A Gamer In Multiverse

Chapter 24 - 24: First Goblin Boss

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


When his new hand to hand combat knowledge that comes from dozens of different martial arts forms met with his favorite spell Ironflesh, it turned Arthur into a completely different predator for these dungeon monsters.

For this time for the monsters, their hunter made them filled with a different type of despair. Instead of setting them ablaze and watching them from afar, this time the hunter showed up in front of their home take them down one by one.

Since this is the first time Arthur opened the goblin dungeon, the monster's level ranged between 6 to 15, and at these levels even if all of the goblin gang up on him they lack the base strength to pass Arthur's defenses.

The only thing these goblins possibly manage at their level is, multiple goblins grabbing Arthurs limbs at the same time and restrain him until his <Ironflesh> spell wears off but unfortunately for them, these goblins currently facing him lack the intelligence and knowledge come up with such a plan.

Although even without the skill < Observe > 's confirmation, Arthur realized that these goblins are way smarter than the zombies he faced before with their ability to get scared in front of a way superior enemy and trying the attack this enemy together to overcome their inferior combat abilities.

According to their status sheet from his < observe> skill the goblins have an intelligence stat of nine. The average zombie's intelligence stat when they around level 40 is only five points and even the level 150 legion zombie's intelligence stat was 23 when Arthur face it for the last time.

After killing the last one monster, the blood of these dead goblins start to gather in front of a large tent in the middle of their settlement formed a weird runic formation that Arthur couldn't comprehend for now but he also didn't need to be an archmage to know that the boss of this dungeon was about to show up.

With all that said Arthur tried to relax his muscles and ease himself up, after that he cast the Ironflesh spell one more time before the dungeon boss fully show up.

Just as the moment the boss completely formed Arthur use < observe > to see its statu.

[ Goblin Warrior - Lv: 25

HP: 8000/8000 - MP: 950/950

↪A Greater goblin, It can either be birthed as a natural mutation that born in the tribe or it could be created by a greater goblin power through magic. These type of goblins can lead a smaller horde as their leader or fight as a goblin chief's henchmen.

The creature's level itself didn't impress Arthur since he fought monsters with a level three times higher than it, but this monster comes with a different challenge.

It wears a full-body metal armor and carrying a sword looked like made from the same metal and what looks like an enchanted shield.

Most importantly it has the intelligence and wisdom to fight properly using the advantage of its natural abilities and the creature is also moving around like, it fully knows how to use the weapons it carries and armor covering its body to increase its defensive capabilities similar to Arthur.

Before engaging the boss Arthur, once again use the < Observe > to see the shield's enchantment.

[ Shield Of Resilience - Uncommon

Durability: 300/300

↪ Shield made from hardened iron and crafted by and relatively less skilled but an experienced blacksmith and enchanted by a novice mage.

+ 150 resistance against to fire damage

+ 100 against physical damage ]

Noticing its movements Arthur closed the tap and he also starts to walk towards the monster.

When the distance neared 15 meters Arthur use the movement skill < Soru > and close the distance between them in an instant.

Arriving in front of the monster he steps firmly on the ground and using his full body weight, Arthur sent a powerful punch to the goblin's c.h.e.s.t.

But the boss was ready for it and block his attack with its shield. Unfortunately for the monster, although it was heavily armored and able to block the blow without taking any real damage, the force behind that blow makes the monster stumble and fall back a couple of steps.

With its left shoulder almost fully numb, the goblin warrior realized the danger the enemy pozes against it, but then before it can take a proper defensive stance Arthur appeared in front of it once again and start sending powerful blows to break its defense.

After a couple of blows, the goblin started to adapt to Arthur's rhythm, its arm was still a bit numb but it was nothing that and an experienced warrior like it can't deal with.

Blocking a couple more blows, the goblin warrior saw an opening in Arthur's stance and planned to bash him with its shield and finally strike a fatal blow to Arthur's neck afterwards to end its enemy quickly.

Now that the goblin thought it truly figure out Arthur's fighting rhythm it decided to keep blocking and wait for the opening it spotted once again.

The blows started to feel heavier and heavier but the monster keeps resisting and try to keep its focus on Arthur's movement and after a couple more heavy blows, it finally sees that opening once again.

But the smirk on its face tuned in into a look of horror when it saw Arthur's face.

The openings it saw was the feint that Arthur let it see. When the beast plunges itself to Arthur and bash him with its shield, the impact it felt wasn't coming from the blow that hit Arthur's body but it was him grasping the shield on the shield's edge with his iron grip.

When the monster tried to pull the shield back it saw the smirk of the true predator of this battlefield.

After grabbing the shield instead of letting go or trying to take it from the goblin, Arthur pulls the monster himself and sent a low kick to the now unbalanced goblin warrior's left ankle.

While the monster was falling, it saw Arthur's hands reaching towards its face and quickly understand the fate of their battle but even then the goblin warrior tried to stab its opponent for the last time.

In its mind, even this battle was ended with its loss and it was about to die, at least this way this proud warrior would leave a painful mark on its enemy.

Seeing the final attacks of the beast, Arthur quickly le his grasp on the shield grabs the sword with his now free left hand, and smashed the goblin's head onto the ground with his right one.

With the force of the blow ground below them cracked in a spiderweb-like shape and create a little dust cloud around them.

"Unfortunately I kinda want your armor and I don't think I can get you out of it without breaking it, so... I'm sorry that your pain will last couple seconds more than necessary," said Arthur without knowing if a dungeon monster can understand him.

The beast was only confused about why the enemy didn't finish him immediately. Although it still has 70% of its HP, the enemy that can so easily and brutally take him down surely has the heart to kill him.

That thought didn't last long, with the hand grasping its helmet covered with a blue light and torrents of lighting filled the helmets through the holes on it.

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