A Gorgeous White

Chapter 141: The Wolf Pup


It was a pitiful sight to see...

The thin body of the baby wolf has undoubtedly indicated its ailing health. It was shivering and trembling. The rising and lowering of his breaths were too fast than normal. 

Moulin furrowed his brows at Snow who was expectantly staring at his master. 

Did Snow know about this little creature?

It looks like a wolf. Its fur was extremely dark and filthy. There was crusted blood that stained its fur and snowflakes had scattered around its body. 

"It's merely some sick beast..." Hadrian narrowed his eyes as he glanced at his lover's little pet. 

Snow crouched down and carefully observed the unconscious little wolf. His expression looked serious as he stared. One would mistake his look as if he was assessing the worth of an object. However, silver eyes seemed to conceal the curiosity inside. It was so small and thin like it wouldn't be able to survive the harsh winters of this land. Moulin felt slightly pitiful.

"It doesn't look like one of the hellions..." Moulin muttered as he brought his hands to scoop the little guy from the rubble of bones. A faint whimper was released and Moulin felt an itch in his heart.

It is so small...

"It's not a hellion or any creature related to it..." Hadrian silently scrutinized the small beast in his lover's arms. 

The youth's gaze lifted in surprise. "I thought so too. Its body is too small for a baby hellion..." Moulin's voice softened.

Golden irises deepened, taking in the gentleness of the youth's gaze on the small wolf. Although Hadrian had no knowledge about what species this pup belonged to, he didn't care one bit. However, what raised his concern was that Moulin had softened up to the pup at first sight. The lord quietly felt a dreary future inside his mind.

"This little fox is quite peculiar..." Hadrian shifted his attention to Snow who was pawing on Moulin's legs, demanding to be carried as well. "Does he always lead you to strange places?"

Moulin paused. It took him a second to reply, "Sometimes..."

At the response, Hadrian decided to keep a sharp eye on the little brat. 

Still staring at the wolf pup in his arms, Moulin wondered if his arms were too cold. The pup was still trembling. It worried Moulin. He had never really paid attention to the coldness of his temperature for it never bothered him but now with a vulnerable thing nestling in his arms, Moulin slightly disliked his body.

"It won't stop trembling..." There was a hint of concern in Moulin's voice as he spoke. 

Hadrian had noticed it and his brows lowered. "Are you thinking of raising it?"

"Well... Yes." 

"Do you not think one spoiled brat is enough? I believe your little critter is already enough to keep you company..." 

"Ao!" Snow barked unhappily at Hadrian as if to refute to the man's words.

Moulin paused as he thought for a while. It was true that Snow was already enough trouble to take care of but as he gazed at the sick wolf pup in his arms, Moulin's lips pressed together. He really can't leave this little baby alone. 

Lowering his head and glancing at Hadrian, he muttered softly. "But isn't he pitiful?... he's just a small little pup..."

"Most of the creature's young are abandoned to fend for themselves."

"I am aware of that but-"

"Are you even disregarding the pile of skeletons that this little thing keeps as its bed?"

"I'm not blind to see that-"

"There a possible chance that this-"

"I said I will keep him." Moulin glared at Hadrian. His words were resolute and he didn't want another word of objection. Silver eyes blazed with determination like an exploding spark of fire. Once Moulin had decided on something, it was hard to change his mind.

Hadrian stared at him and sighed. "You are truly determined then you must raise it and tame it well..."

Moulin lifted his chin in satisfaction. He proudly devoured the sight of Hadrian's surrender. Afterwards, an eyebrow was raised and the youth shot him a confused look. 

"Why should I be the only one to raise it? We found it together, didn't we? So it would be fair if the both of us would raise it together..."

"..." Hadrian's expression was unreadable. Amusement emerged from the pair of golden eyes. "Your words are quite unconvincing-"

"Good, then it's settled. We'll raise it together!" Moulin interrupted him with an inarguable grin. His eyes were resolute and sharp. Appearing as if threatening with the dazzling smile on his face.


