After my short interview with mayor , me and old man thompson leave the town hall . While we were on our way to lighthouse old man says I can stay in his house until ı get my own place .

It shouldn't be hard to get a place . I'm a single man, little room with a bed and a little closet would be enough for me. Ahh?!? I need some clothes to . My inventory is empty so clothes ı wear only set ı have . I hope ıt won't be expensive.

+ Hey old man ; mayor said ı can have a place in this town ı'm ready to work for it , so do you know a job that ı can get?

-Hmm ... There is always need help in fishery but being a sailor is a though job and you , a person who possibly is a survivor of a new shipwreck. That sounds bit ominous . Kids down there fishery would take this a misfortune and wouldn't want you on their ship and on the land usually wife and daughters of sailors clean up guts of the fishes and ready them for sale so there is no job for you there ı guess.

+ Well .. Thats probably true. Anything else?

-You said you dont remember a thing before the accident so you can't apply a job about crafting , anything thats need experience or knowledge before hands . Farmer's job hard but it's simple enough. Unfortunately there is no farm either this or nearby towns .

How about being a woodsman . You can cut trees in the forest and sell them to the town hall but you have to be careful about not going far ahead in there . Wolfs , bears , snakes deep of the forest full of these beasts .If you're not carefull you might became a snack for them.

+Those beasts , are they come around of edge of the forest usually or they have some territories in the deep of the forest and stay there ?

-Well , exception of winter when there shortage on food , they stay in their territories and dont go anywhere .

+Since its not dangerous , ı choose to be a woodsman . Do you have an axe or a saw around that ı can borrow?

- Yeah ı should have an axe in the lightshouse .You can have it. I didn't use the old thingh in years , ıt wont last long in the forest. Buy a replacement when ever you can.

Let's speed up lad if you want to be a woodsman you have to wake up before sunrise and go to forest.

+Thanks for your help old man.

-Huh ? Dont mention it lad . Whitout you around ı would just sit on my chair wacth the sea all day . Walking around is good for my old bones.

Surprisingly old tom is a amazing cook .Since he live alone I understand ıf he is a decent or a good cook but he is truly amazing . I couldn't image how could he make a pan fried bluefish with lemons that tasty.



After dinner I 'm finally alone . I need to wake up before sunrise but with Gamer's body ı shouldn't need any sleep , possibly food and water is not necessary to .

If ı remember corroctly although han jihan learn almost all of his skill from skill books some them can be obtained from traning and various actions .

Martials arts side is the harder one compared to magic side . All of the martial skills came from his friends guilds or purchased from abbys auction house . I have no idea to replicate them but for magic side ı can probably handle some of them.

★ıd create/escape

★ mana blast

★rotating mana bomb

★mana rope ( may evolve to skill 'bind' )

★mana shield


★spinning mana arrow

★fireball ( adding heat to mana blast)

It's not much but ı think ıf ı can master fireball spell I can use it as a base to make new types of elemental spells . Before going any further let's try the firt skill since ı can't use attacing spells here.

Instant Dungeon creation !




★ You tried to use magic in universe that dont contain this type of energy if you keep using magic near natives of this universe or if you're magic has any effect on them you will be attacked by universal laws. Please be cautious.

Well f.u.c.k.



It's bad but not bad as ı first thoght it is. It just that I can't let others know that magic exist so ı can't use any kind of attacing magic when ı'm dealing with others but ı can use ıd skill when ı'm not around people and ı can possibly use self benefactoried spells like buffs or maybe healing magic.

It's better than nothing anyways.

+ 2 INT , +2 WIS due to continuous intelligent activities.

Name : Arthur Harris

Level: 1 Next Level : %0

HP : 230/230 hp regen : % 1

MP : 190/190 mp regen : %2 (every 10 point in wisdom gives extra %1 mp regen and %1 magic resistance)

Strength: 1

Vitalty : 4

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 9

Wisdom : 11

Luck : 3

Cash : 10.000 Belly

Since I can't use magic here let's do some push ups until morning . I don't need to sleep anyways.

8 hours later

1 points in STR is truly pathetic, in my first set of push ups ı can't even make it to 10 but gamer ability truly amazing . All I need is a little rest so ı keep repeating cycle of push ups and trying to enter meditation state .Before morning ı did not just get my first skill ı also improve my STR points by 10 .

★ Meditation

Level 2 : %110 boost to hp and mp regeneration. +1 to mp every hour spend in meditation


I'm actually quite pleased with myself single nights training boost my power several times although current me only can be compared with regular people in only strenght and wisdom but thats a start at least.

It's time work so ı grab the axe and start walking towards the forest. This job actually really good opportunity for STR and DEX traning . I just have to swing my axe . Since forest half hour walk away from the town ı can possibly enter ınstant dungeon there and learn and grind some magic skills.

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