Well this proves it's not a dream

You have slept on a bed does not belong to you. You recovered %60 of your hp and %60 of your mp.

This is the message woke me up . At first I was certain that this was a dream but then I couldn't wake myself up . I pinc myself , bite my hand strongly. Blood was there but dream didn't ended. How could it be real . An RPG ? No , is it Gamer ability? Did I awakened a super power or is ıt a reincarnation ?

No, I my body is not small like babys. Maybe I'm transferred to another world. How could I calm down so quickly , wait is this what i think it is?

★Gamer's Mind

Passive MAX :Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological mass effect.

It's effect is a life savior for me . I would possibliy lose my sanity in first day but with this skill I can keep my thoughts in right track and focus what I need to focus .When I completely calm down I started look for my stats. Although ı read the webtoon better be safe than sorry .I have to be sure about it

★ +1 WIS , +1 INT for prioritizing your safety

Nice , It might be the same as one shown in webtoon . I recall some of the skills and most of them came as a skill book but If I can master mana manipulation some of them can be recreated .

★ +2 WIS , +2 INT for planning your future



Damn, that was embarrassing.

Occupation: The Gamer

Level: 1

HP : 200/200

MP : 130/130

Strength: 1

Vitalty : 1

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 4

Wisdom : 4

Stat Points : 5

Cash : 10.000 Belly

So I start with level1 and all of my stat as a 1 point . Vitality is s really low . I dont wanna spend my stat points so early but ı look quite weak . I put 3 points in vitality and 2 points in luck. My hp increased by 30 points . I got 3 points in INT when ı was mumbling ıt increase my mp by 30 points so both VIT and INT in..

-Hey lad. You finally awake ha? How you feelling?

+huh?!?! Who are you old man?

-Ohh forgot about that part. Name is Thomson. I'm the lighthouse keeper in this town and before

start raining your endless questions on me , let me answer some of the simple ones . Brats in the town found you a day ago near seashore since you wasn't look like hurt we bring you here instead of doctors . He's little house is always occupied folks of either here other towns people . Well enough this babbling, now follow me lad. Mayor wants to talk yo you. What's your name by the way?

+ Name is Arthur Harris . Thanks for helping me out sir.

- So you're a kind one . Don't mention it lad . They say helping a one in need brings a good luck for the land.





While mayor wasn't firendly as old thompson he sound like a caring leader for his people . He told me that how the kids found me in seashore after a stormy night . I was possibly a victim of a shipwreck in that night's storms. It didn't look like I was hurt so they thought ı was just exhausted after the crash. They bring me old man tom's house . He ask me which kingdom ı came from or did ı have a family? My answer was rather simple . Let alone family ı don't even where ı am.

Well in the end of our talk Mr.johnson (mayor) said that ı can have a place in this town if ı'm ready to work for it and answer of the where ı'm is West Blue : Emilfion kingdom's town of Serin as for time its 21 May 1510.

I'm in fu**ing pirate world?!?!

It's not any fantasy world ıt's one of the most violent worlds. Pirates , Marines . Revolutionary Army . Factions always in a fight in seas pirates against marines , in the lands Revolutionary Army against various kingdoms armys , cp agents . Wars raging across the planet nonstop.

I need power to survive not just survive I want to live freely . Travel around this world unhindered and I have just to ability to make it real

I already know about how the original han jee han trained (grind) his attiributes ı can repeat it . Dungeon feature will be helpful for getting fighting experince and farming levels and this town looks like peacefull place, I can gather books for learning various skills like navigation and get some Int points.

★ +5 WIS , +3 INT for deciding your future path

I guess ıt wont be that hard ha?

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