Moulin yanked his gaze away and glanced at the little fox on the ground. Snow was whimpering and sulking as he sat on the floor while staring at his master. His round eyes were pitifully teary as he stared at master. Moulin glanced at the trembling pup in his arms and the snow-white fox on the ground. 

Seeing the uncertain look of those bright silver eyes, a smirk played on the lord's face. He stepped forward and offered, "Give him to me. Your temperature might be too cold for him."

Moulin's eyes brightened and he offered the trembling pup to Hadrian's arm. Hadrian carried the tiny creature with his left arm with his cloak draping down his shoulders, it concealed the pup in his arms. The man felt the wolf curled itself within the sudden warmth around its body. Curious, Moulin moved the edge of the cape away and peeked at the tiny pup inside. He felt a bit sullen as he sees the little wolf comfortably leaning its head on Hadrian's chest.

"Hm..." He glanced at Hadrian's impassive expression. Silver eyes slightly curved into crescents. "You look adorable, My lord..." He gave a mocking smile.

Amusement flashed in Hadrian's eyes and he abruptly leaned his head closer and pecked on the youth's soft lips. Moulin was caught off guard but then he only raised an eyebrow. 

"Indeed, childish..."

Moulin turned and picked up Sow from the floor and both in and Hadrian began to exit the cave. Moulin had thought about the piles of bones that surrounded the wolf pup. There were large ones that were the size of his leg and even the smallest ones were smaller than his pinky. Undoubtedly, it belonged to more than one creature. Some of the bones were crushed like they had been mauled and the only living creature there was the wold pup. It was impossible to pup to devour numerous beasts as its body was thin at a terrible degree.

So what could've done it?

Moulin and Hadrian emerged from the mouth of the cave. The frigid snow welcomed them as they exit the cave.

"Let's head back..." Hadrian glanced at the youth by his side. As his mouth released those words, he stopped. His gaze was fixed on the young man by his side. His pale skin had a tint of rosiness on his cheeks and the delicate curves of his ears as if he was dabbed with rose petals. Long lashes cast shadows as they curled upwards beautifully. And his eyes, like the moon's silver shine, held beauty and the adamantine spirit of the youth.

When Moulin realized the silence of the man beside him, he turned his head and his eyes met the unfathomable gaze of the lord. Moulin paused. Seeming to decipher that look and realizing that he didn't need to. Moulin smiled. 

"Do you find me attractive?" He shamelessly spoke.

Hadrian's brows rose. A throaty chuckle tickled Moulin's chest as mirth revealed itself from Hadrian's eyes. "If I say yes, what will I get in return? My praise does not come cheap..."

Moulin raised an eyebrow. "Confident are you?"

The youth turned his gaze away and walked ahead. "It's time to leave..."

Hadrian shook his head amused at the youth's unwillingness to submit. In their coupling, Moulin was more straightforward and extremely compliant. However, Moulin's stubbornness still amused Hadrian greatly.

Both of them returned to the camp before noon. The thick clouds were already hovering over the camp and the winds were becoming quite fierce. Decidedly, tomorrow would mark their departure to Rafelon. A transportation ring was already built after some time and the preparations for departure were finished. They only have to stay a few hours after dawn and they would leave. Moulin satisfied himself in the comforts of Hadrian's tent and of course the Lord's bathtub. He dressed, ate, and slept by the Lord's side after feeding the little pup who had fallen asleep beside the little fox.

The next day, Moulin woke up early and surprisingly finding the wolf pup who had slept on the floor beside Snow was now curling itself on the Lord's stomach. He grinned humorously before realizing that Hadrian had been awake the whole time. After a harmonious discussion, he slipped away from Hadrian's tent and entered his secretly. Grumbling while once again checking his things before Alsander suddenly opened the flaps of his tent and helping himself inside Moulin's cramped tent and rambling about how he missed the food from his estate. Moulin had to remind himself that he had to escape the tent before Eilhara would find him as well.

"Honestly..." Moulin frowned when he had escaped too late and found Eilhara grinning before him the moment he opened the flaps of his tent. 


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