A Gamer In Multiverse

Chapter 13 - 13: The Talk

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


Looking at the Unfamiliar face in front of him, Korin starts asking his questions, each with increased vigor and back to back not even stopping for breathing.

"Okay, first of all, do you know, how I am still alive? I remember falling into a trap and my body get pierced by multiple spikes, I couldn't any of my move limbs. I should've bled to death in there, I don't think it was a nightmare. The pain I felt was too intense to be just a nightmare... How did I get here? and What are you doing on our island? How d.."

Before Korin keep piling up his questions Arthur clap his hands loudly and interrupt him

"Whoa, slow down a bit kid. I said I answer your questions but you have to ask them one by one. There is no need to hurry."

After seeing that Korin calm down a bit Arthur starts talking again.

"About the trap part, it was 100% real and it was technically my fault."

"I prepare that trap for the bears and those large wild boars strolling in the forest. I actually make a dozen of this trap around my house and since I thought I was alone on this island I didn't think about putting a warning sign around their perimeter."

Nearly losing his life because of a mere accident frustrated the Korin. Losing control of emotions he angrily asked again "Then how the hell I'm still alive. I got massive moles opened up my body. I was bleeding to DEATH!! " and try to grasp Arthur from the collar of his shirt.

Catching Korin's hands before reaching his neck, Arthur looked down meet Korin eye to eye.

Remembering Korin's description from the observe skill, Arthur let go of Korin's hand.

Thinking about Korin, an orphan kid that raised in possibly a strength-based community like the werewolves and spending all of his spare time to train until he passed from exhaustion, from his childhood to the current day and nearly get killed because of a mistake, this situation would probably make him angry too, so Arthur didn't mind a kid decade younger than himself acting out a little.

"Do you know anything about the devil fruits?" asked Arthur

"Yes, Did you really eat one of those legendary fruits?" said Korin. This time forgetting about his anger and asking with a childish curiosity about the legendary items that village elder talk about.

"I eat a paramecia type - summon fruit. Currently, I can not summon the entities themself but I can call part of their powers to aide myself. That's how I healed you. then I carried you here to my shelter." said Arthur

Telling others he can do magic obviously a big no-no, so he chooses to closest thing this world has, the devil fruits.

[For the specific actions you gain skill < Lying >]

Without knowing the existence of magic Korin believed that he was saved with the help of Arthur's devil fruit.

"Thank you for saving me but what are you doing on our island. Residents of the nearby islands should know that we don't welcome outsiders here?" said Korin. wondering what's Arthur wants from their home.

"I didn't come here by choice. The ship I was traveling sunk in a storm and I was lucky washed up to the shore of this island instead of the bottom of the sea," said Arthur and take out some food and water from his inventory and give it to Korin. "Come on, eat some food, you should be hungry."

After taking food Korin directly starts devouring it like a hungry wolf. While he eats Arthur keeps explaining his situation.

"After waking up on this island, I search the forest and the coast for a while but after some time without any trace of other people I give up the search."

Arthur and Korin keep talking for about half an hour. As an apology and a show of goodwill, Arthur taught Korin his Foundation Sword Technique, and Korin answers Arthur's goodwill with his knowledge about the island and the dangerous or the useful parts of flora and fauna living on it.

But when the subject comes to Korin's village, like where is it, and how crowded they are, Korin felt conflicted about it. To him, Arthur isn't a bad person but the werewolf clan stories tell that every time they expose themself to humans and talk about what they are, they are either despised or feared by the human populace, sometimes they even hunted by humans.

He had nothing bad against Arthur but from a young age like all childer of the clan he taught to be wary of humans and they shouldn't share any information about themself without the elder's permission.

"I'm sorry but I can not tell you anything about my people without asking the elder first Mr. Arthur," said Korin and get up from his position and walk towards the door.

"Again thank you for saving me Mr. Arthur but I have to leave I don't want my people to worry about me. I'll talk to the elder about you but in case we wouldn't meet again, I have to warn you, the Tsunami season will start three months later. You should either leave the island before that or move your house deeper in the forest."

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