I feel nauseous." Irene said.

'Ahh sh*t. Its her first trimester. Looks like I need to go back and earn points and go to a modern world to buy some meds for Irene and research on knowledge about pregnancy. Maybe I could also bring Irene to have her check up.' I thought

"Wait for me here, okay? I'll make some breakfast for you real quick." I said before storming out of the room really quick and immediately head to the kitchen.

I started whipping out a good balanced diet for Irene and when I was about to go back to our room, I passed by mother outside the dining room.

"Noctis! What are you doing?! Your father called you out for breakfast. Why are you sneaking food out." She said before I stopped.

"Mother! Irene's pregnant." I said before running back and Mother felt numb as she dropped the glass she was holding. She then started to doubt whether she heard it right or not and went inside to tell them what I just said. Hearing the commotion, one of the maid came out, she saw and cleaned the broken shards of glass.

Usually, I would like to build up the tension before dropping the bomb but I felt like I'm racing against time. I need to earn the points to ensure Irene and the baby's health by bringing her to a modern world and let her have a check up.

I arrived at our room and saw Irene lying down clutching her head. I immediately put her breakfast on a table and attended to her.

"My love, how are you feeling? Does it hurt so much?" I asked and Irene only nodded.

"Breathe. Try to relax. It will help." I said to Irene as I kept rubbing spots that would help in circulating her blood flow to at least reduce the pain of her headache.

After a few minutes of massaging her, Irene finally recovered and sat down as I helped her. I then took the tray of food and fed her. I was feeding her when mother, Helen, and the chipmunks barged in with Somnus and father beside them.

"Son, is it true?! Is my daughter-in-law pregnant?!" Mother asked.

"Its true. I thought I already told you earlier?" I said confirming it.

"Father, what's pregnant?" Kagura asked.

"You all are going to have a little brother or a little sister, depending on what the gender of the baby is, so you all will become big sisters." I said to Kagura and Erza and Pitou heard it as well.

Kagura was kind of excited that she will become a big sister and could now act like her big sisters.

Pitou could be seen with a smile on her face as well as curiosity on what the baby's gender gonna be.

Erza on the other hand was fantasizing about doing things like a big sister to her sibling but when she felt everyone looking at her, she gave a slight 'hmph' which made us smile a little.

Father had a really wide grin on his face and gave me a thumbs up while Somnus and Helen were just standing beside each other smiling while holding hands.

Helen and Somnus' relationship has already spread across Lucis and the women aiming for Somnus felt defeated after hearing rumors of Helen's beauty. Her scars are still there but it was covered by an illusion rune created by Irene so she's fine for the time being.

Mother on the other hand was anxious and kept on worrying about Irene's condition and started giving out tips and medicines which is unproven but I told her to calm down and not worry about Irene's condition for now. Its still her first month so she can still somewhat handle herself. Once she entered the 2nd to 3rd month, that's where things starts getting serious.

"My love. I think we should go back to our home. The crops I planted back at our home is much healthier and more nutritious than the norm. You also need to tell August about your pregnancy." I said to Irene as she thought of it.

[Host, you can use the budding Tree of Life and transfer it to the soil in your crop land to upgrade the quality of the soil for one time.] the system said as the thought of returning become stronger.

"I'm fine with it... but... how about them and mother? I think she wouldn't allow it?" She said and she looked at the chipmunks.

"We're not wedded yet, and you're already calling her mother?"I said while chuckling and Irene turned red after hearing it and pinched my nose.

"You're teasing me again, meanie." Irene said and I turned my attention to the chipmunks

"Erza, Pitou, Kagura, mother and I will return at our family home. Do you want to stay here for a while with grandpa, grandma, uncle, and aunt? Or do you want to come with us?" I asked them. As for mother, I told Irene that I could just teleport back in this place after earning enough points and healing myself back to almost fully healed state.

The kids looked at each other for a moment before nodding to me and jumped to Irene's bed and hugging her and feel her belly indicating that they will come with us.

I also have to inherit the Ring of Lucii ASAP to remove the burden from my father. I could return it back to Somnus after having Somnus consume ingredients from other world, especially ingredients from the Gourmet world of Toriko World so that he could have gourmet cells to handle the Ring's curse of being drained.

The next day, I told my father that it is time for me to takeover the Ring of Lucii for a while.

"Are you sure about this, my son? I could still hold on to it though." He said in a worried tone.

"I can handle it, father, Trust me." I said as father nodded and took out the ring of Lucii from his finger and offered it to me.

I stared at the ring for a second before taking it and immediately wore it.

[Unknown will detected. Initiating self-defense protocol. Containing the unknown will. Subdued the unknown will. Would host like to see it?]

The system asked me.

'Release the restrictions, if they plan to harm me subdue it forcefully. Let me meet the wills inside the Ring.' I said to the system

My consciousness was brought into a huge mausoleum with many tomb. In the center of it all is the crystal.

When I approached the crystal, 13 figures appeared beside it.

"You are not the current monarch. Why are you wearing the ring?" A man in the lead wearing an armor calmly asked.

I know that all of them are Kings of Lucis of every era.

"Because of your stupid curse." I said making other Kings raise their eyebrow.

"Stupid curse? You mean the draining of life force?" He asked and I nodded.

"You do know that if not for that, the magical barrier protecting the whole Lucis and making the island float, we would already be stomped to the ground by the enemy kingdoms due to our advancements in technology." Another King said and I deduced that he must be the King who built that wall.

"Of course I do know that. But think of it, You lot, want a good king to die by being drained by the crystal? Instead of making the Kingdom prosper for hundreds of years, you lot instead wanted the King to be drained by the crystal? That's just stupid. Look, I'm not here to convince you nor am I here for your support. I only need to be the battery of the Walls until a solution has been found." I said making them silent.

Its true that they chose to turtle up and be the sacrifice to protect their land by building that wall. It is one of their regrets to rely on the power of the crystal, but if not for the crystal, they wouldn't reach the technological advancements they have now and they would've been stomped by other kingdoms and robbed of the crystal itself.

Now I am proposing to them to be the bearer of the curse and let the King make the Kingdom prosper in every single way possible.

"*Sigh* Fine. We will lend you our power, until you found a solution to this problem curse that you say." The man in the lead said as they all followed him. The Kings then took out their weapons as they threw it into the air. The weapons then started piercing me one by one as I felt the will of the Kings behind the weapons

Outside, Regis is staring at me who is dazed after wearing the ring. He knows that I am currently meeting with the wills of the past Kings. When he saw the glint in my eye, he was surprised to see that I have succeeded and was also curious as to how I did it.

After the will of the King passed through me, threads of ethernano surrounded me as I felt the power course through my body and it forcefully made my hair gray from the white color as it started draining my life force. King Regis saw the transformation and was surprised to see that the Kings have granted their power to me.


At first, I thought of making Pitou a kuudere, but after thinking that she is basically a cat who's always curious of lots of things, I decided not to. Pitou is the only one who will grow up as a normal person. As for Kagura, she will grow up as a deredere who is energetic and lovely while Erza will grow up as a tsundere.

Also, at first, I thought of making the ring of Lucii his main weapon since it has lots of different weapons and with the knowledge(Knowledge only not the experience) of different weapons, it would be a good fit, but when I remembered that the weapons combo is lackluster, I decided not to use it as the main weapon.

The only thing that fascinated me was the star of the rouge and the warp strike which could easily be done with his space magic.

P.S. There's a power outage at our place at the moment. Its been 3 days since the power ran out. I've only managed to post this since, I knew someone who has a mini-solar power charger and managed to get some charge on my battery. Until the power come back up, I don't think I will be able to post much.

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