A Gorgeous White

Chapter 142: Ambush


At the first light of dawn, everyone had awoken.

Moulin was standing silently. Elegantly garbed in his sentinel uniform, the cape draped down his back, ending slightly above the ankle. His suit hugged his body in the right places. His satchel rested a bit below the right side of his waist as the strap laid across his chest, slung over his left shoulder. A hand on the hilt of his sword that hung on his belt. 

The youth stood elegantly as he watched the elves chant a strange incantation in their elven tongue. Fingers, weaving something in the air as the empty tents floated and folded themselves. Tucking themselves into a bag that could be carried. The strange magic never failed to impress Moulin. 

Every person appeared to be busy. Even the silver-eyed people could not help but be indebted too much, deciding to help carry a couple of baggage. 


Moulin lowered his gaze and found two pairs of adorable eyes staring at him. His heart immediately softened. Snow's was plumper than the wolf pup peeking beside him. When the pup had opened his eyes, Moulin was surprised to witness a pair of golden eyes. They were radiant, filled with the innocence of a babe and bright curiosity of the world. If he could compare it with Hadrian's eyes they were less cold and more enthusiastic.

After a thorough bath, the grime and the filth were washed off, revealing its neat pitch black fur. Its belly had strange silver markings. Unlike Snow's markings in his Opallian form, they looked more like written symbols arranged in an elegant manner. Silver swirls decorated its four paws. Even on its chest, although they appeared vague, the silver markings were obvious. When it whined or cry out, it was soft and low. Hadrian found it uninteresting and displeasing. He was slightly expectant because of its unknown origin. What does he expect? That a little pup would howl like a normal wolf? 

They haven't decided on a name for the little guy. Hadrian had always called it 'creature', 'sick beast, or 'pup'. Moulin thought that the man had only resorted to calling the wolf pup with those names because he hadn't decided on an official name. 

Moulin hushed the two little creatures in his bag, promising them a sweet palan fruit afterward if they were good. Snow gave a conceding bark and the little wolf followed before Moulin pushed their heads back in the satchel using a finger. When Moulin returned his gaze, he found Rowan and the other Leonile sentinels. His feet took long strides towards them. 

• • • • • • • •

"Excuse me..." 

Moulin stopped tying the ropes on the baggage and looked behind him. He was crouching on the snowy ground, finishing up when a low voice sounded from above him. It was a tall man wearing the uniform of the dragor guild. Moulin recognized that the man was one of Relena's people. A few people of the same guild were standing behind him.

Moulin narrowed his eyes. It's the men that had spoken behind his back when they were in Thundralln. Although he sensed no animosity, he was cautious of what they were going to start with him.

Standing up, the youth faced them while wearing an inscrutable expression. 

The man felt awkward as he faced Moulin's uninterested countenance. He only lowered his head and sincerely spoke out, "I and my men haven't got the chance to express our gratitude. Thank you for saving us... "

Moulin slightly raised his eyes, "I don't remember saving you..."

"Perhaps you have forgotten how some of us were infected after the battle underground within the island fortress. I and my men deeply remembered how you initiated to save your captain and us as well." He lowered his head in a bow, "We have judged you wrongly..." 

The men behind him swallowed their pride and bowed with their leader. 

A flash of surprise appeared in the youth's silver eyes. However, it was gone after a millisecond. Moulin only gave them a nod and accepted their apologies and gratitude. Light filled their eyes and they took in Moulin's hidden graciousness behind the youth's expressionless countenance. Even they didn't know that Moulin didn't truly felt any significance from their actions. 

"They apologized to you?" Alsander neared Moulin once the group of sentinels left. 

"Mn..." Moulin responded with a nod. 

"You really opened the eyes of those kinds of people? The Guild Dragor has a lot of spineless and arrogant jerks. They usually swarmed around weak-looking people. After witnessing countless of their stupidities, I can believe that they could apologize to you. Do they seem sincere?"

Moulin shrugged, "I couldn't care less if they're sincere or not."

Alsander grinned, "My friend, you are quite peculiar..."

Rolling his eyes, Moulin decided to ignore Alsander as he waited for further instructions from Rowan. After half an hour of listening to Alsander's endless ranting, Moulin found Lord Hadrian and Lord Ordan walking towards the structured teleportation ring. Lord Ordan seemed to look as if he and Hadrian stood at the same level of supremacy. There was an air of sovereignty around him as if the scene at Hadrian's tent which Moulin had witnessed had never happened. Lord Ordan concealed his loyalty quite well. 

