A Gorgeous White

Chapter 149: Moumou Is Marvelous, Magnificent, and Majestic


The grimy filth clung to his boots. Slimy green fluids stained his already filthy pants. However, the youth's expression didn't change. Silver eyes remained impassive and cold. His expression appeared fierce as silver strands danced with the dusty breeze. Although the filth decorated his body, he didn't look too concerned about how he looks. 

Usually, females of his kind would ramble about even the tiniest bit of filth on their skin, thought the young naga sprawled on the ground. He furrowed his brows, feeling a strange feeling well up inside him the more he looked at the stunning creature standing before him. Her eyes were the diamond of her being. Her silver eyes were indeed marvelous. How elegant.

Moulin suddenly spat on the ground. He shuddered when he felt green slime smear his lips. Bitter and disgusting. His face contorted. "Ugh..."

"..." The naga stared at him. 

Moulin turned his gaze to the young naga on the ground. He witnessed those bright green serpentine eyes shine as the young naga stared back at him. 

Moulin frowned.

"I am not a woman..." He glared at the snake-human. "Speak about it one more time and I will cut off that beastly tongue of yours..."

Green eyes widened. He felt choked as the youth stared down at him. As if invisible hands were wrapped around his neck, squeezing every bit of life from his body. Unconsciously, the naga reached a hand to his neck as he felt a sudden force that made him refuse to look away from those glowering silver eyes. When Moulin turned his head away, he breathed out in relief. 

The youth's words echoed in his mind. "Not a woman?"

Glancing back at the silver-eyed Maeruthan, he examined his body from head to toe. He didn't look too long for the youth would notice it. There were definitely no breasts but the slenderness of the body would prove his feminity. However, the youth clearly declared that he was no woman. "..."

Embarrassment brought a flush to his face, he muttered an apology before rising from the ground.

"If you don't want to live then just say so. You'd only waste my time..." Moulin glared at him as he looked around with narrowed eyes.

"Thank you for saving me..." The young naga lowered his head. "Forgive me for my recklessness..."

"We all die. But it is a pitiful death to die because of foolishness..."

"...yes" The naga looked around as he took in the words his father would always tell him that had come out from someone even younger than him. 

Moulin ignored him and began to cautiously observe the area. While the mother devil worm was led away by Hadrian, the eggs had hatched and now Moulin and the other nagas were standing on a trap. Adult devil worms easier to detect underground, however, the hatchlings, with their smooth skin and undeveloped scales, there we're able to smoothly travel underground undetected.

How annoying...

Moulin felt a slight tremble from beneath him. He and the young naga quickly leaped a few steps away.

Suddenly, a devil worm bursts out from where they previously stood. Its skin was fleshy pink and the ends of their tail were bright red. When the worm screeched because of the loss of its targeting began to wriggle gruesome towards Moulin and the naga. The naga had lost his spear when he escaped from the emergence of the mother devil worm rendering him vulnerable.

The worm was fast when it charged at Moulin. Mouth open and wide, it charged to latch on the youth's leg. However, Moulin stepped away and plunged the tip of his sword on its head. It pierced through the worm's head. Death immediately claimed it. With narrowed eyes, Moulin withdrew his sword and swung the blade behind him where a worm had burst out from the ground beside the young naga. 


With a heavy swing, the worm's head detached from its body and it rolled on the ground lifeless.

"Do you wanna die?" Moulin roared at the naga. Why the hell was he just standing there?! 

"I-I'm sorry..."

With a groan, Moulin glared at him before dragging the naga by the arm. He searched for the other nagas who were desperately searching for their tribesmen. He cut down several devil worms in his way as he searched. When Moulin found a small group of nagas several meters ahead of him. He forcefully walked up to them.

Stupid little snake-human! He's lucky I still have the patience to deal with his stupid head!

Although he really wanted to be cruel and just leave the bags to fend for himself, he recalled how the naga's father really treasures his son. He couldn't do it.

Why am I like this? Moulin internally snorted.


Moulin stopped when he saw the naga leader with the rest of his men. The father looked fierce and threatening as he saw the female, holding a sword and dragging his son by the arm like a captive. Anger filled his eyes as he snarled. The other nagas pointed their spears at Moulin.

Moulin only gave them an uninterested look before pushing the young naga to them. Honestly, he didn't want to babysit this adult snake-human. His actions spoke 'here! Take your stupid son! I quit!'

The father naga took his son in his arms, looking for wounds and other signs of injury. Fortunately, there wasn't. With a sigh, he quickly ordered his men to attack the Female. Female or not, she deserved to die!

