A Gamer In Multiverse

Chapter 26 - 26: Carnage Part-2

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


Learning what kind of a ship docked at the shore from the first clone's memories Arthur dispelled the rest of the clones and he regained most of his mana back.

After that, he summoned Helen and Ashena instead of the shadow clones, and he drank 4 mana potions to fill back his mana reserve to the maximum. Sending the memory parts he got from his clone as mental images, Arthur let his companions know that they are about to enter their first real fight against sentient beings.

"I'm will rush straight to the inside of the ship to secure the captives. you two clear up the upper floors and wipe out crew but try to don't harm the ship too much. I want to send captives back their home safely" said Arthur and pull the sword he got from the goblin warrior out of his inventory and hand it to Helen.

But before leaving he turned back and said "While I said wipeout the crew, I want you to capture the captain of that ship for me. I have some questions for that piece of shit."

With that said Arthur activated his Aura skill < Wrath of Blazing Hellhound > after that used <Ironflesh >, < Reinforcement > and <Haste> spells on himself.

After all that boost, he used < Soru > and run towards the ship. He reached a level of speed that no ordinary human can follow with their eye. With each step, he craked the ground under him and left a path of flames as an aftereffect of his aura skill.

In mere 3 seconds, he covered 700 meters of distance and reach the ship. Before the crew can realize that they are under attack Arthur jumped on the figurehead of the ship and swiftly killed 3 men he saw from the clone's memory.

After that Arthur punched through the upper floor of the ship to crate hole big enough to fit in and then he kept rushing towards the lower floors hoping that he can quickly reach the captivities... but when reached the lower floors what he found once again ignite his hatred formed in his heart and make his blood boil like lava.

This ship wasn't a slave capture or transport ship, it was a moving slaughterhouse for humans. The room he found was an ice room filled with organs and human bodies and limbs.

His hatred and anger against this ship and the people in it finally make the restrains Arthur used to hold himself snap and this time even the Gamer's Mind failed to calm him down.

A deep scarlet-colored fiery aura surrounded Arthur's body instead of his regular aura color of bright red. Arthur's aura swirled around him and formed tentacle-like thick fire columns and those fire tentacles start wrecking everything around Arthur into pieces.

These tentacles smashed the inner walls of the sh.i.p.s and turned everything they grasp into ashes whether it was wood, iron, or some of the crew members of the sh.i.p.s.

Before long Arthur completely trashed everything below of the deck of the ship but even after the surges of waters filled inside and start sinking the ship Arthur didn't stop his rampage. with this new fire-based power he awakened Arthur became able to sense the heat signals of living beings around him. Even though he was unconscious at the moment Arthur was able to use this sensing ability to find the crew that was unfortunate enough to meet him.

He reduced the size of fire tentacles from thick collums into thinner fire chains. Using those chains Arthur ripped apart the sc.u.m working on this ship, limb by limb.

At the same time, a similar situation was happening on the upper deck but this similarity only includes the brutal deaths of the ship's crew.

With Arthur's order to keep the ship rather unharmed, Helen and Ashena tried to cause less damage to the ship as possible, unlike Arthur who is currently ripping the ship apart on underdeck.

Helen used the sword Arthur gave her to start slashing the crew apart. Whether it was a fatal blow that took lives in a single sword swing or cutting two or more limbs at once and immobilizing the person in front of her.

Although Helen's weapon was of lower quality than the enemies she faced and she was also the person with the lowest physical attributes in the ship but the times she spent fighting and the experiences she gained from those fights were enough to dwarf anybody on this planet on the combat skills side.

As for Ashena, she created a different kind of a mess. Anyone that gets hits by her paws got to lose the chunks of flesh where ever she hits.

If the person she hit didn't die immediately then fate waiting for that person only consist of more pain, for Ashena is a creature of darkness and fire, any time she touches an enemy she would leave behind a mark of corruption that eats and burn the flesh of its victim...

While both Helen and Ashena do their best to fight without harming the ship Ashena detected the burning smell of something coming under the deck and a second after that she saw the ship they fighting on start to burned down under where the captain's cabin supposed to be.

Before she can warn Helen, a giant collum of fire suddenly appeared in front of them and literally crack the ship in half, and then enraged Arthur appeared in the middle of it.

Seeing the weird trance he's in Ashena roared and tried to awaken him and a second later Helen joined her too and she called Arthur's name to awaken him.

Hearing his companion's voice and feeling their emotions through their soul bound to him, momentarily helped Arthur to clear his mind, and in that single moment of serenity Gamer's Mind reactivated and restored Arthur's control over his own emotions.

But that was not enough to truly calm down him, After sending a quick mental order to his companions to leave this ship, he starts to open more holes on the ship's hull with his magic.

Helen guessed that there must be something wrong with what Arthur saw inside of the ship to anger him this much. Although she hasn't captured the captain of the ship yet, the vice-captain was standing right in front of her, looking at Arthur with a horrified expression.

Taking advantage of the vice captain's state she knocked him unconscious with the pommel of her sword and took him out of the sinking ship with her.

After his companions left the ship, Arthur sent another powerful fire attack, and the fasten sh.i.p.s sinking prosses. The most of ship's crew was killed by them and the others who still alive was either lost multiple limbs or they were horridly wounded and in pain by curse marks left on their body.

Knowing that killing these people would only save them from the pain of drowning without even able to struggle because of their lost limbs, Arthur decides to left all of them to sunk alongside the ship... The ship that carried around these lowlives through the seas and helped them destroying countless innocent lives.

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