A Gamer In Multiverse

Chapter 15 - 15: While Waiting For News

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


Arthur's POV

It's been 6 days that I send Korin back to his people and I still have no news from them. I don't know if its, these people didn't want to have any type of connection with me or this island is too big and the distance between my house and their village cant be crossed in few days, but I didn't lose hope to be able to talk anyone other than myself.

I didn't spend my days idling around the house too. I enter the zombie dungeon 20 to 30 times a day and get experience, coins, and skill books from it.

It's not that I became suddenly too rich to take a look at staff fallen from the boss but the excitement of what kind of skill will I get from the boss reduced a lot.

As for the first book I got from the boss The Book Of Summons, when finally think I had enough mana to sustain a familiar to fight beside me I found out things weren't easy as I first thought.

Unfortunately, the Book Of Summons wasn't a skill book that I can instantly learn and use but a book that teaches you a ritual that you can summon your spirit animal. The ritual needs a large amount of blood to draw the symbols and circles for summoning.

I think I'm gonna use my blood for this. I know I set a trap around my house and even killed 2 bears and made armors out of their fur but those traps were for catching food and keeping my house safe from attacks from wild animals.

Hell! The only thing that got caught in those traps was Korin. As for bears I killed, they attack me at first.

The first one jump on me while I was scouting the forest and the second one come after the smell of blood.

I mean I don't really mind killing animals for food or in case of self-defense but using them as blood sacrifices... I don't think I can do that.

As for using my blood. It might take a while but It won't cause permanent harm to me.

After storing some blood on glass vials, I can directly enter the dungeon as usual and use the flame healing to recover the health I lost.

I, once again enter the dungeon to grind up some coins but this time things are little different.

Fire Magic skill upgraded to the Rank ' Special '. The heat of the fires I conjure increased and my fire attacks gain extra impact damage.

Before the upgrade when I hit a tree with a fire bullet spell, It would leave a 3 to 4 centimeters deep hole and scorch that place a little.

After the upgrade, there are no scorching marks because when the fire bullet hit the tree, it blasts a large chunk of its trunk apart.

Playing around with fire bullets I realized that I can also control dozens of them at the same time and since I have been making noise for a while all of the zombies around my area start to move towards me.

I got a little excited to try out my spells but that excitement died down quickly. All it takes a single bullet to kill a zombie. It doesn't really matter where it hit, Head or torso the bullet put a hole in their body directly.

It wasn't all that bad. I actually realized that with this new upgrade, I'm a walking gatling gun that spits fire but I guess only fighting against the legion zombie would show me how much I truly improve, so this time I won't use forest fires to drain large chunks of bosses health and fight it directly.

As a newly ascended human gatling, I walked through the forest like the terminator. Anything that moves end up dying (again) with a hole in their body.

I had some fun while recklessly hunting zombies. With the shadow clone skill's help, I stop using mana potions too.

The first one is just practicing meditation and the mana gathering technique. When I need to replenish my mana he creates another clone to continue practicing and dissolves himself and refill my mana to %100

Second one practicing with the sword and increasing my proficiency with it.

And the last one tries to max out the foundation footwork technique and work on the movement technique of the marines Soru.

These clones are quite useful for training and grinding store coins in the dungeon but unfortunately they cant gain EXP and level up for me.

So after when I'm done playing around with Fire Magic, I'm just gonna send the clones to grind coins in this dungeon.

It doesn't matter that I won't level up from it. I already reach level 75 and got over 200 stat points piled up and ready to be used whenever I feel like using them but since my training going smoothly, I plan to save them for time being.

My true strength probably around level 30 to 35 but since I have the apprentice zombie hunter tittle and fire magic that zombies weak against alongside the forest that I can just set fire and use it as an advantage against these zombies, I don't think my clones will have a problem here.


Looks like the boss has been awakened once again. It's been formed almost 200 meters to my west.

I don't need to get close to it. I just want to try out my new spell on it. First I'm going to start with fire bullets.

I don't expect these bullets to cause fatal damage. I just hope that they can still be used as discretion for the boss.

Before firing I gather as much as bullets as I can and released them at once. 38 fire bullets hit the center of its torso with a loud blasting sound and followed by the monster's anguished roar.

As I expected bullets pierce through its body but they still left multiple bloody wounds on its body and the impact caused it to fall back couple steps. Using observe on it, I see that these bullets nearly cause 19,000 damage to it. If it was the first time I face the boss with its lower HP, this attack would completely obliterate it but now it still has nearly 90% of HP remaining.

After getting out of shock that sudden attack, İt quickly sees were I am and start running towards me with all of its furry.

Unfortunately for it, I already prepared my next spells, and this time 30 fireballs hit it all over its body and the impact get its feet off the ground and throw the boss more than 20 meters to its back. As for the damage the fireballs collectively reach 96,000 and took down more than half of its HP.

Since there is no reason to wait for the monster the get-up, I create multiple fire spears and killed the boss while it's on the ground.

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