A Gorgeous White

Chapter 150: Drawing On a Rock

Where is he?

Swallowing hard, he felt the dryness in his throat. The interior of his clenched hands felt hot and sweaty as he held on to Snow's fur. Because of the harsh wind as Snow sped up, silvery strands fell on his face but he was too worried to even bother with it. With the hopes of finding Lord Hadrian, silver eyes darted around the areas they would swiftly pass by. However, there was not a trace of the golden-eyed man. 

Dread filled Moulin's chest. 

Slithering and catching up to the Snow-white mystic beast were numerous snake-human creatures. Their threatening forms looked terrifying. Their strong tails swiftly moved on the ground as if gliding. Fast and treacherous. Muscles bulged with explosive strength and the spear within their hands glinted with threat. It was the naga leader and his son who led the tribesmen to aid their companion, a maeruthan with remarkable silver eyes.

Serya glanced upwards at the back of the slender young maeruthan on his mount. He had perceived the great concern the youth had for his companions. It made Seryu slightly guilty. He knew he had to find the youth's companions to be able to earn the youth's trust. Determination filled his serpentine eyes as the grip around his spear tightened.

Wherever the mother devil worm made its path, all that was left was destruction. Hundreds of trees were either uprooted or crushed. The earth had curved under the worm's great weight, smashing every stone and boulder. Even the mountainsides were deformed. A massive creature such as that who was even capable of flattening mountains was considered a demon's creation. They were meant to multiply and destroy everything in its path

They had to be obliterated.


Moulin narrowed his eyes as Seryu's voice entered his ears. He fixed his gaze ahead of the pile of destroyed trees where a massive pitch-black chasm split the earth. Snow skillfully jumped over the bodies of crushed trees and landed a step before the dark abyss. The distance between Snow's paws and the edge of the cliff was precarious. The nagas approached the chasm with an uneasy feeling.

Moulin lowered his gaze. The end of the Devil worm's trail ended here. However, there was no sign of Hadrian or the other nagas with him. 

A beastly screech echoed from the dark chasm. It was loud mad ear-piercing. There was a slight tremble on the cliff sides.

"They could still be alive... deep in the chasm..." Seryu's voice aimed to comfort the youth, however, Moulin's worried expression didn't change.

Clenching his fists, Moulin stared intently at the pitch-black chasm. It appeared like whatever enters it could never resurface. It was fearsome and intimidating. An ache erupted in Moulin's chest as he felt dread sinks in his stomach.

No matter what he was going to find him.

"You don't have to accompany me." Moulin calmly turned his head to Seryu. "I will go alone from here."

"My people and I can see within the dark. We will be able to help you locate your companions." Seryu persisted. He cannot let Moulin enter the abyss alone. Even if he had the skills and the ability to destroy, the youth was still mortal. And the chaos brought by the Devil worm would end even the mightiest warriors. "We will accompany you..."

Moulin furrowed his brows. Hesitation flashed in his eyes but then he dismissed it when he faced Seryu's serious expression. With a nod, Moulin turned his gaze to the other nagas. He took in the similarities of their expression identical to Seryu's determined countenance. Moulin silently appreciated their willingness and he turned his head. 

"Hold tight..." He whispered to the black wolf pup sitting in front of him before he signaled Snow to move forward. 

With a sound of agreement, Snow yipped deeply. He took a couple of steps back before charging towards the abyss. His paws left the jagged edge of the cliff. Rocks and sprinkles of dust tumbled down the edge, falling into the pitch-black abyss. 

Moulin trusted Snow's sighting the dark. He knew the fox was able to see in the dark ever since their lives in the northern mountain.

The youth and his mount vanished into the darkness. Seryu turned towards his father and all of them began to skillfully climb down the cliff.

* * * * * * *

"Haah... Haah... Haah..."

Moulin breathed out. He let his breathing calm him. The fall had slightly shaken him. It felt endless and frightening. He could not see.



He heard two little noises and a faint smile claimed his face within the dark. "I'm fine..."


As he spoke, tiny luminous objects on the pitch-black ground glowed a luminous aquamarine blue. The glow was reflected on Moulin's eyes when he looked down curiously. Tiny stalks filled the edge of the cliff walls that were several meters from where he stood. The luminous stalks had round heads at the end of the stalks. The heads glowed brighter than their bodies. They swayed and glowed brightly when a faint breeze brushes them by. Like luminous blue grass. It looked ethereal.

Moulin then felt a strong tremble of the earth beneath them followed by a loud monstrous screech from the darkness in front of him. A strong breeze hit them making the glowing plants around them glow wildly.

"They're near..." 

"Woof!" The black fox in front of him barked in agreement. 

"Snow, let's go" Moulin patted the wolf to sit down comfortably on Snow's fluffy fur. "Behave."


