Wu Lan just laughed and said, "But I really was hungry, Little Xiu, did I say anything wrong?" This was met with a baleful look from Qiu Xiao and a stifled laugh from Ling Zheng. 'I wish I could've met a young Wu Lan,' thought Ling Zheng wistfully, 'We would have gotten along so well.'

"This isn't even the worst part, Brother. Every day after that fight, this fool would always come bug Sis Lan to teach him to fight like he did, until she finally gave in a month later. Her exact words then were 'Bloody f*cking hell. I can't even take a f*cking sh*t without this b*tch showing up asking to learn how to fight. Listen up, kid, you fight well enough for your age, I cannot fathom why you would ever, ever feel the need to fight like I do, but at the very least, you won't give up halfway. Fine then, if you really feel the need to subject yourself to my brand of hell, I'm not going to stop you, just know that you can't leave after this.' Honestly, I thought it was too funny at that moment, especially since Sis Lan was so p*ssed off that she trained him ten times harder than she ever trained me in everything. Thanks to that, he can be counted as one of the top experts in the whole world, both practical skill, and martial arts wise, but he's still our Little Xiao at the end of it all," Ling Xiu finished up about Qiu Xiao. "Little Xiao, we're at your apartment building, get out."

"Yeah, see you later boss, Ling Zheng, and Ling Xiu," Qiu Xiao got out of the car, wiping a cold sweat off his face. 'I don't ever want to remember those days, thank god I don't have to listen to them talk about it anymore, not to mention that tiger driving. I can beat her, no sweat, but every time I fight back, she always goes crying to Wu Lan, and boss is always too happy to beat me up,'

Ling Zheng though for a moment and curiously asked, "Hey, Wu Lan, if you were an orphan as well, how were you able to teach Qiu Xiao and my little sister so well?"

"I met a person who taught me how to survive. After teaching me how to read, write, do arithmetic, play a few instruments, and even a few different languages, she taught me the basic fundamentals of fighting, telling me, 'I've taught you enough that you'll never starve, so go find your own style. The last thing I can do for you now as your teacher is give you a name, since you don't have one. From here on, you will be known as Lan.' I would let everyone know who she was, except she wanted to remain unknown. If fate allows for it, maybe you will have the fortune of meeting her," Wu Lan gravely said. "All I can say now is that she is an old monster. Not a bad monster, but a monster nonetheless. I have no way to explain who, or even what she was, but just know that some things are better left unknown."

"I'll take your advice, I suppose," Ling Zheng forced all of his questions back down his throat and said, "Well, continue on then, little sister."

"Ok, where was I… oh yeah! So, about a year after Little Xiao joined us, I began fighting in the ring with them as well," Ling Xiu started up again. Ling Zheng had a sudden moment of sadness when she said that. 'My little sister had to fight in underground rings, we should've found her sooner,' he regretfully thought.

Wu Lan noticed Ling Zheng's heartbreak, and said, "Ling Zheng, I can see you upset that I took her into the ring to fight, but understand that she can take care of herself. I taught her, after all," Ling Zheng only nodded and gestured for Ling Xiu to continue, steeling himself.

"Yeah, so anyway, we began fighting tag matches, where we would fight teams of opponents. Sometimes it would be us three against two opponents, or us three against 50. Of course, we remained undefeated for the whole year. The, one day, when Sis Lan was 17 years old, Little Xiao 16, and I was 15, we met a group of three challengers, all about 20 years old. Little Xiao and I thought the match would be easy, since those three looked like they had lived a pampered life, wearing premium clothing and all, and even their leader was a pretty boy. Sis Lan, though, told us to be careful. We, however, had gotten overconfident and cocky. Within 20 moves, they took us me down, and within 40, they had taken Little Xiao down too. Sis Lan was the only one fighting those three crazily strong opponents, while defending us when we were prone. For the first time in her history as a fighter, it took her over 100 moves to subdue the three, and she looked a little fatigued by the end of it. The whole crowd was silent, since they had bet a lot on us winning immediately. Suddenly, their leader, the pretty boy, began laughing, blood still running down his face. 'You, you're strong aren't you? I have an offer you won't want to miss out on, after the day is over, come meet us in the Autumn Dragon tavern,' he said. Sis Lan was curious, so she went along, and she brought us with, since we were begging her to let us come along."

"You weren't scared it would be a trap?" Ling Zheng asked.

"We were armed with our good weapons this time. I might be defeatable in a brawl, but very few people can take me down when I have a gun! Qiu Xiao is good with a number of weapons, so he brought a gun and blade, and Sis Lan is the same, so she came armed as well," Ling Xiu answered. "So, we went over to the Autumn Dragon, and their pretty boy leader was at a table, laughing with the other two challengers and a few more people we didn't recognize. Sis Lan slid into the seat directly across from him and directly asked 'What was this offer you mentioned?' We stood at either side of her, acting like we were bodyguards. They fell silent, and their leader responded, 'I've heard a lot about you, Ms. Lan, boss of City C, undefeated champion. Let me introduce myself then. I am Wu Fan, the first son of Wu Shui.'

'You're from that military family then, the Wus? What does that have to do with me?' Sis Lan asked.

'Yes, I am from that Wu family. Our family has decided to adopt a new member so we can get some fresh blood, and I was put in charge of finding her,' he said.

'And why would you need fresh blood, least of all me? Couldn't you just go to a nice orphanage and find a younger kid who wants to be adopted?' Sis Lan asked, understandably skeptical.

'We needed someone worthy. Not everyone can join a military family, least of all ours. It would break more than a few people mentally and physically, and you're already strong enough. Our family isn't for the weak, and to be honest, I can't tell who would win in a fight, you, or the family head. As an extra bonus, your fighting style is different than ours, and I think that anyone that learned from both you and the family would be an absolute powerhouse. We want you because we think you'd take the family to another level,' he said.

Sis Lan went ahead and asked straight up, 'What am I supposed to get out of this?'

Wu Fan went ahead and let out a bright smile at that, 'A family, prestige, education, resources, and a lot of opportunity. Of course, before we adopt you, we'll have to see if the family head likes you.'

Sis Lan snorted and said, 'Interesting. Let's give it a shot, when do I see them?'

'We can take you now, if you're free,' Wu Fan said. Then he took Sis Lan with him, and I wasn't there for the rest, so you'll have to ask her some other time," Ling Xiu finished. "Sis Lan, we're at your apartment."

"Okay, I'll see you both later then," Wu Lan said as she got out of the car.

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