Moulin could see the bright eyes of the Guild Lord's men as their gazes followed their lord with adherence. Moulin wondered how their expressions would change once they knew that this man was a spy of Lord Hercullio, that this man had kneeled before Lord Hadrian and swore his allegiance with his life. Moulin truly wanted to witness that scene.

When Hadrian raised his hand and gave the signal, the seers activated the portal and the ring glowed brightly. The palace's back courtyard was revealed and those who patiently waited for their entry were no other than the princes of Thundralln and the elves of the court.


"Royal brother!" The princess felt her eyes tear up as she ran inside the portal with her guards. Nordehl and his brothers all welcome the princess in their arms. The scene was warm and almost tearful. Moulin's eyes softened as he remembered his own brothers. 

Lord Ordan signaled the people to enter first. The hostages entered the portal in a line, they were hasty and their eyes moistened as relief flooded them. Moulin patiently watched with the other sentinels as the people hurried to get to the other side of the portal. Finally, when it was the sentinels' turn, the lords decided to stay behind as they watched their people enter the portal.

Moulin's boots left the snow-covered ground and stepped the stoned ground of the courtyard. The cold breeze had left him and what welcomed him in his entry was the fresh scent of nature. The warm wind danced around his hair as he walked forward with his fellow sentinels.

Moulin stood back and waited for their lord to enter once the rest of the sentinels and their mounts entered the portal.

As he watched, he felt a strange feeling. He glanced at by his side and found numerous elves and maeruthans watching as the people stepped into the portal. His brows furrowed. He returned his gaze to the teleportation ring. A strange feeling as though something would go wrong crept up his spine.


A commotion began as the sentinels hurriedly entered the portal. Others paused as they watched the events transpiring at the other side of the ring. Multiple people wearing black emerged from the snow-covered earth! Some headed towards the ring while others charged at the two lords. Their nails were long and sharp, almost metal-like. Their eyes were crimson red with a manic thirst for blood.

Lord Hadrian and Lord Ordan were the only ones left who had not entered the portal. They were unfortunately obstructed by their opponents.

The people who entered the ring began to face the sentinels and the warrior elves. The people and the princess were hurriedly taken elsewhere as the princes joined the battle. More and more black-robed people flooded the courtyard and the sentinels were pushed back. Mana clashed in the air as maeruthans began to use their abilities to destroy the enemies.

Nordehl immediately ordered his warriors to aid the lords. However, Relena stopped them as she pointed at the cracking structure of the transportation ring. The explosion had affected the ring greatly. When a part of the structure shattered, Moulin's eyes constricted. Anger filled his eyes as he started to run towards the ring. However, a hand suddenly pulled him back. Moulin harshly glared at the person who dared to stop him.

Alsander shook his head. "Are you crazy? What do you think you're doing? The ring is going to collapse and even if you go back it would take weeks to rebuild it again. You would be trapped with the lords!" 

"I know what I'm doing." Moulin hissed as he yanked his arm back and took off the satchel, "Take this to the imperial oracle. It will be helpful." He knew the candles had meant something.

"What?" Alsander took the bag and watched as Moulin turned away from him, "Wait! Moulin!"

Moulin ignored him and rushed towards the ring. He unsheathed his sword and slashed his way through the tens of enemies that dared block his way. Blood splattered on his clothes. His movements were agile and quick. However, the opponents were too many. Almost a hundred had already entered the ring and Moulin knew that the ring had to be destroyed before more would come. 

He ignored a deep cut on the shoulder as he finally entered the other side of the portal. He ducked to evade a slash to his neck and turned to shoot several ice crystals at the transportation ring. Taking one last look at the people beyond the ring, Moulin watched the ring freeze into solid ice. The portal disappeared and the ring instantly shattered. The enemies, whose body went through the portal at the same time it froze, had their bodies and limbs severed. 

Guttural screams noised in the frigid air as Moulin began to retreat a little when more and more men began to charge towards him all at once.

"Gh!" Moulin barely avoided a swift cut to his stomach. He began materialized a wall of ice when his body grew slightly sluggish and his mana weakened.


The wound on his shoulder began to bleed out along with purplish fluid. His eyes constricted.


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