A Gorgeous White

Chapter 138: My Lord?


Silver strands curled over his slender shoulders. The wide collar of the silken robe exposed the youth's delicate shoulders. Fair, milky white skin was flawless, like the soft luminous shine of a white pearl. Beautiful collarbones appeared vulnerable and delectable making one have the urge to bite and mark them. Moulin's fingers loosened as he forced himself to calm down. 

As Lord Hadrian moved nearer to the edge of the bed, Snow narrowed his eyes, snarling adorably. There was a slight hostility in the small little fox's eyes.

Moulin hushed Snow and silently watched with a pounding heart as Hadrian sat on the edge of the bed by his right. The mattress dipped under the man's weight. Feeling a sudden dryness in his throat, Moulin lowered his gaze, blinking. His silver eyes distractingly fixing on his fidgeting fingers.

He was too deep in his thoughts to notice that Hadrian had kicked Snow out of the room. Knowing well that the brat would be lured by the sweets he placed outside.

"Moulin..." Hadrian called making Moulin flinch.

"Yes..." The youth replied softly, feeling like a child about to be scolded. Hadrian's gaze seemed to dig into his soul and force out all the secrets and emotions Moulin tried hus hardest to hide. He felt more exposed than he already was. Was he angry? 

Moulin pressed his lips together. "I didn't leave Alsander by the lakeshore... It was an accident."

Hadrian's face remained neutral. His eyes deepened. "I know..."

With raised eyebrows, Moulin lifted his gaze. "Then... Are you mad?" He asked. His brows furrowed. "I only wanted to protect the hostages. The fight at the safe room was a trap, I had no choice but to exhaust myself or the situation might become dire. I had also lost my sword."


Moulin felt a hand rest on his clasped hands. The large hand felt rough yet warm. The hands of a warrior, that could wield weapons of any kind and cut down enemies of every race. This hand felt gentle and warm, resting gently on top of smaller, more delicate ones. Moulin's heart calmed. His heartbeat quickened. 

Hadrian spoke, his magnetic eyes seemed to pull Moulin inside them. His voice, deep and filled with warmth. "I saw you within the grasp of an unknown creature, watched you exhaust yourself at the settlement to defend the fortress, saw you collapse within the saferoom which trapped you, and watched you close your eyes for a long time... You were suffocating yourself. Pushing yourself too hard. Any more and you might have used your life essence..."

"..." Moulin fisted his hands. Listening quietly, recalling all he had done. However, he regretted nothing. "I must have worried you greatly..."

Hadrian calmly lifted Moulin's delicate hand near his face. Warm lips brushed on the rosy knuckles of the youth. "You were brave. But you were suffocating me. It... pained me... Do you understand what I feel?"

Moulin's chest tightened. "Yes... I do."

"You make me fear the future... " The man's voice became deeper and thicker. "You have caught me in a web of fear. And it haunts me every day... What should I do to keep you safe? Although I know it is in your nature to act when help is needed, I can't help but feel choked by fear." He rested his forehead on the back of Moulin's hand. "There are people after you and I do not know who... They almost caught you... Tell me, What should I do for you to allow me to shield you from the world?"

His words were broken but he spoke with heavy ease as if voicing out the rivers of worry in his heart. Hadrian closed his eyes. "I fear our future... "

Moulin chest had tightened at every word that came out from the man's mouth. He wanted to speak out words of comfort. To ease the man's concerns and worries. However, no words came out of his mouth. He could only sit there, silently.

The hand held by the man moved to his cheek. Caressing them with utter gentleness. Moulin had always said that nothing would happen to him. That he could protect himself. But in truth, he was weak. Vulnerable without his abilities... Moulin wanted nothing more but to become stronger to fight off anyone who would dare to capture him but at the same time, try to conceal himself and not make Hadrian and his family worry. Moulin suddenly felt selfish... 

He had not thought about Hadrian's concerns at all...

Moulin's eyes were wistful as he caresses Hadrian's cheek. "I'm sorry... I was rash and not thought deeply about how you felt..."

Hadrian slightly opened his eyes, turning his head to kiss the soft palm of the youth. "Let me... protect you. You can become stronger if you want, however, don't decline the protection I give... "

"Yes..." Moulin shifted his seat near to Hadrian. He leaned closer, whispering, "I will..."

He sealed his words as he pressed his lips on Hadrian's. 

Kissing his lover deeply with the oath in his heart.

A large hand lifted to the back of Moulin's head. Larg fingers weaved through the silver strands of wavy hair. Coiling them and gripping them, tightly. Moulin slightly felt a slight sting on his scalp as his head was pressed to surrender into the Lord's mouth. The youth gasped between the kiss.

