A Father's Duty

Chapter 57 - 57.

Meanwhile, back in WoD

Fenrir is having the time of his life, the first batch of battle wolf pups have come out. Although there are only 4 of them, they were all cream of the crops. Although they won't be able to outgrow or outmatch their father, their strength will still be at the high level.

He had shared drops of his blood to his pack and they also transformed into battle wolves, although of low quality. Fenrir chose the female wolf who has managed to sync the battle wolf bloodline at a high percentage and mated with it. As a result, cream of the crop battle wolf pups were born.

Fenrir's strength is constantly growing and he even had a thought of subduing all those monsters hidden and make the whole WoD become his territory, but he can't make a move since his master is not yet back.

He owed everything to Noctis. If not for him lending a hand, he wouldn't be this strong. Although he became a slave to work for hin, his job is only to protect the Bar while he's away. Other than that, he could pretty much do whatever he wants. He also knew that he was not yet at his peak. His height have reached the peak but the strength of his body haven't peaked out yet, on the contrary, his body is far from its peak yet.

He knew that Noctis is not at the bar so he sent out a few young wolves accompanied with an elder to scout around the bar to see if anyone's acting suspicious.

One day, the group returned and reported to him that several strongman are coming to the tavern. Their intentions were not clear but with the numbers they have, they might not have a good intention towards the bar.

He dived down and entered the realm of shadows and hid in the shadows of the bar. He will warn them if they come close, but if they really want to cause trouble, then he will make a move himself. As an intelligent being, he could understand the conversation between these people.

"According to a person I hired, this bar is built on a blessed land. He said that crops were able to grow at his backyard. We will confirm this and if its true, we'll return and gather a small force before taking this place for ourselves." He said as he went closer to the bar.

When he was near, a sudden aura of intimidation weighed on his body. When he followed the source of that dreadful feeling, he found Fenrir staring at them from a distance. This is one of Fenrir's ability, to make an apparition to appear and intimidate his enemies. He watched them from the shadows of the bar on what was happening and what their next move is.

Seeing the Wolf King, they looked at it warily and backed off slowly.

"Calm down. Let's back off for now. We'll gather more people later. I have already confirmed that it is really built on a blessed land. I saw some plants growing at his fence. Let's bring more people and take this land for ourselves. Then we will be rich by selling this information to a top-class guild." He said with greed in his eyes.

They continued backing off slowly. Due to the normal looking bar from far away, they forgot that this is the territory of the Wolf King and one wrong move and they'll be the dinner of his pack.

Hearing that they planned to do something bad to the bar, Fenrir snorted and pulled them one by one in the shadow realm before going back to reality. It wouldn't be long before those people will become crazy in a world full of darkness. He doesn't want to dirty his hands on some puny people.

He also realized that many people have been trespassing his territory. There are others who goes to the bar which he didn't mind but there are others sneaking in and out of his territory, constantly monitoring his cave from afar.

He then laid down in front of the bar to personally ensure the safety of the bar and no one would dare to poke their nose on where it doesn't belong.

There are lots of spies from different countries monitoring the bar instead. They were paid to let them know when the owner will be back and be able to eat his food again. They have already warned those guys from earlier, but they didn't want to listen, and now, seeing the Wolf King taking action before sleeping peacefully around the bar, they felt a headache about it.





Meanwhile, after integrating their power to me, I started getting used to the ring by willing it to give me a weapon and it gave me a crossbow.

"Looks like you're starting to get proficient in it." Father said.

"Maybe." I said before pausing a little.

"Father. I'm planning on bringing back Irene at my house." I said as Father was surprised.

"Why do you say so, son? Isn't this your home? Is there anything lacking here?" He asked me.

"Of course it is my home. But I have a plot of land that's special. All of the crops I planted there were all natural, more delicious, and much more nutritious than your normal crops. Even if they were specially cultivated, my ingredient would still fare better than them." I said with a proud voice which caused my father to feel curious.

