A Gorgeous White

Chapter 139: A Lord Loyal To One Lord


The sound of shuffling fabric was clear within the bedroom.

The translucent silk curtains fluttered at the speed of fixing.

Meanwhile, beyond the curtains, a man in white robes that hugged his fit body in the right places walked with elegant steps. He was sure the person expecting him was present. Lord Ordan sweep his gaze around the room with his hand behind his back and his scabbard, gilded with gold, gleamed under the warm light of the lanterns illuminating the room. 


Ordan halted his steps the moment he heard a tiny bark. Though It sounded like it belonged to a kitten for its adorable softness. His gaze stopped at the table between two smooth couches. There was a small ball of snow-white fur with dazzling silver beady eyes. Furrowing his eyebrows, Ordan stared at the small beast on the table filled with plates of biscuits.


Did it belong to Lord Hercullio?

Ordan only turned his gaze away and coldly ignored the small creature. On the other hand, Snow lowered as he growled dauntingly. Who was this person? 

Ordan stiffened when he felt a have of hostile pheromones blew over him. It urged him to return and not come back. With wide eyes, he returned his gaze to the small snow-white fox on the small table. 

A Mystic Beast?

No, it could not be. This little thing? A Mystic Beast? But the pheromones seemed to belong to him. Scarlet eyes narrowed intriguingly. How interesting. The creature was too small to be called a mystic beast...

Snow felt that he was being insulted and he began to growl and snarl out curses in his own language. 

Suddenly, Ordan straightened his back. He turned his gaze away from the little fox as his eyes met the prominent figure of Lord Hercullio parting a partition curtain and entering the receiving room. His expression seemed momentous and frightening. Golden eyes locked on Ordan intently. 

"I greet your excellency..." Ordan briefly bowed his head. 

Hadrian walked with strong strides towards his desk. The collar was open and unbuttoned. Truthfully, seeing the lord of the Leonile Archnobility appear like this sent a wave of surprise to the Guild Lord of Guild Dragor. Lord Hercullio calmly sat at his desk, observing Ordan with deep murderous eyes.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of such an unexpected visit from you, Lord Cillius?" Hadrian eyed him. His mood was evidently low. His tone, threatening. 

"..." Ordan suddenly felt choked. Did he interrupt something?

From behind the thick partitions, a particular youth was suffocating himself on the pillow between his chest and knees. Burying his face on the feathery pillow in shame. His robes were fixed and he had wiped himself clean. He was hugging a pillow with knees up to his chest. 

He screamed and screamed and screamed.

'F*cking hell, f*cking hell, f*cking hell!!!"

He shook his head. Fumes spewed from his ears. Embarrassment washed him inside and out. Why was it always like this?! What the hell was this timing?!

He abruptly released his face and breathed in sharply. Stray strands of his fell in his face messily. Silver eyes stared at the partition with anger and irritation. He swore he was going to assassinate the bastard who dared to barge in!

He shuddered when he remembered Hadrian's extremely dark expression when he felt the bedroom. It was already a miracle that Hadrian didn't electrify the man to death or shock him until the intruder explodes.

Hadrian was unusually calm and restrained. Although the murderous intent in his eyes was exposed. 

Moulin kicked off the blankets around his legs and removed himself from the bed. The soles of his bare feet meet the floor and he walked a few steps towards the partition. He stood an inch before the partition, curious about the status of the intruder that dared to enter without permission. He slipped a fingertip at the edge of the curtain slit and peeked at the appearance of the intruder.

Right. So he could assassinate the asshole when he was done.

When his eyes caught a person standing before Lord Hercullio's desk, he took in the man's appearance. Silver eyes widened. Those scarlet eyes and the highly elegant robes with the insignia of the Dragor guild. Moulin knew quite well who the man was. It was the Esteemed Guild Lord of Guild Dragor. The leading top predominant guild in Azuran. 

Lord Ordan Cillius, Archnoble.

Moulin withdraw his gaze and pulled back his finger. Why was the distinguished Lord of Guild Dragor here before Hadrian? Wasn't he supposed to be relishing the resources of his own guild? Bathing in the luxury?

Tsk. This only made this harder to silently kill the man...

"Forgive me for disturbing you, My Lord..." Ordan's voice was spoken with veneration. 

Moulin's eyes slightly widen. A venerable person such as Lord Ordan had spoken in a way servants speak to their master. it was utterly shocking. The Cillius Archnobility was a family not to be dwindled with. It was powerful and extremely wealthy. Lord Ordan had taken the title of Lordship and was also the Guild Lord of the most prominent guild in Azuran. How was a man like him addressing Hadrian so respectfully?

"You came at a rather unfavorable moment." Hadrian stared down at him. "However, I will let this slide. You have done well with aiding us with the barrier."

"I only did what was expected of me, Milord." Ordan lowered his head.

"You have done great. However..." Hadrian shifted his gaze away. "It seems your subordinates are acting quite unruly. Several times have I seen them perform such abhorrent conduct. Like they were raised and taught like wild pigs than behaving like the pride of your guild." Hadrian's voice became darker and darker.

