A Gamer In Multiverse

Chapter 25 - 25: Carnage Part-1


This chapter contains some events, not appropriate for readers under age 18.

The reason I wrote a chapter like this, is I want Arthur to have some solid reason for tracking and hunting down pirates and slavers.

In his former world where he came from, Arthur was a regular person that has an ordinary job, he was working 9 to 5, he had some friends he hangs out with them time to time and so the only criminals he saw were thieves that try take over other people's accomplishments for themself in the company he works for and corrupt government and corporation officials that was stealing money from people, bribing other corrupt people like them for sustaining their way of life.

So Arthur was rather accustomed to this type of people but he was also distant to violent crimes like murder, r*pe, organ trafficking, slavery, these were the events he would only saw as rare occasions in television news or on the internet. things happening to people he had no connection of and after him only showing some pity to victims of these crimes in his heart, he would stop thinking about those horrors in a couple of minutes and he would continue to live his life until he sees similar news on television once again,

So after this chapter, he has real reason to go after these kinds of people and not think about them as just regular criminals and take Luffy's crew in the show as an exception on the part of vile pirates infested this world.

Although I toned down the descriptions of the events and minimize the range of Arthur's hatred in the multiple rewrites, I still don't recommend you to read this chapter if you are under the age of 18.


' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


The fight ends with an absolute victory for Arthur. He didn't just get to test his martial skills and see what he capable of, on a head-on fight, he also gets a full set of knight armor... well minus the helmet.

The armor itself currently won't do much for him since he can temporarily turn not just his skin but his muscles and bones to become hard and durable like iron but the existence of the shield gave him an idea to the enchant rest of the armor with various effects to be used but before that he decides to buy and read some books about smithing and turn those irons items into steel and recraft the armor.

As for the rest of the loot, he gathers 40 iron clubs and some iron plates tied with leather used as a makeshift armor from the regular goblins he killed. Their overall numbers were above 400 but most of them used wooden weapons like spears with stone heads, clubs, shields and some of the goblins were even throwing stones at him when they were fighting.

Although iron weapons and armor plates he got from the regular goblins have lower carbon purity and he can possibly break those plates with his punches but with Arthur had a plan to built a smelter and a forge so he can recast these parts into steel just like the knight armor.

The disappointing part of the fight was the store coins it gave. The boss gave 500 coins and the rest, the 300 goblins gave 800 coins collectively.

With Helen's advice, he bought some spells from the bound weapon section and formed the armament magic but since he doesn't need to use the armor part of this magic ( Bound cuirass, bound gauntlet, bound boots, and bound helmet ), so for now, Arthur hopes to increase the tier of this magic, making his clones hunt goblins while using the <Bound Longsword> spell. and later on when he had enough mana to support the clones with reinforcement and ironflesh spells he wants to send his clone to the newly formed zombie boss dungeon filled with legion zombies to increase the level of both the shadows clones and the rest of the spells the clones use to fight.

After cleaning up the loot he looked around to if he did miss anything but there was nothing left around except wooden weapons and from the goblin hideout itself was only a guise since all of those tents supposed to house over 300 goblins were completely empty.

Giving a one last look Arthur left the dungeon.

When he returned he saw his clones have been waiting for him with worried faces.

"What happened to you guys? from your faces, well how my face looks I can sense somethings not right.. did someone fall into a trap again? " asked Arthur while not really worried about if something bad happened for himself. Since he already takes things that happening and will be happened on this island as merely tutorial episodes while he tries to get used to his powers.

"Well... It's better if you see with your own eyes." said one of the clones and dispel itself and memories of the clones appeared on Arthur's mind.

After ten minutes he entered the dungeon one of the clones noticed a ship coming towards the shore near them.

The ship itself was a large vessel with 60 meters in length and 25 to 27 meters wide. It has 3 floors above the water and has 21 cannons on each side.

It was definitely not a merchant ship since no merchant would spend that much cargo place for cannons but the ship also lacks a Jolly Roger so it wasn't a pirate ship either. Since even the most incompetent pirates put some pride in their flags and try their best to protect it.

The clone took the initiative to use the spell mind eye from the illusion magic section and enter the mind of one of the 3 crew members talking on his side of the upper hull.

But things he heard shook him to his core and make him wish that they were just regular pirates. The sailor he occupied his mind was one on the behind that was sharpening his saber and the other 2 sailors were talking about what happened on the ship last night.

"Did you hear that man last night? " asked the first one

"Everybody hear that shitty noises. Bastard screamed for help the whole night. It should've just stayed silent and resist the torture then the boss would possibly get bored after a while and just kill him but no idiot had to keep screaming and drag that shit all night long." said the second one.

This was the moment for the first time Arthur felt the uncontrollable hatred in his heart that even can't be dimmed down by Gamer's Mind but sailors kept talking to each other without noticing what happened behind them.

"Well, maybe we might have some fun time too before the captain kills it. " said the first one with a sickening smile.

"F*ck off, I'm not one you sickos, I saw no fun in that shit." said the other one without making any noticeable expression.

"Yeah sure. Still talking about the same bullshit " OHH I have a family, OHH don't look at me, I only do this for money" you always talk like that but last night I saw you munching on a leg from one of the stored parts. You call me sicko and talk about your family but then go on and eat a f*cking human leg." said the first sailor with the same sickening smile from before.

The other one starts arguing but Arthur's clone couldn't take it anymore and just he was about the strike with the saber he holds and killed them quickly, he reminded of the thought of possible captives that could be on this ship.

So the clone just dispels the spell and returned to Arthur's house and share what he saw with the rest of the clones. They collectively decided to wait for Arthur himself to come out from the dungeon.

Although dispelling one of them would end up Arthur having the clone's memories but since he is currently middle of a fight, they thought it might distract him, and end up him getting hurt.

With Arthur only dealing with low leveled goblins anyway this dungeon run shouldn't take too much time in the first place, they thought.

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