I reach the forest before sunrise. Air in here quiet fresh , I think ı made the correct choice by becaming a woodsman . Forest is nice place for my training . Before starting cutting trees ı want to use my new skill

★Observe :

level 3 :Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.

It take 5 mp per use and my mana regeneration is at %2 , so ı get 3.8 mp per minute its not a bad deal , on my way to forest ı use observe on anything that look different . The forest ı'm in is formed by pine , oak and cypress trees.

I use observe on the axe to, like old said ı wont last a week , after ı sell some logs ı need to buy a new one soon

*[ Old Axe - Level : Normal ]

Basic weapon made by iron

Durability 34/70

I think ı'll chop some pine trees . 20 of them should be enough , ıt would take around 4 hours, maybe little more after that ı would have 8 to 10 hours for training .




End of nearly 4 hours ı cut down 20 pine tree , clean the trees from branches and turn them into 4 meters long logs but throwing away those branches would be a waste so I sharpened the tips of the branches and turn them into little throwing spears . Their sizes might not be concordant and neither they are durable but ı have over 200 of them . Quantity of might be useful to . Outside of that I gain +4 STR and +6 DEX points from wood cutting.

*[ Wooden spear - Level : poor ] X 235

Made by a pine tree .Frail

With that ı gained woodworking skill to, and by making over 200 spears ı level it up to 9. I think ı'm ready to fight against monsters.

★Create/Escape Instant Dungeon :

level 1 :Used to create and escape instant dungeons. Stronger instant dungeons may be created according to level.

Available Dungeons ;

- Zombies

Create Instant Dungeon ! Zombie Mode .

-100 mp

With the sound notification lights surrounded me for a second and after they disappear ı feel like ı'm in a different world fresh air filling my nose all morning was no more and birds gone silent . I put my axe on inventory and tooke out 2 spears and start to look for zombies.

It didn't take long ı found one walking around by himself 25 meter to my left

Zombie - level : 8

Hp : 800/800

Mp :10/10

A walking dead body. It hates the living

I would be good a test for me since ı dont really have experince in fighing monters and he is alone ı dont have to worry about an another zombie attacking while ı'm fighting with this one.

I quietly sneak up on him until there 5 meter distance left between us and throw my first spear with all my power towars his c.h.e.s.t.

Blaugghahh!!??*! Zombie roared with confusion.

My wooden spear couldn't pierce through him but the zombie lose almost half olf his hp and there is spear hanging in his back so he slow further more , that would be a advantage for me .

Zombie realise where ı am and charge towards me . I throw my other spear and hit him left shoulder. Zombie lose another 150 hp and staggered I pull out another spear and stab him in the head .

+5 Stat points

My first kill . I dont really fell anything about it neither glorious or disgusted ,might be gamer's mind work. After zombie died it leave behind some belly and my to wooden spear. Spears edge became blunted but it can be fixed easily. I put money to my invetory , now ı'm 500 belly richer. Since ı can get money as long as ı kill monster in dungeon with my strenght my wealth will inrease to with this ı might became the riches man in this world.

After 8 hours of continuous cycle of fighting and resting my rewards are plentiful ;

* For continuous use spear you gain

★Spear Mastery

level 12 :Allows the user to freely handle spears. 24% Increase in attack damage with spears. 12% increase in attack speed with spears.

*For continuous cycle of fighting you gain

★Sense Danger :

level 10 : A natural survival instinct. It allows the user to sense when something bad might happen. The higher the skill level, the earlier the user can sense danger.

level 3: A skill that detects any bloodl.u.s.t directed at the user. It is an instinctive skill. Detects bloodl.u.s.t within thirty meters of the target's location. It also alerts the user of the location.

★Power Strike :

level 4: Strikes the target with a strong force. 20% increase in critical rate. 30% increase in attack damage.

★Skill Observe's level inreased by 10

★ +12 STR , + 4 VIT , +8 DEX and using terrain to your advantage you gain +8 WIS


★You killed 84 zombies, gains;

74.600 belly

Zombie tooth X 29

This was definitely a fruitful traning session . I leave zombie drops behind and exit the dugeon. I want to check my status and relax a little before going back to town.

Escape Instant Dungeon !

Ohh.. Finally some fresh air . I feel amazing right now.

Well look at that it's getting dark , ı better be in town before night but first


Name : Arthur Harris

Occupation: The Gamer

Level: 11 Next Level : % 40.7

HP : 270/270 hp regen : % 1

Strength: 27

Vitalty : 8

Dexterity: 13

Intelligence: 9

Wisdom : 19

Luck : 3

Stat Points : 50

Cash : 84.600 Belly

It's a big jump in power. Hmm my stats points ı think ı'm gonna keep them for emergency. I better get going to town .There isn't much left before sunset.

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