A Gamer In Multiverse

Chapter 27 - 27: Persuasion Skills

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


Burning down and destroying that ship alongside its crew wasn't enough to completely diminish Arthur's anger but it did lessen it to some level.

Reaching the shore Arthur decided to sit down and meditate before interrogating the ship's vice-captain that knocked out by Helen. He didn't want to give in his rage and kill the man before getting anything useful out of him.

After 10 minutes, feeling completely calmed down and making sure that he is truly in control and won't turn into a fire devil and burn shit down once again, Arthur gets up and walks towards the man.

Before waking the man up, he decided to use the < Observe > on the man to learn some basic information about him so he can corner him later on with that information.

[Name: Silent Hunter Relim --- Age: 51 - Level: 43

HP: 690/1950 - MP: 170/250

↪ Relim was a famous bounty hunter in his younger days that would track and kill various pirates with bounties up to 30 million belly. Retiring with the large savings that he gathered by both bounties he delivered and the loots from the pirate's sh.i.p.s. He spent 7 years in gambling dens and brothels. wasting his money without considering the future and finally, he found himself penniless on docks. After deciding to gather as much as money before getting too old and became unable to earn money like his younger days. He joined his current crew as a bodyguard of the Slave Master Jareld.]

Reading the description of the man, Arthur kicked the guy in his bloodied torso to wake him up.

With this sudden blow, the man growled painfully and try to reach Arthur's leg as a reflex but once again he got kicked in the c.h.e.s.t.

Arthur wasn't planning to talk nicely to the creature in front of him. Willing or not this man was going to give Arthur the answers he wants.

Arthur slapped the man in the face to sober him up and start asking questions about the man named Jareld.

As for questions like, why did relim join such a heinous crew after hunting pirates all those years or Where did they kidnap and killed the people that parts of their body were hanging on the lower deck like a sick butcher shop wasn't important now.

Arthur couldn't undo what happened to these people and he wasn't interested in bringing relim to justice either.

Although Arthur didn't truly understand why he was doing this but just the thought of these people sailing on the seas freely was enough to fill his heart with endless fury.

Recovering from the blow, this relim started to shouting at Arthur that if his boss learned about what happened here they both gonna die and after shouting a couple more nonsense Relim gains some courage from Arthur's silence and start saying that he would die before Arthur could get anything out of him in his current state and Arthur either should heal him or let him go before he decided to tell his boss about what Arthur did to his ship.

Under relim's stupid threats Arthur just smiled and start using the spell < Healing Hands > on Relim. Whether as the after-effect from his concussion from his injuries or his newfound courage Relim didn't find anything weird about Arthur could just heal him with a flick of his hand and thought that he managed to scare Arthur of with his threats.

Unfortunately for relim just as the wounds on his body closed up Arthur gathered lightning on his hand this time hit him with a continuous < Spark > spell on his c.h.e.s.t.

While the lighting scorching his flesh, draining his health points rapidly and causing unimaginable pain to relim, Arthur spoke.

"It doesn't matter what do you wish or hope from me or from anybody else. You're gonna die today Relim and the only thing you're in control of how much pain you will felt before dying. Give me the answer I want and you get to die quickly or keep refuse to answer me and I toss you between doors of life and death." said Arthur

Just as Arthur has done speaking he stop the spell < Spark > and cast the< Healing Hands > once again.

"Please I don't know anything?!?! I only do what I'm told!?!?" said Relim.

[ For spotting a lie, You gain skill [ Lie Detection ]. ]

"Well, I hate liars relim. Not as much as slaver sc.u.m but like you but since you add this to your list too, I'm going to spend some time before asking my questions once again. "

Dozens of minutes pass by and relim's vocal cords burst out from screaming. Although the Healing Hands constantly used on him, this spell lacks the ability to fix permanent damage done to the body. It can only enhance the person's own healing factor to a certain degree and fill the remaining HP bar.

Without casting the < Close Wounds > spell, relim can't recover from that injury and only keep suffering in silence.

While Arthur was dealing with relim, Helen and Ashena stood behind Arthur and watch him torture the vice-captain they capture and because they were standing behind Arthur they lost to their chance to realize with each passing second Arthur's light blue eyes, start turning into a deep scarlet color just like the fires surrounding him from before.

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