A black 2018 Porsche Panamera pulled up next to Wu Lan and Qiu Xiao, and the window lowered to reveal a gorgeous 21 year old young lady with long white hair, tan skin, and dark purple eyes. There was a hint of a faint scar made by a blade on the bottom of her jaw. She wore a casual pair of ripped dark jeans and black tank top. Black tattoos curled across her arms and extended under her shirt into her back. She peered out of the car and let out a tiger-like grin. "Sis Lan, Little Xiao, it's been too long!"

"Y-yo, Ling Xiu, it's been a while," Qiu Xiao nervously gulped.

"Haha, it really has been too long, Little Xiu, let's head out?" Wu Lan cheerfully asked.

"Sis Lan, we still have to wait a moment for my older brother, okay? I'm staying at his place while I'm in town," Ling Xiu said.

"Okay, I know you want to reconnect with your biological family, but remember, if you ever want a little breathing room, my home is always open for you," Wu Lan said as she got into the back passenger seat. "Qiu Xiao, I know you want to spend more time with Little Xiu, so go ahead and take shotgun. I'll stay back here and meet this brother of Little Xiu's that she'll be staying with."

"Okay, boss," Qiu Xiao cried tearlessy as he got into the front passenger seat. He was sure that the tiger in the seat next to him could smell his fear.

Ling Zheng walked up to the pickup area, thoughts racing. 'I'm about to see younger sister Xiu, it's been so long, do I look okay, I wonder how she's doing, okay, calm down.' He took a deep breath and calmed his nerves down. 'She said she would be in a Panamera… I see it!' He walked towards the car waving and his little sister rolled the windows down and waved back to him. He went over and saw a sight he never expected: a pale Qiu Xiao and his younger sister sitting next to each other, with the CEO of Silver Tech in the back of the car. Stiffly smiling out of shock, he asked, "Little sister, you know Qiu Xiao and Ms. Wu?"

"Yep, us three have known each other for many years. Get in the car and we can catch up more, older brother!" Ling Xiu impatiently said, faintly wondering why her brother was in such shock.

Ling Zheng climbed into the back of the car and greeted Wu Lan, "Hello Ms. Wu, ho---"

"Hold up, Bro Zheng, Sis Lan is my sister, and you should call her as such, or at least more familiarly. I don't need any of this Ms. Wu crap in my car," Ling Xiu interjected. Qiu Xiao could be heard faintly snickering in the background. Ling Zheng helplessly looked at Wu Lan for help.

Wu Lan, barely holding her laughter back at this point said, "You can call me Wu Lan then, Mr. Ling."

"Hey, Sis Lan, that applies to you too, Mr. Ling is my dad, you can go ahead and call my brother more familiarly as well if you want," Ling Xiu, much less aggressively, said. Wu Lan looked at Ling Zheng for his acceptance, still rather amused.

Ling Zheng shrugged and said, "Wu Lan, you can call me Ling Zheng."

"A lot better, now nobody's a stranger in this car. Brother, what were you asking me out there earlier?" Ling Xiu asked.

"Oh, I was just curious as to how you knew Qiu Xiao and Wu Lan," Ling Zheng responded.

"Us three go back a long way, do you remember when I told you how I survived after I was kidnapped? Sis Lan was the older orphan girl who took care of me when I was about to die." Ling Xiu started.

"Wait, but I heard that Wu Lan was from the Wu family. Is her situation like yours then?" Ling Zheng interrupted.

"Ah, I was adopted by them when I was 17 due to some unusual circumstances. Ling Xiu will probably mention them soon, so I'd rather have you hear it all from one person if you are going to hear about it. Less confusing that way," Wu Lan responded.

"Yeah, so as I was saying, Sis Lan was the one who rescued me from the edge of death back then. She basically taught me how to survive and keep my sanity out on those streets, even though she was only two years older herself. Back in those days, Sis Lan basically ruled over all the street urchins in the streets of City C in Country I. When I was about 13, and Sis Lan 15, she would fight in underground rings to get us enough cash to eat and live. Back in those days, she was undefeated, even against the way older opponents. They would call her the Phantom, since her movements were so fast that they left afterimages behind her, you could never see the real person," Ling Xiu continued.

"Enough about my exploits, Little Xiu, you'll make me blush," Wu Lan fake-shyly said.

"Yeah, enough about her exploits, Ling Xiu, you'll give me flashbacks," Qiu Xiao said seriously.

"Why flashbacks?" Ling Zheng asked.

"I'm getting to that, also, maybe Little Xiao should cover his ears right about now so I don't give him worse flashbacks, the pansy," Ling Xiu continued as Qiu Xiao actually covered his ears, "Little Xiao had a reputation back then too, while he wasn't undefeated, he had only lost to one person out of the 100's he had fought. Unfortunately, he had to go up against my Sis Lan. The betting was very even that night, the crowd had no idea who would win. Both were the last people standing in the pool of people that fought that night, and both were covered in blood from head to toe. The two especially scared the crowd that night, because unlike the usual fighters, they only got more energetic as the night went on, like demons that fed off blood. The second the fight started, the two met fists, and everyone in the room felt the impact. A lot of people thought that the sound of bone breaking came from Sis Lan, but immediately after they met blows, Sis Lan knocked him out with a hit to the neck! Little Xiao had a broken wrist bone and was knocked out in one blow, and to top it all off, Sis Lan casually walked off towards me and said, 'Little Xiu, I'm hungry. What's for dinner tonight?'"

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