"Hmmm? Then where is your home located at?" He asked. After I answered, he wished he never asked that question to me.

"In the Wasteland of Death." I said as father coughed a few times after hearing it.

"Come again, son? Did I hear it correctly?" He asked again.

"Its in the Wasteland of Death. In the Wolf King's territory or should I say Fenrir." I repeated.

"You... are you f*cking with me Noct?! You're saying you're going to take my daughter-in-law to that cursed land?! Are you out of your mind?!" Father asked me. He even cursed at me, which is rare.

"I'm not. They say the wasteland of death is cursed, but I beg to differ. I have a plot of land that can grow crops really fast. There are lots of dangerous creatures, but I can get by with my strength. If you want to, you and mother could come with me. Let me show you our house or our tavern." I said as father calmed down.

"I can trust your word, my son. But for your mother, I could not help you with that. It seems she's really worried about Irene and be able to be there when Irene give birth to her grandchild, which she never experienced before." He said as I nodded. I could understand my mother's worries. She was not able to held Erza in her arms when she was born so she is anxious about it.

"Don't worry. Its my child, I would ensure that it would be safely born and healthy. both mother and child, but to do that, I need to go back." I said making father sigh.

"Fine. I'll persuade your mother and we'll see your living quarters and see whether it is safe for my daughter-in-law to live in." He said as I got back to our room. When Irene saw me she panicked a little bit.

"Noct! Your hair! What happened?!" She asked.

"Calm down, my love. Being anxious is bad for your health." I then showed her the ring of Lucii in my index finger. I then told her about the ring of Lucii and its burden. She was surprised and worried at the same time. Her husband became the battery of the wall and is being suċkėd of his life force. She thought of wearing it herself since her life force is much tougher than her husband.

Of course I could guess what Irene is thinking.

"Irene, take a look closely inside my body." I said as Irene scanned it and saw my cells. When she tried to probe deeper, she saw the intense vitality of the cells. When she stared at it for so long, she saw a demon and blinked her eyes for a few seconds to confirm whether what she saw was true.

If Noctis was able to see what her eyes is seeing right now, he would be shocked because that 'demon' is actually the back courtesy of the Hanma bloodline. Unfortunately, he can't see what Irene is seeing as he only wanted her to check his vitality. He never intended for Irene to probe even deeper.

She stared at me dumbfounded for a moment before sighing. She knew her husband did it because he's confident. Her husband would not take things with lousy percentage of failure. Her husband is not a perfectionist but he didn't want to screw up any of his task. If her husband had to work for it slowly to completely finish it without fail, then he will do so.

One of her husband's strong trait is his patience that seemed to never run out, but if he really is taunted to the point of losing his patience, or someone hurt his family, He could be the scariest person to ever walk on this land.

"Have you talked with your father? What about mother?" Irene asked shifting the talk away from the Ring.

"Father... let us go, on the condition of visiting our home in WoD with mother. Whether mother is convinced or not depends on father. So let's just wait for it then we'll leave the place. Also I wanted to show you this...." I said and held Irene's hand before asking the system to teleport us to my private farming space.

"Welcome to a space specially made for farming." I said with a smile.


Finally, got our electricity back and because I'm frustrated at the time it took to repair the electrical posts, I'm sharing my frustration to y'all by not chasing after Cliff-Kun. Sharing is caring or so they say.

I haven't checked the notifications for a long time and saw a pretty disturbing review. The reason he dropped this is because it is like Stay-at-home dad's restaurant. I'm not frustrated about him dropping, I couldn't care less if there are people dropping this. I'm writing this to relax. Whether you continue reading or drop it is not my problem.

To those who have read up to the latest chapter without checking the disclaimer alert, I advice you to do so. I have said there the things of what genre this is, what kind of novel this is, and my inspiration for this novel. IT IS ALL WRITTEN THERE. For f*ck's sake, I literally put there that my inspiration for this novel is the Stay-at-home dad's restaurant in another world.

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