"I... I am at fault." Ordan immediately kneeled on one knee with a lowered head. "Forgive me... I have not properly disciplined them."

Moulin's eyes turned dull. Honestly, he could not bear watching the renowned man become such a sucker for Hadrian's boot. He silently listened to their conversation.

"Hmm..." Tapping his fingers on the surface of the table, Hadrian gave a bland look. Golden irises seem to consider forgiving the man. However, Hadrian didn't want to give Ordan the chance to sigh in relief. His silence only made Ordan want to dig his knees deeper in the earth. He had owed the lord his life. He didn't want to be derived from the Lord's forgiveness.

"Do not live so contentedly, Lord Cillius..." Hadrian stood up from his seat. His eyes oppressively stared down at the man before his desk. "Remember who it was that put you on that pedestal. If you disappoint me, don't even think about escaping..."

Although Lord Hadrian had overlooked his mistakes, the threat was clear. Ordan would need to carefully watch himself.

"Thank you for your mercy, Your Excellency..." Replied Ordan. 

Moulin furrowed his brows. At this moment, he felt as if he found one of Hadrian's secrets. Looking at the man, sitting like a magnanimous king, he felt as if he had not truly known him at all...


Snow suddenly barked at Hadrian. The sudden noise made Lord Ordan lift his gaze at the small snow-white fox now standing by his side. Snow was glaring at Hadrian, huffing like a kid having a tantrum.

Hadrian shifted his gaze to the emptied plates on the table. There were only tiny crumbs left that Snow found tiring to eat. Golden eyes narrowed annoyingly.


Snow once again barked. The little brat seemed to be asking to be fed more. 

"I'll send another plate later..." Hadrian shot the little beast a look.

"Ao!" Snow lifted his head arrogantly and scurried off towards the partition where the Lord's bedroom was located. The little snow-white fox slipped inside the curtains and disappeared from Ordan's view.

There was a surprised look on Ordan's face. So the little mystic beast truly belonged to Lord Hercullio. It was a strange thing to think that the all-powerful man before him had taken a small adorable creature as his pet. It was shocking. He was sure the others would think so as well.

Snow entered the bedroom and hastily pawed on his master's bare legs. Moulin bent and picked his little fox in his arms as he continued to listen to the discussion between the two men beyond the curtains while stroking Snow's head. Hadrian and the Lord proceeded to discuss other topics. So it was Hadrian's idea to summon Lord Cillius for help. It would have caused unrest to the rest of the guilds of Azuran and the imperial palace to find out that the two of the Guild Lords in Azuran had left their guild headquarters to personally intervene with the mission task. It was fortunate that both of them left quietly and discreetly.

When Lord Hadrian had dismissed Lord Cillius, the Dragor Guild Lord briefly stopped to glance at where the little snow-white fox had entered. Moulin narrowed his eyes as he wondered if the man had sensed his presence since he had entered. However, Lord Ordan left without a second thought. 

Moulin frowned. The evident loyalty in the esteemed Lord's eyes was apprehensible. One could detect it at a glance.

Not long after Hadrian returned to the bedroom looking irritated and dull. Moulin narrowed his eyes at him.

"You didn't even think of keeping anyone from entering the tent?!" Moulin hissed. Snow snarled along with his master.

Sighing in surrender to the ferocity of the youth's eyes, Hadrian spoke. "I had forgotten..."


"Although, I am speechless of your admittance, it doesn't excuse your mistake..." Moulin turned his gaze away as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Also I'm not in the mood of it anymore." Recalling the scene, Moulin wanted to yank his hair out in embarrassment.

Faintly, a smile stretched from Hadrian's lips. How had he missed their time together. Snow huffed as he smuggled in his master's embrace.

"I recognized the man you were conversing with." Moulin began. "Lord Ordan Cillius of the Dragor Guild... how?"

Seeing that there was no way he could conceal anything in front of his beloved, Hadrian cast a barrier around the tent and spoke, "We are both illegitimate children. The only difference was that he was weaker than me. I saved him from death, brought him the lord's seat of the Cillius Archfamily, and now he serves me. I gave him the chance to create a guild of his own so I would have eyes in Azuran and the Imperial family."

Moulin furrows his brows. Such fame and power he had given. "You have given him so much. Do you... not question his loyalty?"

A corner of the man's lip rose and his golden eyes darkened. "He cannot run from me even if he would try... His life is mine to use."

Moulin shuddered. Honestly, he could not help but feel slightly intimidated by this man. He turned his gaze away and settled Snow on the soft bed. "Give me my clothes back. I need to change."

"Can't you stay awhile?"

Moulin frowned. "Don't think that I wouldn't know what you plan with me by taking away my clothes and bringing me here."

Hadrian crossed his arms. "Stay."

'Are you kidding me?' Moulin rolled his eyes.

"Others would question my disappearance" Moulin objected.

"I'll let you have a warm bath in the tub. Lavender oils"

"..." Moulin stopped.

A bath... A delicious hot bath with scented lavender oils...

Moulin swallowed.


Damn it...


He sighed. "Fine..."

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