Moulin felt like falling. Falling into the red thundering strength within the kiss they exchanged. It wasn't as gentle as Hadrian's words or as warmth as the lord's tone. A wave of hidden anger seemed to bubble and boil within, entirely different from the gentleness of Hadrian's spoken words. Moulin felt himself fall unto the mattress, lost in the deep sensuality of the kiss shared. His back hit the softness of the bed. His chin, lifted as Hadrian's mouth forced him to open. Tongues swirling in a sensual dance. 

Moulin's hand climbed around Hadrian's neck, his fingertips brushing on the man's neck, feeling the tight cords. A beastly dominant force, restrained, seeking release. Moulin felt it as he gasped for air. He tilted hus head upwards as heated lips shifted to kiss beneath his jaw. The hot tongue sliding in the crevice, feeling the pulse of life. 

"Let me hide you from the world..." The huskiness of the man's deep voice sent a shiver down Moulin's spine.

Moulin released a breath as the blankets hiding his bare legs were thrown away with a harsh tug. A large hand grabbed his thigh, fingers splayed on the fair skin, sneaking upwards into the silken robes. Moulin felt arousal seep into his skin, from the hand that crept up, grasping his bare hip. Hadrian's sinful mouth trailed down to the youth's collarbone.

"Hadrian..." Moulin furrowed his brows as the hand on his hip forcefully drag him forward. The back of his knees hooked at the edge of the bed. His hair was carelessly strewn over the covers. Silver eyes, moist and hazy, filled undeniable arousal.

Hadrian pulled back to assess the results of his work. His breath had gone rapid as he released a warm breath. Yanking his own collars open, he wrenched the laces on MouIin's robes. 


The strings were thrown to the ground without a care. Moulin unconsciously flinched at the sound. He yelped when Hadrian leaned over him, heir breaths mingled with desire. 

'How long since they have been together like this?' Moulin thought as he felt the harsh efforts of his lover's actions.

He felt a soft kiss on the spot where his neck and shoulders meet. Then bared teeth plunged mercilessly. Moulin winced, brows furrowing. It was once again taken aback when the back of his knees was lifted hooked around Hadrian's trying thighs. Spread and exposed. Moulin felt redness creep into his skin. Dyeing his shoulders and face red.

"Let me keep you to myself..." Words formed on the man's lips as Hadrian brought his breath to Moulin's ear. 

Thick fingers explored Moulin's inner thighs. Sliding to the secret crevice of the youth's body. Moulin sharply inhaled when he felt a brush on the bud of his leaking slit. 

"Ahh" A whimpering moan was released from the youth's mouth when a fingertip plunge inside and a warm hand grasped his own member. 

Delicate hands immediately grasped the man's shoulders as if bracing himself. Moulin panted, with uncertain eyes. His body writhed pitifully as he felt the intrusion of one thick digit. Slipping into the warm sheath of flesh. The lazy strokes on his member were addicting. 

Moulin's mouth parted as shameless moans began to leak from his mouth. Plunging in and out inside it, it did not take long for another finger to join the intrusion. The thrusts were fast and continuous. Seeming to aim to his deepest part but never could. Torturously. Like it was brewing the urge to beg. Moulin's fingers dug into the man's shoulders. Aware of what Hadrian wanted to achieve from his actions.

'Beg for me...' Was written in the man's deep eyes.

Moulin trembled.

Two became three...

"Do you want to wait until I put my whole hand inside?" Hadrian gazed down at the writhing form of his unyielding lover. Golden eyes seemed to darken as his movements become vigorous and merciless. "I wouldn't mind trying..."

Moulin yelped as he felt his body rock. Eyes shut, teeth-gnashing. Surrender seemed to become such a sinful treat in his mind. To offer his body to the man before him.

The wet sounds became clearer and his lithe body wanted to release. To be taken.

"My love... " Hadrian's lips hovered over Moulin's parted ones. His digits thrust and turned earning him a gasp from the delectable mouth. Moulin's toes curled as he shook his head. The release began to brew in his core.

Open-mouthed panting. Got breaths mingled. The heat on their skin. Moulin could not take it. He wanted something more, to reach the deepest part of him.

"P-Please... Please... put it inside..." Moulin squeezed his eyes shut. His fingers trembled as his arms fell over his head. Shame washed over him...

A grin formed on Hadrian's lips. The pleasure of the youth's surrender was intoxicating. He wanted more...

He removed his fingers and pulled back, beginning to disrobe when...

"My Lord..." 

A call was spoken from beyond the thick partition. A man in luxurious robes entered the receiving room of the tent. His scarlet eyes sweep the area.

It was Lord Ordan.

Moulin and Hadrian stiffened once they heard the voice.




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