Snow began to huff as he moved his strong legs. The ground trembled as the large beast began to swiftly travel through the wide path. The luminous plants glowed as the beast passed by them. Their trail was marked by the glowing plants that danced beside the towering walls of the cliff. It appeared like two glowing lines of cyan were lighting a path for him.

A loud piercing screech almost made Moulin's eardrums burst. He winced as he gripped on Snow's fur.

They must be close!

Finally, when they abruptly encountered a strong breeze, squinting silver eyes followed the sight of the luminous plants, finally taking in the sight of a massive open-mouthed worm with bright red armored scales. It was violently shaking as it screeched loudly. It's long coiling body smashed against the walls as quick figures flashed around its body. Sparks flew in the air as metal collided with the thick scales. 

A head of Auburn hair could be seen as he fiercely wielded his sword skillfully. His nimble feet touched the rocky walls when he jumped of the creature's body. He forcefully pushed his body forward and he lunged to connect his sword to the worm's head, however, the worm sensed his speedy approach and the man had to swivel his body to the side to avoid being swallowed by the massive round mouth. 


Ordan grunted as his body crashed to the ground. The pain engulfed his body as he rolled to the side of the ground, his body meeting the rocky wall. "Augh!"

The devil worm ceased it's violent movements the moment Ordan hit the wall. Its body coiled and the creature's grotesque head drew nearer the groaning man. The rotating rings of teeth in its open mouth were ready to swallow and tear the suffering mortal into pieces. However, a sharp light flashed.



Green blood sprayed in the air. It dyed the cold black ground in drops. A figure flashed and Ordan's body disappeared.

Golden eyes blazed with murderous intent.

Heavy boots landed behind a tall rock lightly with ease. Hadrian watched the writhing creature cries out in pain. He carefully put down Ordan who groaned as he struggled to stand up on his own, however his knees would always crash on the ground.

Filled with shame, Ordan gnashed his teeth, "Forgive me, My lord. I have failed you..."

"You have done well, Ordan..." Hadrian narrowed his eyes at the Devil Worm who began to wriggle its body in pain. They have led the mother worm here in cliff but unfortunately, the fall didn't destroy the beast. Although it managed to crack parts of its armor body, it wasn't enough to make it suffer. The only damage that seemed successful was the slash on the Worm's almost non-existent eyes. Thankfully, they had discovered it.

The worm screeched loudly. There was a vague hissing in the noises the devil worm releases. It indicated its raw boiling anger. Its fury could almost be smelled in the air. 

Hadrian narrowed his eyes, "Can you get up?"

Ordan nodded by then he groaned when he felt a crack on his right knee. He hissed at the pain and cursed under his breath. Furrowing his brows, he refused to face Lord Hadrian and kept head low. 

Hadrian turned his head away to think of another means to distract the devil worm wreaking havoc at the bottom of the cliff. Its cries were spine-chilling and the roaring rotation of its rings of teeth could make one lose their soul out of fear. The Devil worm was screeching loudly as it moved to find its prey with one small eye.

Suddenly, a black pebble rolled and stopped a couple of meters towards Hadrian's boot. Lifting a cold gaze, Hadrian's eyes fixed on a head of white hair hiding behind a small hollow area between the rocks of walls. Emotions ran chaotically, swirling in the pools of gold within those eyes. Why was he here?

Moulin furrowed his brows as the piercing cries of the worm entered his ears. He shushed the little Snow and the wolf pup beside him and returned his face to Hadrian who was several meters away from him. While cautiously glancing at the raging worm, Moulin narrowed his eyes as he thought of a way to communicate with the two lords without catching the attention of the beast. But how?...


Moulin flinched. After checking that the sound didn't catch the attention of the worm, he turned his head and glared at Snow and the wolf pup who was playing and popping the glowing stalk heads of the luminous plants. Glowing aquamarine fluids stained their furs and even the tip of their snouts. The wolf pup stuck out its tongue playfully as he turned around, presenting itself to Moulin's eyes. Snow on the other hand was sitting still. Like a life-like statue.

"Keep quiet!" He whispered. However, as he stared at the ink-like glowing fluid, an idea emerged in his mind.

Hadrian swiftly stepped into the inner part of the rock when he felt the movements of the Devil worm gradually becomes slow and more serious to hunt its prey. His grip clenched around his sword calmly. 

Suddenly, a circular rock rolled to his boot. He stopped and eyed the rock that was the size of his palm. Luminous fluids smeared its side. Hadrian flipped the rock and a drawing of two eyes and a crystal between them was revealed before his gaze.

The drawings were child-like and cute. Round little eyes and a diamond-shaped in the middle.

A faint smile appeared on his face. The suffering Ordan who was right him widened his eyes in disbelief. 

In this situation?!

Moulin peeped nervously beyond the rock. Does he get it?



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