With wide eyes, the son immediately ordered the men to stand down. His actions brought confusion to his father's face. He quickly told them how moulin 'heroically' saved him and emphasized how Moulin was male and not female. The existence of an Aphrodite maeruthan was none existent in their minds.

After the naga's brief explanation, they all turned silent. This slender looking had rescued one of their own and even protected him. The sword within the grasp of the Maeruthan glistened with green filth. It indicated how many gruesome worms the youth had killed.

The naga leader moved his son aside and bowed to the youth with their fist on the middle of their chest. The rest of the nagas followed after their leader. Moulin only gave them a nod and then turned to find Hadrian and Ordan. The Mother devil worm would not stop once it found prey.


Moulin furrowed his brows. What now?

He turned his head and gazed behind his shoulder. A crease appeared between his brows.

The young naga's hand was outstretched. "Serya and my people will help you... find them..."


Moulin furrows his brows. He glanced at the other nagas who had the same expressions as the leader's son. Serya...

The naga leader nodded to Moulin to show his willingness of helping the youth. 

Perhaps it would be better to have more people to help. They were willing after all. Moulin thanked them briefly. His eyes stared at the trail of the mother devil worm, silently. How were they going to kill something that big?


White flashed before all the naga's eyes. A large white beast stood before Moulin's figure. Its tails were threateningly huge, swaying elegantly behind its back. Ferocious silver eyes gleamed with the urge to maul. Fangs bared. Sharp claws scraped the ground. The golden marks on the beast's crown glistened marvelously. The nagas all slithered backwards. 

What confused th was the tiny black pup sitting on the massive fox's head. Its teeth were adorably bared. However, it was less threatening. Instead, it looked... adorable.


Moulin turned around and scolded. He Flowers at the fox. "Where have your two been? Did I not tell you to stay close to the site?! We were about to leave, you brats!"

At the volume of his voice, the two beasts cowered. Their whimpers could penetrate one's soul making them look pitiful. However, Moulin was so angry he almost wanted to pinch their ears and planned to leave them to starve tonight. He inhaled a sharp breath before hearing at the two one last time. "I'm so disappointed in you two..."

The wolf pup howled sullenly. His little cries were heart-wrenching. Moulin felt slightly pitiful but he steeled himself. They had to be taught a lesson!

But before that, they must go and help defeat the mother devil worm.

Moulin turned to the nagas who flinched when his eyes abruptly landed on them. "...?"

There were admiration and slight fear as they stared at the youth, awaiting his words. Even the naga leader could not help but be impressed and shocked. Such a dangerous beast actually belonged to this young man? Even the strongest in his tribe could not compare to this human!

"Tell me. Do you know how to destroy the mother of the devil worms?" He asked Serya.

Serya translated the youth's question to make it easier for his father to understand. His father knew of the forests better than anyone he had ever known. The naga leader replied to Serya who immediately translated his father's words.

"Adult devil worms in these forests have only one weakness. The spot between their eyes is where its core is located. However, its skin is as hard as the hardest stone in this forest. Thus, if one would shoot an arrow in the eyes, it would be defeated."

An arrow? It would be simpler if his mana hadn't gone stagnant. Moulin released a groan.

No, a spear would do...

With a nod, he thanked Serya. He patted Snow on the back to signal Snow to lower himself. Caressing Snow's head and whispering some punishments if he wouldn't do well, he mounted the beast's furry back. Snow pitifully whined briefly, before determination sinks in his silver eyes. Right, he was going to be good and money his master, and maybe master would spare him from his punishments!

The wolf pup neared Moulin and settled in front of Moulin's stomach. Comfy~

Silver eyes glanced at the nagas behind him. At the corner of his eye, he looked at Seryu whose eyes were filled with admiration. Moulin nodded to him and he turned his gaze away. His fingers curled around Snow's fur. He patted a finger twice and Snow took that as the signal to depart. 

The naga leader signaled his men to follow the youth mounting on the mystic beast. It was a marvelous sight to witness. Possessing such fierceness and beauty, the majestic youth became even more magnificent in their eyes.

Unaware of the nagas' thoughts, Snow jumps over the wide crater and swiftly landed on the other side. His paws created dents on the ground where the mother devil worm left its trail. Determination filled the youth's gleaming eyes of silver. 

He hoped Hadrian was alright when he finds him.

His brows furrow in worry.

As he was lost in his thoughts, the black wolf pup in front of him was happily enjoying the wind hitting his face. His tongue dangled out of his mouth as his eyes squinted with mirth. 



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