A Gamer In Multiverse

Chapter 14 - 14: New Loot

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


Arthur's POV

This talk didn't go as well as I hope but I think I will see him again at most 2, well maybe in 3 days.

Korin doesn't seem to understand what that really means but The Elder he keeps talks about would definitely realize the value of someone like me.

According to Korin, there are dangerous animals at least 30 times big as he is lurking on deeper parts of this island. He tried to avoid talking about his clan but It looks like they have some trouble dealing with these animals too.

Some of the fighters in his clan must have suffered some casualties or at least become unable to fight again, against those animals but If they have me on their side things will chance massively in their favor.

As for what I get from this deal. I will be able to get rid of my boredom. My time on this island is not that bad actually and I like training by myself, to be able to observe the increase of my power day by day is an amazing feeling but with the passing of days, this feeling started to became a little dull, became too repetitive.

I don't expect some grand adventure from the werewolves or I'm not after their secrets. I got nothing villainous against these people.

I just want to be able to talk to some people even if it's just a couple of minutes for a day. I think it would be like opening some music in the background while studying or working on something in the office.

Well anyway, I got a lot to do now. I'm going to stop my daily training and solely focus on grinding coins and skills books on the dungeon.

The legion zombie drops 8 bottles of mana recovery potion in each fight and with each of those potions recovers 250 Mana points.

If I can keep grinding nonstop. I think I can buy the shadow clone technique before the afternoon.

< Instant Dungeon Create- Mode: Zombie >

After entering the dungeon I didn't waste any time and directly cast the Firestorm spell. Setting the forest completely on fire I summon my longsword and started to cut down zombies I see before they burned to crisp.

Even If the Bound Longsword spell is at level 1, I can still cut the zombies in half in a single swing. While running I couldn't help myself and start randomly slashing at trees too. The longsword couldn't handle the impacts coming from trees and break in couple hits but destroying and resummoning bound weapons currently the fastest way I know to level them up.

I watched the characters in this type of animes cut large stones, steel, and things big as mountains with their swords. Now that I have the opportunity to do similar things albeit at a smaller scale, feels as good as when I take down my first legion zombie a day ago.


I reach my goal of 40,000 coins way before afternoon but I didn't just stop there, using the potions constantly to replenish my Mana reserves. I keep fighting until the night and decided to have a little break before continuing.

The reason I stop at there is I gain 24 different skill books in these dungeon runs and some extra books that repeat themself but because of fire surrounding them, I had to quickly put them in my inventory without checking out what they actually do.

But before browsing through them I want to buy some skills from the shop.

I decide to ignore the regular shadow clone and directly buy the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique for whooping 120,000 coins after that I buy some martial art skills like the 4 main branches of karate; Goju-Ryu, Shotokan, Wado-Ryu, Shito-Ryu

After the karate, I passed on the kickboxing and buy Muay Thai, Sanshou, Savate, Adithada, Yaw-Yan, Lethwei, Gwon-gyokdo, Pradal Serey and after that keep buying skill books about taekwondo, mixed martial arts, the 7 animal style kung-fu book and Tai-Chi skill book I saw before at the store.

Although Tai- Chi is not really a martial arts style, but a set of movements (Kata) helps something about core, not that I'm knowledgeable about these things but it was cheap so I add that to the list too.

I could stop at just ten skills and formed the < Martial Arts > skill but I think more the better at this time.

With forming the Fire and Wind magic, I gained the ability the reshape my mana into the said element but with each time I activated new skill books I learn a new way to utilize my strength and the ability the hit more accurately and destructive strikes.

As for the books I got from the boss I guess I'm doing pretty good. There is nothing valuable as the book of summons and most of them have requirements to use that currently I can't reach but they look like useful skills so that's still a plus.

❃C Rank- Hell Viewing Technique

❃Armour of Sand

❃Lightning Bolt

�����Bashōsen: Coil of Earth

❃Bashōsen: Coil of Water

❃Blade of Wind Barrage


❃Body Flicker Technique

❃Body Replacement Technique

❃Clone Technique

❃Cell Activation Technique

❃Yin Healing Wound Destruction



❃Blueprint: Martyr's Blade

❃Shave (Soru)

❃Finger Pistol (Shigan)

❃Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique


❃Hiding in Mist Technique

❃Silent Killing (AN: Zabuza's ( Possibly the rest of the Mist Village Anbu's) assassination technique )

❃Strong Fist (AN: Might Gai and Lee's fighting style )

To think that I gather this treasure trove in a single day...

I'm going to activate all of the skills that I meet its requirements today and maybe buy some water and earth spells to get the complete magics even if I don't have enough mana to use all of them at the same time.




Author Note: My upload program will be 5 chapters a week. One chapter a day, Monday to Friday, and no chapter in weekends

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